BYLAW - Payment of Fees for Plumbing Inspection - 19610905 - 149561:] BY -LAW NUMBER 1495 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A By-Law to provide for payment of fees for the inspection of plumbing, the production of plans of plumbing and the granting of permits. ~ffiEREAS it is provided by Section 47A of the Ontario Water Resources Commission Amendment Act 1960-61 as follows: 47a. Wnere a municipality is required to carry out inspections with respect to plumbing, as prescribed by regulations made under section 47, the municipality may pass by-laws, (a) for charging fees foD the inspections and fixing the amount of the fees; (b) for requiring the production of plans of the plumbing to be constructed, repaired, renewed or altered and of the location of drains, pipes, traps, and other ~vorks or appliances that are or are to be part of or connected with the plumbing, and for charging fees for the inspection and approval of such plane, and fixing the amount of the fees; and for the issuing of a permit certifying to such approval and requiring that without such permit no such plumbing may be constructed, repaired, renew·ed, or altered. AND WHEREAS it is provided in part by paragraphs 3 and 4 of the regulations passed pursuant to the said Act, as follows: 3. No person shall construct, repair,renew or alter plumbing except in conformance with these regulations. 4. (1) Where plumbing has been constructed,repaired,renewed or altered, the plumbing shall not be put into use until it has been inspected and found to conform to these regulations. (3) Every municipality shall carry out such inspections as are prescribed by these regulations. (4) Where any plumbing to be inspected is concealed, the inspector may refuse to make his inspection until the plumbing is completely uncovered and made accessible to him. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA, AS A BY-LAW OF THE SAID CORPORATION AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. York County Health Unit is hereby appointed Agent for the Town of Aurora for the purpose of maldng the inspections '-'\An required by the Ontario Water Resources Commission Act and(\, \l'' the regulations thereunder. (]. The fees to be pai. d in respect of such inspections shall ~\VI· be at the rate of fifty cents (50¢) per fixture unit. ~· ~ill· The number of fixture unite shall be determined in accord- ance with the folllowing schedule: 1 Water Closet is equivalent to •• , •••••• 6 unite 1 Wash basin is equivalent to •• , ••••••• , 2 units 1 Bath tub is equivalent to •••••••••••• 2 units 1 Kitchen sink is equivalent to •••••••••• 2 units 1 Laundry tub is equivalent to •••••••••• 3 units 1 Shower stall is equivalent to ••••••••• , 3 units 1 Urinal is equivalent to ••••••••••••• 3 urlits 1 Three-compartment sink is equivalent to ••••• 2 uriits 1 Slop sink is equivalent to • • • •••••••• 3 ury,its 1 Outlet for automatic {;.;asher) laundlfty is equivalent to ••••• 2 units ·r·· I [ -2- 4. The fee for inspection when fixtures other than those contained in the schedule listed in paragraph 1 are installed shall be determined by the trap size in accordance i''i th the following schedule: s. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 4 11 Trap equivalent to •••••••••• 6 2 to 3'' Trap equivalent to ••••••• 3 li; to lt11 Trap equivalen:t to •••••• 2 units units units The fee for inspection of a building sewer shall be $3.00 \VW1. ~.In· ~.~· Where alterations are made to plumbing without the addition of fixtures, a fee of $2.00 shall be made to cover the cost of such inspection. No person shall commence the contructing, repairing, renewing or altering of any plumbing until a permit haS been first obtained from York County Health Unit. Every application for a permit shall be in writing on forms to be obtained from York County Health Unit. The applicant shall give clearly and fully the inform- ation required to complete the said application forms. At the time of making such application the applicant ~-~ shall produce plans of the plumbing to be constructed -n~ repaired, rene'l'ted. or altered and of the location of dlrains,~ Ill' pipes, traps and other works or appliances that are or · are to be part of or connected with the plumbing. The applicant shall pay to York County Health Unit upon ~J1/l. application for such permit the fee for inspection fixed , \II by this by-la't'Jo Any person convicted of a breach of the provisions of ·~~ this by-law shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of ~ 1'1 · the convicting magistrate a penalty not exceeding the ' sum of $300.00 exclusive of costs for each o~fence. READ A FIRST A.11!D SECOND TIME THIS 4~h( Mayor READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ;j~AY OF~~t:;¥<YV 1961.