BYLAW - Issue Debentures Land, Senior Public School - 19661003 - 170366:~,":',) • ' . THE CORPORATION OF THE ?OW!!! OF AURORA BY-LAW NO. /7 t') gJ A By-law to authorize the issue of.a Debenture in the principal amount of·$ 52,000.00 for public school purposes WHERE.AS the school board named in Schedule "A" attached hereto has applied to the Council of The Corporation of tlle Town ~t AUI"':t:'a to provide the SUlll of $ 52 1 000.00 by the issue of Debentures of the Corporation for the public school purposes set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto and the Corporation has approved of said application; .AND WHEREAS for the purposes aforesaid the Council now deems it expedient to borrow money by the issue and sale to The Ontario Education Capital Aid Corporation of a Debenture of this Municipality in the principal amount of $S:!.OOO.OO bearing interest at the rate of $ l/2% per annUlll payable semi-annually, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Town of' enacts as follows: 1. THAT for the purposes aforesaid money shall be borrowed on the credit of The Corporation of the Ttmn ot AUI"Q:t:'a by the issue of a Debenture of the Corporation in the principal amount of $ 52,000.00 bearing interest at the rate of 5 l/2 % per annUlll payable semi-annually on the 1st day of Mlay and 1st day of Novemhe:r in each year of the currency of the Debenture, upon th~. principal amount from time to time remaining unpaid. 2. THAT the said Debenture shall be dated the let day of • 19 66 and shall be payable in 20 annual instalments of principal on the 1st day of liOVEll'!lbe:r in the years 196? to 1986, inclusive, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in respect of such Debenture in the. years 196? to 19 El6, inclusive, shall be as set forth in Schedule "B" attached hereto. 3. THAT the said payments of principal and interest shall be payable in ~awful money of Canada by cheques sent through the post to the registered address of the registered owner of the Debenture and such cheques shall be payable at par in the City of Toronto. A-1 Name of school board Purpose THE CORPORATION OF THE ~ OF AURORA BY-LAW NO. SCHEDULE "A" TotaL.App.rolT.ed.by Amount of Debentures Ontario Municipal Board File No. Ontario To be issued Municipal Board Previously issued hereunder • ' : 5. THAT all sums required to pay off the instalments of principal of.:the .. Debenture. ·and to pay· interest thereon as set out in the sixth column of Schedule ''13" attached hereto shall be levied and raised in the years 19 '67 to 1986 1 inclusive, by a specisl rate sufficitmt therefor, over and above all other rates, upon all the rateaqle. property assessed to public school supporters in the municip-ality at the same time a·nd .in the same manner as -o-ther ·rates. 6, 'PHAT· the-said Deben.ture be sold to The Ontario Education Capital Aid Corp<;r}:'ation, 7. THAT the said Debenture ·shaH pontain a clause providing for the registration ···thereof pursuant to section 323 of The l'!unicipal Act, ,, 8. THAT application shall be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for appro:val of· this By• law and for the ,,ce:r-tification of the Debenture to be issued fhereunder pursuant to sections 58 to 60 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, 9. THAT Schedules "A" and "B"· attached hereto, are hereby declared to be and to · form part of this By-law, _ENACTED this 3RD day of OCTOBER ' 1966 / / (L~,~ . . . . . . . . . . .. £. ,.. . . -·--~--- • • rk (Seal) • • • • • • • • • • • A-2 THE CORPORATION OF THE BY-LAW NO. 17o B SCHEDULE "B II 1 2 3 4 5 6 PAYMENT DATE PAYMENTS ANNUAL AMOUNT NUMBER DUE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL LEVIED HEREUNDER l~ $ "" $ ~~,l 't;{' Mayl, 1967 1;4.:30.00 li430.00 3,$60.00 '~,.·2 No?ember lA 1967 1,000.00 1;430.00 2;4)0.00 3 May 1, 196 1,402.50 1;402.50 " 4 No?amber 1+ 1968 2.ooo.oo 1;402.50 )j402.50 4,005.00 1 May l 196 . 1;347.50. 1;)47.50 . Nove~er 10 1969 2,000.00 1;347.50 3;34.7.50 4,695.00 7 May 1, 197· • lj292.50 1;292.50 ' It November·li 1970 2,000.00 1;29ih50 3;292.50 4,ses.oo 9 May 1. 197 . 1,:a:n.;o lj2)7.50 . 10 November li 1971 z.ooo.oo li'237.50 ,,237.50 4;47'5.00 11 May 1, 197 ltt$2.50 1,ua.;o . 12 l!lovelliler ll 1972 a.ooo.oo l;llil2.50 3;U2.;0 4,365.00 13 .l\11,ly 1 ' 191 ' 1;127.50 1.127.50 . 14 November lL 1973 2,ooo.oo 1;127.50 3;127.50 4,255.00 15 May 1, 197 . li072.$0 l;012n50 ' 16 November 1~ 1974 2.ooo.oo 1,072~.50 )t07:!~50 4,145.00 1? Mayl, 191_ 1;017.50 1;017.$0 . 18 November 1' 1975 2,006.00 1,017.50 3,017.$0 4,03$.00 19 May 1, 197 ' 962. ~')() ·962.50 ' 20 November 1~ 1976 z,ooo.oo 962.50 2,962.50 3,925.00 21 May 1, 19? 1))07.50 907.50 22 Nov$mberll1971 ;,ooo.oo 907.50 ),907.50 4,~us.oo 23 May 1, 197 Et25.00 ·825.00 14 November1~ 197!t ;,ooo.oo 82;.oo 3,tta;.oo 4,6so.oo j !Jlay 1, 197 ' 142.$0 ·?42.;0 . November ·i6 1979 ;,ooo.oo 742.50 3,?fl.50 4,4~5.00 May 1, 19 · . 660.00 ·6 o.oo ' zg Nov~unbe:r li 1900 3,000.00 660.00 ;,660.00 4,320.00 29 May 1, 198 ' 577.50 •571.50 ' )0 Nov~mbe:r li 19g1 3,000.00 577.50 3,571,.50 4,155.00 :n Mayill., 198 ' 495.00 •495.00 ' )2 November 1, 191!2 ;,ooo.oo 495.00 f.M~;.oo 3,990.00 )) May 1, 1983 . 412.50 · ua.so 34 November 14 19~ l.ooo.oo 412.50 3,412.50 ) ,82!$.00 3S May 1, 19tt )3().(:)0 -no.oo . )6 November .lt 1984 4,000.00 :no.oo 4,))0.00 4,660,00 37 May lt 19as . 220.00 ·220.00 ' :;t November l& l9l'k5 4,000.00 220.00 4,220,00 4,440.00 39 May 1• 198 uo.oo 'uo.oo . 40 N OVil!lllibet" 1 , 19rui ' &u~o.gg ,UQ:£!2 haUO:OO , •• ?20.00 . ~~t.ogs;Mf.2 ~l&:.zo~=oo ~~~.m~aO.O ~s6 1 7Qh9.2 ·., ; ABCC*DEF-4 BEFORE; W. T. SHRIV.SS, Member -and - ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 5$ o£ The ,Ont<U'io Munioi;;al Board Act, (H .... o. 1966, c. 2 4J • and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation o£ t~e Town o£ Aurora for approval of By•law 170.3-66, passed on the ,3rd day of October, 1966, providing for the issue of debentures in the amount of $52,000.00 for public school purposes G 198-66 } ) ) Tuesday, the 8th day of November, 1966 W. H. J. 1'HOMPSON, Q,C,, Member ~ THE BOARD ORDEP..S, under and in pursuance of the legis- lation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Board, that the said By-law 170.3-66 be and the same is hereby approved. ACTING SECRETARY ·-~--~--~-·~·-,~·-,~·----------~------------------------------------~ -·------------------------·--·~---·-··-----·-·---- .. ,, > .• B E F 0 R E: ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD -and .. IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporat:l.on of the Town or Aurora for approval of: (a) (b) the purchase by The Aurora Public School Board or part of Lot 28, Wellington Street West. according to Plan 246 for a school &ite at a cost of $52,000, and the borrowing by the applicant or the sum of $52,000 for such purpose J. A. KENNED!, Q.c. Chainna.n .. and- V • S. MILBURN Member Wednesday, the 3rd day or August, 1966 UPON the application of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora and upon consideration of the material filed; THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in pursuance or the legislation hereinbefore ref$Z'red to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Boardt that the said application be and the same is hereby granted; and (a.) that The Aurora Public School Board may now proceed with the undertaking and exercise all of its powers in connection therewith; and (b) that The Corporation of the Town of Aurora may pass all requisite by-laws, including by-laws providing for the issue of debentures in a principal amount not exceeding $52,000 repayable over a term of not more than twenty years. and may bo~row money to the extent sufficient to provide an amount not exceeding $52,000 thereto~; provided; ' ' " ., ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD l. that the said corporation may borrow the whole or any part of the said sum of $$2,000 as required pending receipt or subsidies and the sale of debentures, or of moneys to be received from any other source. and 2. that the corporation and the school board in exercising any power approved by this order shall comply with all statuto~ and other legal requirements related thereto. {Jd ACTING SECRETARY