BYLAW - Restrict Parking of commercial Vehicles - 19660627 - 169566·--------- BY-LAW NUMBER 1695-66 MJJENDED BY BY-LAW NO .... ..!..f~'A;:t;,; OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA TO RESTRICT PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. FoiL .the pWtpOhe on .t/U.6 .6eetiol!! CmrmeJtcial Mo.tolt Veh.i.c..tu .6haU. meal!! a.l!!y mo.tolt veh.i.c..te ha.v.<.l!!g a..t.ta.C'.hed .theJte.to a. :Dr.ud<. OIL deliveJty body a.l!!d .<.l!!c..tudu, a.mbuf.MC'.U,1 ,·hea.Mu, mo.tolt b!L6u a.l!!d .tlta.C'..toM. 2. No peMol!! .6haU. bt a.l!!y Jtu.<.den.:ti.al. Mea !L6e MY .l'.o.t {(OIL .the pa.JtfUI!!g OIL .6.toJta.ge ofi a.rty C'.Otmrell.Ual veh.i.c..te .<.rt ex.C'.U-6 ot) orte .tort Mpa.U.ty. 3. · No.t wilh.6.ta.rtd.<.rtg .the pltov.<..6.<.ol!!.6 o6 C.l'.a.!L6e (2) .the oWrtell. OIL OC'.C'.upa.rt.t ot) a.l!!y .l'.o.t, bulid.<.rtg lJit .6:Dr.uctwr.e .<.1!! a.l!!y Jtu.<.del!!tia..l'. Mea. ma.y !L6e MY ga.Jta.ge ot wh.i.C'.h Wh.i.C'.h he M .the OWrtell. OIL OC'.C'.Upa.Yl.t, noll. .the ho!L6.<.rtg OIL .6.toJta.ge ot) Orte C'.Otmlell.Ua..l'. veh.i.c..te, rto.t ex.C'.eed.<.rtg orte .tort C'.a.pa.U.ty, opeJta..ted by h.<.m.6e.l'.t). 4. No.t wilh.6.ta.Yld.<.rtg C.l'.a.!L6U (2) & (3) at) .t/U.6 .6eetiort rto peMort .6haU. .<.rt a.rty Jtu.<.den.:ti.al. a.Jtea. !L6e a.rty .l'.o.t t)olt .the pa.JtfUI!!g all. .6.toJta.ge at) molte .tha.l!! orte C'.OtmreJtua..l'. v eh.i.c..te. 5. No.t wilh.6.ta.rtd.<.rtg c..ta.!L6u (2) , (3) & (4) of, .t/U.6 .6eC'.tiort, C'.Otmrell.Ual mo.tolt veh.i.c..tu while a..t.tertded a..t Jtu.<.den.:ti.al. p1tem.<..6U t)olt .the pWtp0.6U at) deliveJty a.l!!d .6eJtoi.<.C'.e .6ha.U rto.t be c:Uemed .to C'.Ort.tlta.verte .t/U.6 By-.l'.a.w • 6. Fall. .the pwr.poM of, .t/U.6 By-.l'.a.w, Jtu.<.den.:ti.al. Mea .6ha.U mea.rt a.U pltope.JLt.iu C'.a.Jtlt.{.ed 0 rt .the a.M U.6mert.t ll.Oil-6 a..6 ll.U.{.den.:ti.al.. I rt .the C'.a.-6 e 0 n a. ILU.<.den.:ti.al. _ Mea. Ort Wh.i.C'.h b!L6.{.1!!U.6 .ta.x. M pa..{.d, .thue .6hail. be C'.OI!!.6.{.deJted a..6 rtOrt-C'.Ortt)oJ!mLrtg f,Oit .the pwr.po.6u ot) .t/U.6 By-.e.a.w a..6 .l'.ortg a..6 .the.<.Jt pll.Uert.t OC'.C'.upa.I!!C'.Y a.rtd _!L6e C'.O l!!tirtue. 7. TIU.6 By-.e.a.w .6haU. bet:'.ome et)t)eetive whel!! a.ppltoved by .the Vepa.Jt.tmert.t of, TJta.1!!.6polt.t. REAV A FIRST ANV SECOND TIME THIS 27.th. VAY OF JUNE, 1966. C.F. VAVIS MAYOR K.V. GOSBEE VEPUTY CLERK REAV A THIRV TIME ANV FINALLY PAsSEV THIS 25TH. VAY OF JULY, 1966. K.V. GOSBEE VEPUTY CLERK I, K.V. GOSBEE, VEPUTY CLERK, OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA VO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE COPY OF BY-LAW # !695-66, PASSEV BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SA1V CORPORATION ON JUilll 25,1966. JULY 28, 1966