BYLAW - Appoint a Planning Board - 19640203 - 159564If.:,\ . . _.,; --~--~,=====~~~ ·~~---·-··-·-.---··-.. -- 1595-64 BY-LAW ••••••• -•' •'-• •" •• OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A PLANNING BOARD AS REQUIRED BY SECTIONS 2 AND 4 OF "THE PLANNING ACT" R,S,0,1 1960 CHAPTER 296, WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint two members to the "Aurora Planning Board" for the years 1964-1965-1966, AND WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint 2 members of Council to The Planning Board for the year 1964. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 • THAT the Planning Board is a body corporate, by the name of "The Town of Aurora Planning Board", and shall consist of:-i2J! (a) The Head of the Council as a member ex officio. (b) And Ai'J~' CHILD Councillor and T'!i JIIIANNING for the year 1964, (c) AND MEMBERS qfJ •'?mt/ c-~­ w off: FJ'.IT , A:-W. WATSON D;' HILL W .''S •. MILLS F ;1J, WIJ\'IS Councillor, TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES JANilztilY 1, 1967 v J:lNUAIU' 1' 1967/ JANUARY 1, 1965 JANUARY 1, 1965 JANUARY 1,1966 V JANUARY 1, 1966 V 2, The "Aurora Plannning Board" shall ha!e all the powers con:ferredrf/ on Planning Boards by "The Planning Ae•t" Chapter 296, R,Si~<J. !'76v , ana tne· a.mendme:n:es tnere:to. Enacted and pas.sed this day ~-.. 'f<".«w!!</.. ... CLERK · '::-£ .... :tfJ .. (hQ: ... MAYOR