BYLAW - Licensing Buses - 19621001 - 154662.·· I ' ! I I I [J ' ' ' . BY-LAW NUMBER ~­ of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATING AND LICENSING OF BUSES IN THE TOWN OF AURORA. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to pass a By-Law for the licensing, .3 J ,; regulating and governing of buses pursuant to Section 295 (1) (~) ?-iff of The Municipal Act R. S. 0. 1960, Chapter 243. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. For the purpose of this By-Law; (a) 11 Bus 11 shall mean any vehicle used for conveyance of persons but shall not include a taxi cab. (b) "Council" shall mean the Council of the Town of Aurora. (c) 11 0perator" shall mean the person who owns a bus or who may or may not drive same. (d) "Bus Driver" shall mean a person who holds a license from the Town of Aurora to drive a bus. (e) "Licensed Bus Driver" shall mean a person who in addition to obtaining a Chauffeur License has also obtained a Certificate from the Department of Transport, certifying him to be capable of driving a school bus. DUTIES OF THE CHIEF CONSTABLE 2. ~The Chief Constable shall have the supervision over all pers~s licensed under this By-Law and over all buses owned or I opirated by such persons together with the equipment used by them and the following shall be the duties of the Chief Constable under this By-Law. (a) To report to the Council with respect to the per- formance of his duties under this By-Law whenever he shall be required by Council so to do. (b) To make all necessary enquiries concerning the applications for licenses and renewals thereof by operators and drivers and to forward to Council with the least possible delay his recommendations and report ·;./ 2 with regard thereto. (c) To ascertain by inspection and enquiry from time to time whether the persons receiving licenses under this By-Law continue to comply with the provisions of the law or of this By-Law. (d) To prosecute all persons who offend against any of the provisions of this By-Law or of the law. (e) To submit to the Council recommendations for the revoking or cancelling of any license together with his report thereon. (f) Any act or duty to be performed by the Chief Con- stable under this By-Law may be performed by a Constable authorized by such Chief Constable to perform any act or duty. (g) To furnish an application blank in a form approved by Council and a copy of this By-Law to each person re- questing a license under this By-Law. (h) To cause to be made out all licenses in a form approved by Council and to sign all licenses issued under this By-Law once the applications have been approved by Council. (i) To keep a register of all licenses granted by the Council, to contain the name of the licensee, his place ,--\'(\' of residence and such further particulars as Council ~· may order. ~ 3. LICENSES The Operator of a bus used for the purpose of conveying passengers within the limits of the Municipality of the Town of Aurora shall not drive or permit the same to be driven or operated as a bus without first obtaining a license from Council to operate C such bus. The annual license fee shall be as follows: /' For each vehicle used as a bus $50.00 No application for a Bus Operator's license shall be granted by Council until the Operate~ of the bus shall have deposited with the Chief Constable an application of the approved form and a certified copy of a policy insuring the operator for liability to the public including passengers arising out of the operation of the bus, in limits of not less than ten thousand dollars i I c -3- ($10,000.'00) twenty thousand dollars ($20,000,tOO) f'or public liabiJ.i ty and five thousand ( $5, OOOo!iOO) f'or property damage in respect of' each bus operated~' Such insurance policies shall be maintained in force by the operator during the entire his license is in force and proof' thereof' shall be filed Chief' Constable within two weeks of' the renewal dates of' policy.i time JM with th~ , \\\I such (\ 4,1 No person shall drive a bus or act as a driver of' any bus used f'or the purpose of' transporting passengers within the limits of' the Municipality of' the Town of' Aurora without first obtaining a license so to do from Council and may be in Form 2 as per ~~ Schedule "A" hereto attached,' The f'ee f'or each nrivers license \ , and renewal thereof' shall be the sum of' Five Dollars ( $5.100) per annum.' · 5.' Every applicant f'or a bus driver's license shall submit to the Chief' Constable with his application a certificate ~rom a local medical doctor to the effect that he has examined the applicant~~/ jn. within the preceding thirty ( 30) days and found that he is in · . proper physical condition to operate a bus and that he is not subject to epileptic f'i ts.' No license issued under the provisions of' this By-law is transferrable, and if' a transfer is purported to be made, then such license shall be deemed cancelled and null and void and to be of' no ef'f'ect.t Any license issued under this By-law unless expressed JM therein to be granted f'or a shorter per.iod and unless it has becom,.~\\' forfeited or cancelled, shall expire on the thirty-first day• of' · December next to the date of' its issue,1 The f'ee f'or issuing any license after the 30th day of June in any year shall be one half' of' that f'or the wl1o1e year and the f'ee for issuing any license after the 30th day of' September in any year shall be one-quarter of that f'or the whole year.1 i • EQUIPMENT AND ITS USE 7 •· NO person licensed under this By-law shall carry in any bu.s a greater number of occupants or persons than the manufacturer• ~~~-~, rating of' seating capacity of' such bus, inclusive of the drive.' \· 8 .• Every operator of' a bus, before the same is used or , JM operated as such, shall have permanently and securely affixed to the~, Ill top of' his bus an illuminated sign, indicating that such vehicle is ~ a bus. 9•' The Operator or driver licensed under this by-law shaJ.~ ~~- keep the interior and exterior of' each bus clean, dry and in good,! ~· ':: lJ i ' i I u repair. Every such bus shall be equipped with an extra tire. Whenever the operator of a bus receives notice that such bus is not in a fit and proper condition for use, the operator shall within the time mentioned in the notice put such bus in fit and proper condition and shall not operate the bus until it is in a fit and proper condition. The notice shall be signed by th-e \~' Chief Constable and shall state the items complained of and may ~ be given to the operator or driver of such bus. 10. The operator of every bus in respect of which a license has been issued under this By-Law, shall, when required by the Chief Constable, submit his bus for examination by the Chief Constable or another officer authorized by him. No operator or driver shall prevent or hinder the Chief Constable or any police officer from entering his garage or other building at any time for the purpose of inspecting such bus. -~· \ 11. Where any licensed operator disposes of a bus and acquires another bus for which a license would be required by ~~· this By-Law he shall submit the latter bus to the Chief Con--~ stable for inspection and approval before using the same. ~· 12. No licensed operator of any bus shall employ any perso~. other than a licensed bus driver as a driver of such bus. ~ 13. When a licensed operator employs a driver for a licensed bus the operator shall, within two days thereafter, notify the Chief Constable that he has employed such driver, giving the driver's name and address, and when such driver has ceased to be employed by such operator, such operator shall, within two days thereafter notify the Chief Constable to such effect, giving the reason therefor. 1~. No operator or driver licensed under this By-Law shall ~~ smoke while in charge of a bus carrying a passenger or passengers.~ 15. No operator or driver shall be licensed under this By-~ Law unless he is of the full age of eighteen years or over. ~ 16. Every operator or driver licensed under this By-Law~· shall at all times obey the orders of the Police. ~ 17. No operator or driver licensed under this By-Law shall )~ was hJ clean ;or make repairs to his bus while it is in any public\ place unless such repairs are immediately required. . - ; . _.,.. -,_,~ 18.1 :passengers,. - 5 - No owner or driver of a bus shall :pick u:p or discharge• i~ in the Town of Aurora, except at :prescribed sto:ps.1 ' . II· take,. consume or have in his :possession any charge of a bus nor shall the use of liquor while he is in charge of any bus.'' liquor while he is by him be apparent (a) No female licensed as a driver under this By-law shall o:perarte any bus between the hours of 7 .'00 :p.m.' '· of any dey and 7 .'00 a.m.' of the following dey, and no owner Jdcensed under this by-law, shall employ any female drive;r·between the said hours; (b) Every c,female driver shall, during her hours of ·~Jtin employment, wear a cap of a design approved by the ' \!1· Chief Constable, and further shall comply with all the requirements of this By-law respecting bus drivers.' 21.' Every operator and driver licensed under tl:J.{s By-law t·-m · shall wear a cap of a design approved by the Chief Constable.' ~· 22.1 Every driver licensed under this By-law while driving a bus and an operator driving his own bus shall be :properly dressed neat and clean in his :person and civil and well behaved and wh~~i11 in any :public :place he shall sit or stand sufficiently close to \ , his bus so as to have it constantly under observation•' 23.! Every operator and driver licensed under this By-law shall take due care of all :property delivered in trust to him for conveyance or safekeeping;'· Every driver of a bus at the termination of each round trip shall carefully search his bus \. for any :property lost or left therein and all :property and money I lef.t in his bus shall be forthwith delivered to the :person owning l same, or if the owner cannot at once be found, then to the Town Police Office with all information in his :possession regarding the ,· .:-, r~ u 6 2lt. The route while the bus or buses may use within the limits of the Town of Aurora and the location of the Bus Stops and the erection of signs designating the route, stops and departure ti~~· shall be with the approval of the Chief Constable. \j 25. Council at its discretion may at any time revoke and cancel any license issued under the provisions of this By-Law and~ shall not be bound to give any reason for refusing or revoking a~.' ' license. ~ ! 26. In the event of any license being cancelled or revoked, i} the previous holder thereof shall not be permitted to make appli- cation for a license under this By-Law until after a lapse of one of Council. , \~ \· year of the date of such cancellation revokation,unJ.ess at the di,sc~r·j~.or. PENALTIES 27. Any person convicted of a violation of any of the pro- visions of this By-Law shall forfeit and pay at the descretion of the convicting Magistrate a penalty not exceeding (exclusive of costs) the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for each offence and such penalty shall be recoverable under the pro- visions of the Summary Convictions Act. This By-Law shall come into force and effect on the j,aY-day of ~ , 1964 READ A FIRST AND A SECOND TIME THIS \ JJ\ lst. DAY OF OCTOBER, 1962. ·t? afJ~ ~ +Tclerk READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1st DAY OF OCTOBER ' 1962. ~'if{{J&A= ~MYiP ~ J#' Clerk ; I !he Pelice C4mrt•tee, Auo:ra, Cm.tari~. ~la #l.Sl9 trh164. auAII Part ;», S8CUU.' (l} ot' B1-lmr #1464 :requiJrM eipe to be _..cteci. 'Nfore 'h18 Pepa:co1iaent caa 111.1ltot"e<& tha .~lue ~•a ooatl't.11tflld.. MO~ 'to Ulrd..toa 'i'J'at'till l'.lni@ea tor Oanalia 1960, &~pqo~ ft0,.$.1$'iiG ai;u shall UYG peo let:te!'a and a grHD 'IliON& e a wA!til.. ~-PdkJ.rsc dpe in :reaide»:tic..l aD4 lMltd.aeea U•Wi•11e u.a11 be aou.•.a ri~ the \)oUOlll no·t. lesa tU& ' a.uo u:n tM.IIl. 10 teet ... 1top o! 'W.e ftll'b &a pl!lnltJ.l;7 ritll itO part O! iiM l•aa t1.a l .f~ot kok fi.>Oil the .fe.9e ol ... ...-... . n ••t eZ ao-. leM tba •o •• tlow ~ •·al~~::.~~~m~~;~IJ~~::GJ~~m~~-~~:i~!~· Ia .... lb'OS.al or 1111 Mt ~ ib.J~~A a d!Ataoe l ....... 11 e.1i!il' ll-J5t IIIMUiM. tu our IIIIHih~ wit.~& UHWa. oue MMA14 '1M 'b)rq to fi»"Ve ~-the ·~• U'S'owe poia~ in 11h~ p:ropu Urecatioa to ili41catle Qa ¥-fipb.tt& •••• .U wt~ lull: ~J:!: oa. 1rlaia ~o ll.al3l \Mill• eipa • I .nan epeka to ou 9 Mr. s~ ~-lffho hu a prop0111&l u te hft ~· poa•• u• t• 'H c-eotM.. I. lllft JNOOM-.4 t. o 7011 that tlle aipa~ H er.otot tWI pu 11lle direoUoa a'Hn aotM.. It 7'€1'4 aocep11 1q ., .. .,..a.uoa •oul4 ;rou oo__,. ••• to t:U SV.tt'fM <klaltittee tor ~e1r aoUoa 1a pa.hu111s IIWl P'M~ ti'le a1pa uc~lJ'~ tfJIVl oop;y t1o1 Mr.h. :Dfiide~ !b' • ~.. ~~.iili.lt ~ H:r. J. .. . ~110"; b. a, Mwn-a.;r, a.r. J. ll:unial liz. J • .taapu, Obiet Ooneta'ble. I I I I :;·· I ..•. 1 •· .. I I I I I I I I ~~ 1 ' 1 I ' t~ . ' ·-',' '-: -·. -' ... ·, _, '---~'--' '..::..::....:....~~-----==-"""~~),~~""'~"---~-~--:.:.~-~_:..:...__,~----~--·--~-' '~-·-----------------------, TOWN OF AURORA ONTARIO KEITH NISBET-MAYOR C, F. DAVIS • REEVE WM. H. STODDART -DEPUTY•REEVE ~2ioe Chief w.m. Langman 87A Yonge St. s., Aurora, Ontario. Dear Sir: COUNCILLORS A. J, CHILD W. C. CORBETT VICTOR JONES MRS. JEAN MOFFAT D. J. MURRAY G, SINCLAIR November 27, 2962. At a regular meeting of 19th. 2962 the fo22owing motion was adopted: "Resolved that Ey-2aw subject to the Po2ice May we hear from you in this regard at your ear2iest convenience. AJW:cg Yours very truly, af ui~d_ A.,f: WOOD Deputy Clerk CLERK WM. JOHNSON PA 7-4831 PA 7-4028 u lJ Form 2 SCHEDULE 11A.•t TOWN OF AURORA BUS DRIVER'S LICENSE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT CERTIFICATE obtained on the day of ' 196 • Chauffeur License No ••••••••••.•••••• Dated this •.•••••••• day of ••••••••••••••••••• 196 • (Name in full) •.....................................•.. (Address) •.•..•••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••..•••• This License is issued subject to the conditions of any or all By-Laws of the Town of Aurora relating to owners and drivers of buses and other vehicles. This is to certify that ••••••••••••••••••••••••• is hereby licensed as a bus driver. BY ORDER of the Council of the Town of Aurora. This License cannot be transferred or sold. Received the sum of $ ••••.••..•.••.• for the above license. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • Treasurer •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Chief Constable SCHEDULE 11 B11 Form 1 No •••••••••••••• LICENSE MUNICIPALITY OF ••••••••••••••••••••• TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: GREETING: This License is granted to •••••••••••••• • • • • . • . . • • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . of to carry on the (a) business ••••••••••••• of a (b) bus service •••••• PROVIDED the said••••••••••••••••••••••••••shall duly observe all such By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, matters and things as are, or may be enacted by the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ••••••• or legally constituted Board of Commissioners thereof to govern within their jurisdiction. This License to continue in force until ••••••.••••.••• 19 •••• and no longer. Issued at~.•-•• ••••••••••••••••• this •......... day of ••.................... 19 .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Clerk Received of •..•.•...................•..••. • the sum of •••••••.•.•.••..•..•...•.•.....• being the full amount payable on this license. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Treasurer '::