BYLAW - Higher Speed Limit - 19601003 - 144960~ I ~._._ ____ _,;
MUIW(UAL:ql OF 'JlrlE '!'OWN OF AURORA, Olll~liJ!iO
JI .. uw Ng. 1449 7 N ~ 'l '
v ;-·-·
A~ijORXZXNQ ilGn&~ §PEED LlMi'l' . ' ' '
WH~EAlll su'biHitction 2a of .section 28 of 1'he Highwrq 'l'ratt'ic Act
(R.s.o. 1950 1 Ohapter 167) authorhes the council of a city,
town or village ana the trustees of a police village by 'b1•1aw
to authorize a higher rate of speed than that prescribed in
subseot;ion 1 of seotiofi 28 of '!'he Highway Traffic Act tor
motot" vehicles driven upon any· highway or portion of a high\IHlf
undei" its .;jurisdiction provided that au.oh ine)reased rate of
speed shall not be aore than 50 miles per hoWl'; ·I
A~D WlUllRl!:M:I it is deemed expedhnt that the speed limit of
motor vehicles upon certain bighways in the riunicipality
ot the '!'own of A\Ul'oJNil, Ontario be :increase~;
.NOli Tmll!iEFORE the Col.Uloil of tho Corporation ot the llt'lu.nicipaUt:;
of, :rhe Town ot Aurora, ontario enacts a.a follows:-
1. fio person sball drive a motor vehtcle upon the highways
or portions ot higbwa7s designated 1n Columns l and 2
'below, at a greater rate of speed than the rate of speed
prescribed in ColU~UJ. ' below.
tonge Street
tonse Street
l\L\XIWM R~~lil OF
r SPJ!l!l
!0: A Point 19S Ft. North ot the North ot Lot 8.Jt )~f,.;isterell .. Plan
246 (New Town Ltmit) · · ·
FllOih North Limit of Lot 83 40 m.p.h ..
Resistered Plan 246
TO; A Point 2000 Ft .. south thereof
South Limit ot
1'0: · Sou.t~ Limit of· T®n
su.'bwa7 Side Roe£ ll'ROIIh ¥onge Street ,
(:itoad Allowance
Between Lots 75 & TO: West Limit of Town 76, Registered Plan
2. ~egonsj,stent.?rgv!l!lloa! off& .IY•Lf!ws repealt4
:a,-.. r~o. 1!190 and any B~laws t or provisions or clauses
of' wq n,-.. lawa :inconsistent with an,-provisions or clauses
ot this B7•law are nereb7 repealed. ·
3· 'l'h!s 'b7-law shall not become etfective until approved by,
the Department of Transport. ',.
. day of 19