BYLAW - Installation of 'Yeild Right of Way' Sign - 19601005 - 1451604 r . I I i J ·-~.- [ BY.LAW NUMBER 1451 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW AUTHORIZING THE ERECTION OF YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY SIGN WHEREAS subsection 3a of section 41 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 167) provides that:- The driver or operator of a vehicle or car of an electric railway approaching a yield right-of-way sign shall slow down to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions or shall stop if necessary · as provided in clause oa of sebsection 3 and shall yield the right-of-way to traffic in the intersection or approaching on the intersecting highway so closely that it constitutes an immediate hazard and having so yielded may proceed with caution. AND WHEREAS clause (a) of subsection 3a of section 41 provides that; no yield righ-of-way sign shall be erected without the approval of the Department and every sign so erected shall comply nth the regulations of the Department. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of the Town of Aurora, Ontario, deems it expedient that yield right- of-way signs shall be erected at certain lo'cations with the municipality:f lfow,:c THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipiuity of the Town of Aurora, Ontario enacts as follows: Yield right-of-way signs shall be erected at the location designa~ed hereunder:- INTERSECTION t. North East Sector Centre Crescent and Centre Street 2. South East Sector Cameron Ave & Dunning Ave Dunning Ave. tr Edw&rd St Royal Road • Edward St. 3. NORTH West Sector Laurentide Avenue & Aurora Hts. Dr. Cabot Court & Aurora Heights Drive Bigw~in Drive & A~ora He~ghts Drive Ottaw~Court & Aurora Heights Drive FACING TRAFFIC North bound on Centre Crescent South Bound on Cameron AVe West bound on Dunning Ave. East bound on Royal Road. South bound on Laurentide Ave/ South bound on Cabot Court South bound on Bigwin Drive East bound on Ottawa,Court : I \___.,{ »wt Dtolve &: hl.l'laU Roa<t Auro:ra Hell.pta ~m.. 411 west les ~ ll'oNb.t onee•ult Wda Drive &: Aul"oM ReJ.Sb.ts »r. ftaida Driv., & Also~ O:t"&acen11 'leCWliSeb.. ~1ft & west Lea of Aurora .biSb.te Mve · Kitimat Crescent, Weet uea & feowneb. Drive Huon Oovt & feeuueb. Dr. f •. s~u oreeoen"i & JaJ»)ex-Dr. "'SWUol'q' lillMe & leut»ex-Drive +Navan Oreacent & SUM1dale liriw ' &UW.d& Dx>ive & ~ale Dt>ive r sun•et'.Ye &~ SUMSVtew :uz.:s.ve Suan.v Drive & S\\llll3'f1&w Drive Davis Road & MUft'8oY :91-ive llieha.l>daon lh*1ve & l'ilutWI/Io1 Drive Davidson Road & ~.,. DI>tve Pe.triolt Drive & flue ~ve Obtld Drive & Glue Drive Rol.llllm Oresoetlt & Glue Drive Glasa DJ!olve I: Seaton DriY.e Knowles <h'esoent, North lea & helton Drive. ni Mor.(ns Oresoen11& seaton lll'iVI\l W~Uia Drive & sea11on Dlr. l'.noWlee Cl'esoent, south lea. & seaton DJ/>., Oblld Drive A Seaton Dl'ive BaldWin Road & Oh114 1'1:'. Bal.dW:i.fl Rou & nol!ne;m Ol'O:aoent Holman ONsoent & John$on Road. Rtc~~on Dr1ve & Ol:l.Ud Dl'ive liuto!U.nson Ia Ro84 & Pa11r1o1t Dr• Webster Dx-., & P&ill'iok Dll'• , I ' ' . ' ' ' . East boun4 on .A.lu'oft Hte. DI>. Nol."tb. boun4 on Heide D,rive No~h 'bQun4 on H814a Dll'ive West bound on Weet Leg ot 'leOW!l$Jb. lll>ive. aoutb 'botmil 911 W.et los of Eitimat Cresoont Weet 'bound on Huron Oovt Weet 'bound on SunQfhill Ol'esoent East bound on s~ Place East 'bound on Na,van oveooent West 'bound on H:Llldde .Dl'ivo Eut 'bound on l'hmeet lll'1ve East boun4 on su.nn, DJoive Nor'tlh bound on lle.vie aou Nortb. bound on Riobll'4eon nr. Nor:t~ Bound on lle.Vidson Rd. North bound on Patrick Dr, Nonh 'bo1ind on OhUd FJ>ive North bound on Holman Ol'Ssoent Wee'b 'tlowul on Glue Dl'iw West bound on Borth leg !:If Knowles C1!1'osct~nt 'liiast bound on MowitttJ Cl'eacent East bound cm I WilU.e llll'• Weet bound ofl South leg of l'.nowl.•e oreaosnt West bound on OM.ld :ors.w North bound on :Baldwin Road · Nol'tb. bound on Bal.dW:i.fl Road North bound on ftolmM Crescent West bound on Riob.ardeon Dr. .Nox-tb. bound on liutoh1n$0n Ro84 J, ~e . Gate & !U.~eon »r.tvt Mw ~tv• & .~a.v:a.uon. load hUe;v C:b."WJeoent & DaY:i.d$0n lo~ X>avie Rou & B1obU4aen Dr. ~h bo\Wl u 111M Ga'$8 Bo~th bouni on A4a1~ Driv~ West bound on :8$ile7 Oreocent Weet b&uml on Dt.WU Road "' ' Jomsct CJout & •a.e M. ke'll bcmrut on Donee Oom"t :s&.&-. bound on stotN•t Dl'1Y$ .. stoact4•t l'lrtve & NiSbet »»• · .. 4 DAY OP July WM. JOHSNON DAY OF October t960 D.J. MURRAY WM. JOHNSON · I, William Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer, Of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of by-law number 1451 which huXru:ablflix:tlU!xUr:sJtx:a:JUil SEJ:»mlxrn:iltl!lgxla~:tux£»l>UO.!l:tiXl!lb::tiUIX"S~wr~ru~wwcwiU::tlU! ~thxx~»~x»~~xx~~~ was finally passed on the 5th. day of October 1960. by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora .• Approved this 20th day of October, 1960 pursuant to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. Per: As~istant Deputy J.nister and Registrar of Motor Vehicles i \, ! NORMAN W. LONG CHAIRMAN '··' TORONTO AND YORK ROADS COMMISSION YORK COUNTY BUILDING .. ·· ,/ JOHN A. LESLIE VICE:·CHAIRMAN P.O. BOX 296 NEWMARKET A, J. RETTIE, B.A.SC., P.ENG. R. EARL BALES COMMISSIONER FRED A. LUNDY COMMISSIONER W. J. TAYLOR COMMISSIONER Mr. Wm. Johnson, Clerk, Town of Aurora, AURORA, Ontario. Dear Sir:- TELEPHONES NEWMARKET: TW 5·2303 TORONTO: 364-8731 CHIEF ENGINEER J, D. LUCAS, Q.C, SOLICITOR J, L. SMITH SEC.-TREASURER July 25th, 1962. Enclosed is one certified copy of By-laws No. 3040, 3041 and 3042 of the County of York. These by-laws'are the result of an assess- ment of stop and yield conditions on roads ander the juris- diction of the Commission. Some changes have been made and those effecting your municipality are bracketted in red. Signs will be changed or erected to con- :''f'orm with these by-laws in approximately one week. · · If there is any information you wish please nouify us and we shall try to obtain it for you. matter. DB;dka Encl. Thank you for your co-operation in this Yours very truly, Denne Bosworth, Maintenance Engineer. II II" II ,, 8 ,, " " ·' II (! --tv· . REt:'£tVED ,JUL 3 0 1962