BYLAW - Amend 1451 - 19641102 - 161764r ,, !" \J . ..' .. " u ... uw ~. ·············-···· ~RE '!'HE Mlm:tCIPAL COI.IlllCIL OF 'fU!\l CORl"'RA'riOli OF '!'HE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS l!'OLLOWS; 1. '1'liAT l!ection 2, of' By-llw 1~51 ts llllleDded by adding thereto the f'ollmd.as: l!. THIS By-law shall beeOII!e ef'f'ective vbo approved by the o~ of 'hanspc»rt and sf.gi:ls are on d1splq in eompU~ with the ~-of' the ~t. 19 DAY OF OCTOBER ,c.F. DAVIS WILLIAM JOHNSON ······-~····················~··· ····~·········~··········~····· CLERK 19 DAY OF OCTOBER \ C;F. DAVIS ................................ ·• ...... I, WILLIAM JOHNSON, CLERK, OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA, DO HEREBY CERTIY THAT THE FORGOING IS A TRUE COPY OF BY-LAW NO. 1617-64, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION, ON MONDAY OCTOBER 19TH. 1964. OCTOBER 20,1964 ••••• 0 •••••• • .••••• 0 •• DATE Approved this 2nd day of to the provisions of Th ~-- I f.: