BYLAW - Appoint a Planing Board - 19630128 - 155863[, BY -LAW • , • t~.?? ........ . OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A By-Law to appoint a Planning Board, As required by·Septions 2 and 4 of 11 The Planning Act" R. s~o. 1960, Chapter 296. WHEREAS~ it is necessary to appoint twp members to the 11 Aurora Planning Board 11 for the years 1963 -1964 -1965. AND WHEREAS~ it is necessary to fill a vacancy on the PUnning Board, AND WHEREAS, it is ne~essary to appoint 2 members of Council to the Planning Board for the year 1963 THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1~ 2. (a) (b) That the Planning Board is a body corporate by the name of "The. Town of Aurora Planning Board", and shall consist of;- The Head of the Council as a member ex officio~ And A,J. CHILD T. MANNING for the year 1963~ Councillor, and Councillor, (c) and MEMBERS TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES w.s. Frys January 1, 1964 A.J. Bolsby January 1, 1964 A. M. Watson January l, 1965 D~ Hill January 1, 1965 w.s. Mills January 1,1966 F.J. Wims January 1, 1966 The 11 Aurora Planning Board" shall have all the po~orers ;;;{)!: conferred. on Planning Boards by "The Planning Act 11 Chapter'"/;~ 296, R.s.o. 1960 and tge amendments thereto. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 28 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 28 DAY OF JANUARY 1963