BYLAW - Public Parks and Appointment of a Parks Board - 19620528 - 152762! I J I . r~·~ I I BY-LAW NUMBER 15 27 of The Corporation of the To1m of Aurora A BY-LAW FOR ACQUIRING, ESTABLISHING AND LAYING OUT PUBLIC PARKS, SQUARES, AVENUES, BOULEVARDS AND DRIVES IN THE TOWN OF AURORA AND FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A PARKS BOARD TO ACT AS A BOARD OF MANAGEHENT~ WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it. expedient to appoint a Parks Board to act on its behalf as a Board of Hanagement in the acquisition, establish- ment and laying out of public parks etc. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation may, pursuant to Section 377, subsection 63, of The Municipal Act R.s.o. 1960, pass a By-Law appointing a Board to act on its behalf as a Board of Management. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT a Parks Board shall be appointed at the first regu- lar Council meeting in each year. The Parks Board shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than seven (7) resident rate payers and where the Board is composed of five (5) or mor\ ~· \~ persons at least two (2) shall be members of the Council. 2. The said Parks Board shall act on behalf of the said ' i'f\ • ~· Council as a Board of Management. 3· The Parks Board shall have the pOlver to acquire land for the establishment and laying out of public parks, squares, avenues, boulevards and drives in the Municipality or in any adjoining local Municipality and without limiting the generality of the foregoing shall have all the powers conferred on Boards of Park~~'«\· Management by The Public Parks Act, R.s.o. 1960, Chapter 329. ~ READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS c;:(? DAY OF MAY, 19~1 READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS e::>( Y DAY OF MAY, 19~.¥ ~ I II I I I i '---...cr.e.o.-""'•"-"""'''''~""-~-~w''''"""·~~~"'"'""'="~~-=r~--c-c-.,-.-~--~-'-'{W~~~..,~~~&;:;;;;w=r.='-'<AV"'-"'>~<;.<>r.<-""·'·~--·~~--.-. _....,.---~~~"-'"~~~?-.-~·J ">,)