BYLAW - Standardize Subdivision Requirements - 19660613 - 167266BY-l!.AW NUMBER 1672-66 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURBRA A BY-LAW TO STANDARIZE REQUIREMENTS IN GRANTING APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION PLANS AND SUBDIVISION AGREEMENTS. WHBEEAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, deems it expedient to revise By-law Number 1528, and further standardize the requirements in granting the approval of subdivision plans, and subdivision agreements, and to ascertain that certain items pertaining thereto are a requisite of such agreement. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT BY-LAW 1528, be hereby ,repealed and be replaced by the following: That the giving of any approval by the Council of the C~rporation of the Town of Aurora, to the application of any owner, of, or any persons interested in, real property located within the Corporation of Aurora, for the subdivision of such real property, or, any part or parts thereof, be conditional upon the following requirements which the Council of the said Corporation, may consider just and proper before approving of any such application 1. No owners of any land within the limits of the Town of Aurora whose Plan of 1Al \7 Subdivision has not been rev·:!;ewed by the Aurora Planning BoardAhas not had the ;fdft 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. /~ ' . fi!JC<--f_ approval of the Town Council, prior to the passing hereof, ~subdivide same without first complying with the following provisions. Payment of Capital Levy of $600.00 for a 50 foot lot frontage, plus for each foot of frontage over 50 feet, and that a frontage average $2.50 per foot _/if. __vN/G to be taken ·· on irregular lots. Donation of school sites or other satisfactory Paved streets with ~Obs and gutters to D.H.O. Street Signs and regulatory signs .• ~/JH arrangement.-~~~ Specificiations;/£n/f{f'J' Street Lighting, with all wire services underground~£~~ Sidewalks -on both sides of the street ;1'//z/f'/' ~ Sewers, both storm and sanitary. Storms of adequate depth if required to take care of weeping tile and all roof drainage to be carried to the storm sewer., .;!!z{ c;::' Watermains. if;; ;; t iJn . r.Jif!.' .ff 'rf f Balancing of residential assessment with Industrial and/or commercial using the!//!:/ ,') . formula basis at the prevailing rate at the time of application of subdivision.· For the purpose of this section commercial assessment will be credited at fifty per cent (50%) of its assessed value. ''.-. . . BJ-LAW NUMBER 1672-66 - 2 - 11. Planea tree or have a tree on every lot satisfactory to Council and tree must be approved when services are accepted. fl!!Tr/ 12. Industrial/Commercial buildings must be fully assessible, constructed on the prevailing formula ~atio accordingly. and then hom~7may be _fi/M/7 13. Sod each lot in front yard and to 10 feet in rear of buildings, includi~. side -IJ!t!f!?' utiliz.ed as drive way and driveways be paved. /f/1/• 14. That the Subdivider must connect to our existing connections~~~~ l5. That all the above services be in accordance with the Town Specifications/f,t!~ not 16. A condition of application with a Subdivider, be that he, or they, must agree~~ application, and passing of a Zoning By-law within the particular subdivision. 17. That a plot plan of every lot must be submitted showing the the addition or erection of a garage or carport. designated loca~~~~ /·~d 18. That wherever possible, existing trees remain standing. ~~JPUC 19. That water meters be installed in each residence according charged to the Subdivider. to To~.:~~~cifications _/#IHP' and 20. 21. Provide Park Lands to an amount determined by the Minister or cash in lieu thereof~~ SIIBDIVIDER must deposit a per.;;fiiio~rmKXlanomce~blf:oM:n~dl6foK:rliD€·oietl!lhiCe!6rOOg€u~aillrfia§n0t11efieOOs~a~t~ii,lls!llfSiaeicij{,tory· to Council • ~JOOC~" . 22. 23. Subdivider to pay Engineering and Inspection fees covering the services~~ Approval of the Plan is not deemed to give assurance that the building permit;:~~~ be issued. 24. Any redivision of block shown on the plan should be reviewed by the Planning Boat,d~~ ,/#(fJ{,tl' / before issuance of permit. 25. Adjoining streets must be kept in good and usable condition during constructi~~ 26. All. conditions of the Agreement passed to heirs and or assignees.~~ 27. Developer to convey one foot reserves at outer end of all roads.~~~ 28. Large subdivisions shall proceed in 50 lot parcels on prepayment of all services~~ ;' 29. Residential property must be separated from Commercial or apartment areas by~ which must be maintained by the deveihpper or his assignees. 30. Pedestrian walkways shall be improved by ~and fencing by heavy guage chatn_~~?, ?0Ar~ ------~~--~---MAYOR t3 ~· DAYOF ~. ,1966. READ A SECOND TIME THIS l'Q..,Uc; DAY OF~ ,1966. MAYOR ,--"" CLERK :~L::~ALLY PASSED THIS Mi..~-J DAY OF~. ,1966. ~~·