BYLAW - Acceptance of Lands (Dilcue Ltd) - 19611017 - 150161BY-LAW NUMBER 1501 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF LANDS DEDICATED BY DILCUE LTD. WHEREAS pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.s.o. 1960, a Council of a Municipality may accept a dedication of highways, easements and services. AND WHEREAS Dilcue Ltd. has dedicated certain lands for public use. AND WHEREAS by Agreement made between Dilcue Ltd., a Company in- ----< ~ --,._.~ corpora ted pursuant to the Laws of the Province of Ontario and The Corpor- ation of the Town of Aurora, dated the 16th day of June, 1958, the said Dilcue Ltd. agreed to dedicate highways, easements and underground services to the Town as outlined in Schedule 11E11 of the said Agreement. AND WHEREAS the Town has agreed to issue completion certificates for all of the work performed by Agreement dated the 17th day of October, 1961 made between Headmount Holdings Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE TOWN OF AURORA THAT THE FOLLOWING ROADWAYS~ WALKWAYS AND OTHER WORKS LOCATED ON PLAN 514 FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA BHALL BE ACCEPTED AND ASSUI-lED BY THE TOWN OF AURORA: !, TOTAL WORKS AS IN SCHEDULE 11 E11 OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT -r· STREET OR EASEMENT FROM !Q '-'""-~~·"' 1. Murray Drive 2. Nisbet Drive 3. Stoddart Drive 4. Corbett Crescent 5. Davis Road 6. Jones Court 7. Richardson Drive 8. Davidson Road 9. Bailey Crescent lO.Glass Drive ll.Patrick Drive ~,12.Webster Drive t'".Jl3.Hutchinson Drive 14.Child Drive 15.Baldwin Road 16.Holman Crescent 17.Johnson Road 18.Browning Court 19.Seaton Drive Yonge Street Murray Drive Nisbet Drive Murray Drive Murray Drive Davis Road Hutchinson Road Murray Drive Davidson Road Murray Drive Glass Drive Patrick Drive Patrick Drive Glass Drive Holman Crescent Glass Drive Holman Crescent Johnson Road Subway Sideroad North Limit.of Subdivision North Limit of Subdivision North Limit of Subdivision North Limit of Subdivision Richardson Drive Cul de Sac W/End Child Drive Bailey Crescent Adair Drive Seaton Drive Hutchinson }'toad Hutchinson Road Richardson Drive Seaton Drive Subway Sideroad Baldwin Road Baldwin Road C ul de Sac S/End North Limit of Subdivision ,, ~ ·,I - 2 - 20.Knowles Crescent Sea ton D~i ve S. Seaton Drive Seaton Drive N. 2l.Morning Crescent North Limit of Subdivision 22.W1llis Drive Seaton Drive West Limit of Subdivision ~ WOP.KS, EXCEPT FOR PAVEMENT WHICH IS STILL UNDER MAINTENANCE These works to be accepted and assumed include watermains, sanitary sewers and appurtenances, ditches, culverts, and house services. · .-~-tTREET jj. Richardson Drive 2. Adair Drive ~ Murray Drive Hutchinson Road Richardson Drive 3. Lee Gate Bailey Crescent Subway Sideroad Richardson Drive Q. WALKWAYS 1. 2. 3· 4. 5. 6. r·~ .L 1. 2. FROM Knowles Crescent Browning Court Corbett Crescent Glass Drive Jones Court Davis Road Holman Crescent Baldwin Road Murray Drive Block "011 Park Richardson Drive Railway Easement and Block "D" BLOCK "Q" npn 11 L11 Amended "K" ADJACENT LOT NO. 1 S 528' 529' 602' 603 480,496,497,517 49,73 & North Limit of Subdivision 444,445 112, 113, 133, 134 85, 86 !2, DRAINAGE BLOCKS AND EASEMENTS, SEWER EASEMENTS, AND SEWERS Westerly Drainage Easement which is West of Seaton Drive and has a 54" and 48" Storm Sewer installed in it. (Block R and easements on Lots 635-643 inclusive and 644-647 inclusive.) Central Drainage Easement which is located between Child Drive and Johnson Road, and extends from the South to the North limits of the Subdivision. (Easements on Lots 364, 365, 410 and 429 inclusive and 461 and 474 inclusive and 44(.) 3. Easterly Drainage Ditch which is located immediately East of Lee Gate v-starting at the Subway Sideroad · and runs Northerly between Richardson Drive and Davis Drive to the North limit of the subdivision. The portion of this drainage system, which is located in the Industrial Section of the. Subdivision is nQi included. Included in this are~.~' Blocks F, G. H & J and an easement on the South side of Lot 335 and I'' an easement of the West and North portions of Block E of the Indus- trial Section. This latter easement would be adjacent to the rear property lines of Lots 335i 334, 333, 144, 143, 142, 141, 140, 139 138, 137, 94, 93, 92 and 9 • 4. ·storm Sewer Easement for 10" Storm Sewer North 10 feet of Lot 643. ,,_.-~ ... -,- ; 5. Storm Sewer Easement for 18" Storm Sewer 7~ feet each of Lots 640 & 641. 8. Storm Sewer Easement for 2411 Storm Sewer 7~ feet each of Lots 437 & 438. Storm Sewer Easement for 15" Storm Sewer 7~ feet each of Lots 462 & 463. rttt Sanitary Sewer Easement for 1211 Sanitary Sewer 7~ feet each of Lots 17, Q' 18, 37 and 38. 9. .Storm Sewer Easement for 3011 Storm Sewer, North 30 feet of Block M.