BYLAW - 190 Road and Street Expenditures - 19610320 - 147161~-- f """)'--;-. ~ .,_\(·~,. ;_; ~ '!J:<. . ....,_. Form MR-25, 59-3389 ·· BY-LAW NO. ----"J..:_4_,_7J.=--~ A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 1961 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS OR STREETS IN THE TOWN OF A U R 0 R A ::¥1~ IN THE COUNTY Of_· _ __:Y:..:o:c::r-'-'k'---- lltHiflttCJ WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expendi- tures on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Town~ enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ 33,000 is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1961 as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ..................... $ 2~6,20 $ 24,000 $ 26,650 BRIDGES & CULVERTS ........ $ 21000 $ 21000 $ 4,ooo ENGINEERING & OVERHEAD ... $ 350 $ 2 1 000 $ 2,350 ~-'(\\· TOTALS ............. $ 5,000 $ 28,000 $ 33,000 (2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st, of the said year. \ -11('<1. , (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any ~-, expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of · debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. , . Passed at Aurora this_----'z,.,::o"-'t,...h.___day of · March A.D. 19 61 (SEAL) ~~Jerk_ . ·· .. /····""_ )' _· -I?-;~+1J~-~-~tlJ'-'-. ~--'--""-lil:a;'ii"or Reeve William John_ son, . f Town l, __ __:===.:..:c"'--::....:.,-'-..::...::--'-'-----• Clerk of the Corporation o the vmxpc of Aurora , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law ~<cl.~'ll-. _· passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 20th day of :March 19...2L 11t1V~f~'. IJ"j ~ 1 . Clerk. '··-----·------~-------····-----____ .::~~----·-"-~-----------~---·----~~-------------·'·--------- i I I j I RE< BY LAW No. __ .::1:...4!..!7L:1"---------F0RM .MR-26 ;;_SS86 ~ TOWN OF __ A..__---l<UL...(RL.J.OL..IR:~... _.AL__ ___ ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR t96L x.t~ ITEM 2-CONSTRUCTION-.BRIDGES AND CULVERTS ESTIMATED COST BRIDGES-STRUCTU~ES OF 10' OR OVER . TOTAL CORPORATION'S SHARE STREET ... TYPE SPAN $ $ • [ CULVERTS-PIPES AND STRUCTURES LESS THAN tO' SPAN one Sl: ?000 lt b.nn NUMBER . :TOTAL. ITEM 2 . ITEM 3-:-ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (MAXIMUM 7% OF ITEMS 1 AND 2 350 17'5. . . ITEM 4-MAINTENANCE-ROADS OR STREETS . EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING . TYPE OF SURFACING STREET FROM TO LENGTH • . • . . . . . : ,. ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SNOW CLEARING MILES 4,000 2,000 . WINTER CONTROLl SANDING OR CINDERING MILES 4.000 2.000 APPLICATION OF SALT MILES . . 5.000 2 '500 ~ ASPHALT PAVEMENT PATCHING CONCRETE OR BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIRS .. 1.000 c:oo STONE GRAVEL OR CINDER RESURFACING MILES .. .. . . PATCHING 500 2'50 .. .. .. DRAGGING .. .. . . DUST LAYING (CA.CL,) MILES 500,. i5o OILING MILES 2,000 1,000 CURB AND GUTTER REPAIRS CATCH BASINS CLEANING AND REPAIRS 1~500 750 • Gradlne: 1,500 750 . · Di t chin~<: 1,000 500 Brushin~<: & Weeding 3,000 1,500 . . TOTAL ITEM 4 24,000 12,000 ITEM 5-MAINTENANCE-BRIDGES AND CULVERTS BRIDGES NUMBER '1. 1.000 200 CULVERTS NUMBER 12 1.000 200 TOTAL ITEM 5 2~000 400 ITEM 6-ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD rMAXIMUM 7% OF ITEMS 4 AND 5) 2.000 1 000 .... SUMMARY OF ITEMS ELIGIBLE FOR SUBSIDY UNDER THE H.l. ACT CORPORATION'S SHARE ONLY CONSTRUCTION-ROADS OR STREETS (ITEM I) $ ~325 -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 2) $ 400 -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (ITEM 3) $ 175 MAINTENANCE-ROADS OR STREETS (ITEM 4) $ 12.000 -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 5) $ 400 -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (ITEM 6) $ 1j000 TOTAL $ 1'5.100'2 If Insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data In_ tha form Indicated DAT~--------------~91 ____ _ ENGINEER OR CLERK ; ~ . •. ;. j: . "6FI'V' ~ TOWN Qf'o__~::_::_::_::_.::_==:_----- FORM M.R. 26 ROAO'PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 \H::ki SE ITEM 1-CONSTRUCTION.:....ROADS. Oij::-5TREETS ·-:·:: ,-·· ' ' .. i -.. · ~ ' A' ~ A ~ ~ ESTIMATED COST ' 'LENGTH .--~T~E.ET-/'".-" FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION OF WORK I: CORPORATION'S .·· · .. ) TOTAL -~ SHARE • rr ___ :• -~~-_;,; ~~ 7~4-' llct> ' /J'/ ~~ nt~/ ~~-=~ .;/, .!& /,/ ;? " f7 I rf 0 ~ ~ < ,·· ' ' - '' .. ·· '•· ' A A ~ ~ A " " A " c, ~ -" ' ., '• 0 i c ' ~ ' ~ 1 • ' 0 \ ~ -~ X I ~ ~ ' ' •" I z I 0 ;: < ~ • ' 0 ~ ~ ~ X ~ ~ z > ' '' : ' -- '· ••• ., ' ~ a I ~ ~ I ~ X ~ -' 1) < ' z ' 0 1 ;: :) c 0 ' · .. ' • ' .~ ,C ;.' ' < ! X 0 < ~ ~ < ~ 0 ' I 0 • 1 ~ z ~ u ~ ' ~ ·. ,·, ' '' ~ I ~ ~ ~ j --~---. " . ~ TOTAL ITEM 1 .. ·' .,. ., ,.. . "-~-: ' -~ '~. ' '· ' '' ~--·