BYLAW - Purchase of Lot 6 - 19611120 - 149961~.,__,_~, I ' ! . ' BY-LAW NUMBER 1499 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCP~SE OF LOT 6, PLAN 246, FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA A1~ PARTS OF LOTS 8 and 9, ACCORDING TO SAID PLAN 246 FOR Tl:IE TOWN OF AURORA. WHEREAS the Corporation may, pursuant to Section 2, subsection (1) of The Public Utilities Act, R. S. o. 1960, Chapter 335, pass a By-Law authorizing the acquisition of land inter alia as may be deemed necessary for the waterworks purposes or for pro- tecting the waterworks or preserving the purity of the water supply. AND WHEREAS the Council determines and declares that it is desirable that lands should be purchased for such purposes. THEREFORE Tl:IE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the land nOiv owned by Morris Vanek and David Vanek be purchased for preservation of v1ater supply for the Town of Aurora and the lands to be purchased are more particularly des- cribed as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, ~ situate lying and being in the Tovm of Aurora, in the County of ~\1\ York and being composed of part of original Lot No. 81 in the · · First Concession of the Township of King, and which said parcel may be more particularly described as follows: FIRSTLY : COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of the said Lot 81 distant eleven chains and tvrenty-five links measured Westerly thereon from the South-east angle of the said Lot 81; THENCE NORTH nine degrees West, twenty chains and fifty-three links, more or less, to the North limit of the said Lot; THENCE WESTERLY along the North limit of the said Lot, eleven chains and forty-eight links to the North-east angle of that part of the said Lot conveyed by registered Deed Number 14981 for the Township of King, made by J. Charles Comisky to Wilfred Jones; THENCE SOUTH eleven degrees and twenty minutes East four chains and fifty-nine links; THENCE NORTH seventy-nine degrees and twenty minutes East two chains and seventy-seven links; THENCE SOUTH seventy-five degrees forty-three minutes East ninety- eight links; TirENCE SOUTH fifty-six degrees and forty-seven minutes East, ninety-one links; THENCE SOUTH ten degrees and thirty-one minutes East fourteen chains and forty-six links more or less to the Southerly limit of the said Lot; THENCE EASTERLY along the said Southerly li~it of the said Lot, six chains and eighteen links more or less to the place of be- ginning. SAVING AND EXCEPTING THEREOUT that part of the said parcel hereby described at the South-east corner thereof as conveyed by Deed dated 26th July, 1876, and registered as Number 750 for the Town of Aurora on the 28th day of July, 1876 made by James Pearson Wells to George Wilkinson containing by admeasurement one acre more or less butted and bounded as follows: COM!'iENCING where an ·iron post has been planted at the distance of ' . - 2 - eleven chains and forty links from the South-east angle of said Lot 81 on the Southerly limit thereof; THENCE NORTHERLY along the water edge on the Westerly side of the Grist Mill Race three chains more or less to an iron post; THENCE SOUTH-WESTERLY along said Mill Race three chains thirty-six links more or less to an iron post; THENCE SOUTHERLY two chains seventy-eight links more or less to an iron on the Southerly limit of said Lot; THENCE EASTERLY along said Southerly limit three chains more or less to the place of beginning. SUBJECT TO the right, privilege and authority to reconstruct, maintain and operate in and across the lands hereby conveyed the water pipe at present laid therein and the telephone poles and wires and electric wires placed.thereon together with the full power, license and permission at an¥ and all times hereafter unto the owner of that part of said Lot l:ll conveyed by said registered Deed Number 1~981 and The Bell Telephone Company, its servants, agents and assigns, to enter, but not with horses, in and upon the said lands hereby described and conveyed for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned as aforesaid. The said parcel or tract hereinbefore described includes the whole of Lot 6 according to Plan 2~6 for the Town of Aurora. SECONDLY : All the right, title and interest of the Grantors in and to Lots 8 and 9, according to said Plan 2~6. 2. That the purchase price for the said lands shall be ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($11 1 000.00) and that the said sum shall be taken out of the Waterworks Account. 3. That the Town Solicitor shall have authority to obtain and register a deed for the said lands. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIM< THis.?a~ NOVEMBER, 1961. ~A"6~ Mayor Clerk Mayor '<·,