BYLAW - Designating Through Highways - 19601005 - 145260•. ;"< ( ' ' BY-LAW NUMBER 1452 OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF A BY-LAW DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS BY NO .. ./..§..!.!.:f:..t WHEREAS clause (vv) of subsection 1 of section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.s.o. 1950, chapter 167) provides that:- "Through Highway" means any highway or part of a highway designateQ. ·as such by the Minister or by By-Law of a Municipality approved by the Department, and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-of-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Department. AND WHEREAS subsection 3 of section 41 di the, .fl.~t. provides that: The driver or operator of a vehicle or car of an electric railway, that;- (a) upon approaching a stop sign at the entrance to a through highway shall bring the vehicle tM: of car to a full stop at a clearly marked stop line 9r, if none, then immediately before entering the nearest croaswalk:::or; if none, then immediately before entering the intersection; and (b) upon entering the through highway shall yeilll.d the right-of-way to traffic in the intersection or appf'(iadliing on the through highway so closely that it constitutes and immediate hazard and having so yielded the right-of-way may .. proceed with caution and the traffic approaching the intersection on the through highway shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle so proceeding into or across the through highway; AND WHEREAS subsection 3A of section 41 of the Act provides The driver or operator of a vehicle or car of an electric railway approaching a yield right-of-way shall slow down to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions or shall stop if necessary as provided in clause (a) of subsection 3 and shall yield the right-of-way to traffic in the intersection or approaching on the intersecting Highway so closely that in constitutes an immediate hazard and having so yielded may proceed with caution; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF AURORA, ONTARIO ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the - jurisdiction of the Municipality of the Town of Aurora are d~ as through highways:- ,, [ I ' . I NAME OF HIGHWAY 1. General Yonge Street (King's Hwy No 11) Wellington Street t treet West 2. North East Sector ~- \~~ Wells Street '\> V ~,1 Centre Streett ~~~I? Maple Stree / / 3. SOUTH EAST SECTOR Ross Street Berczy Street Larmont Street Wells Street Victoria Street Gurnett Street Edward Street Cameron Avenue Wenderley Drive Cousins Drive Dunning Avenue Dunnigg Avenue Cameron Avenue - 2 - FROM The south limit of the Town The east limit of Yonge Street The west limit of Yong~, S~reet The north limit of Wellington Street The east limit of Yonge Street The east limit rilf. Yonge .Street The south limit of Wellington St. E. The south limit of Wellington St. East The south limit of Wel1;i.ngton St. East '1~ ;,;:'< ;c The .. s9uth .limit of Weliin{s'ton St. East The south limit of Wellington St. East The north limit of Harrison Avenue The south limit of ~Street The south limit of Cousins Drive The south limit of Dunning Avenue The east limit of Yonge St. The East limit of Yonge Street The west limit of Edward street south The north limit of Dunning Avenue The North limit of the Town the East limit of the Town The west limit of The Town The north limit of Centre Street The west limit of Industry Street The east limit of Spruce The south limit of Ross Streillt The south limit of Berczy Street The north limit of Metcalf Street The north limit of fJilxllU:tkxi:i: Cousins Dr·; The south limit of Harrison Avenue The north limit of C ous ins __ Dr i ve the So.ll~ii')limi t of..;- Cl)unning Ave'; r>"""~~ g The north limit of Dunning Avenue The south limit of Wenderley Drive r::..--------.... -........ ------.. __ _ / ____ The west J,imi t _o_ f_ -~* ~ard Street· -e~-"r·. . , ........ , .. , _______ ,~·-c--/;'J" ;t Iff (> (,:') The east limit of Edward Street C.N.R. Tracks The south limit Cousins Drive n ' -- 3 - • 4. North West Sector Aurora Heights Drive Tecumseth Drive Kemano Road Jasper nHive Sunnyview Drive Machell Avenue Haida Drive Algonquin Creseent Foreht Crescent Auro The west limit of Yonge Street The north Limit of the east leg of Kitimat Crescent The North limit of Aurora Hts. nrtive The north limit of the east leg of Sunbeam ~aaat Cres. The west limit of Haida DRive The north limit of Wellington Street The north limit of Wellington St. West The '.·,south:'··; limit of Kemano rioad at the East leg of Algon- quin Crescent The north limit of Aurora Hts. drive at The east leg of Foreht Crescent Sunnydale Drive The south limit of Hillside DRive ~ifl' 5. Soul!rh West Sector rr'(v ·h / Temperance Street The south limit of Tyler Street George Street Tyler Street Kennedy Street Glass DRive Seaton Drive Nisbet Drive Davis Road the sou&h limit of Tyler Street The west limit of Yonge Street The west limit of Yonge Street south The east limit of Yonge Street The south limit of Murray Drive The north limit of &lass Drive The north limit of Murray Drive The south limit of Murray Drive The west limit of the west leg of Foreht Cres! The west limit of the west leg of Kitimat Crescent The west limit of Sioux Gate The west limit of the west leg of Sumbeam Crescent The north limit of Wellington St. West. The north limit of Machell Avenue The south limit of Aurora Hts. Drive The south limit of Kemano Road at the West leg of Algon- quin Crescent The sou&h limit of Aurora Hts. Drive at the west leg of Foreht Crescent The north limit of Sunnyview Drive The north limit of Kennedy Street .... The north limit of Kennedy Street The east limit of George Street The west limit of the Town the West limit of Glass Drive The east limit of Seaton Drive The north limit of Subway Side Road The north limit of Stoddart Drive The east limit of Richardson Drive Tyler Street Richardson Drive The south limit of The east limit of Murray Drive Child Drive Chiid Frive The south limit of The east limit of Glass Drive Seaton Drive ~-~ : I : · Davidson Boad The south limit of 'llhe East limit of , I l __ .. L, .. Murray Drive Adair Drive Patrick Drive The suuth limit of The west limit of Glass Drive Hutchinson Road Holman Crescent 4 The south limit Glass Drive of The east limit of Baldwin Road Johnson Road The east limit of The east limit of Browning Court Holman Crescent I 2. By-law No. 1282 of the Municipality of The Town of Aurora is hereby ~ repealed. 3. This by_law shall not become effective until approved by the department of Transport and until signs.are on display in compliance with the regulations of the Department. BEAD A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 4 D.J. MURltAY MAYOR READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS 5 D.J. MURRAY MAYOR DAY OF July 1960 WILLIAM JOHNSON ··-:, ------------------------ CLERK DAY OF October 1960 • WM. JOHNSON CLERK I, William Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of by-law number 1452 which .'l'lmlXr~~ti:z-JilJtXUlldX~~r~ Wxtmec ~~:xthec~~:JOOC~~~:JOOW~. was finnaly passed on 0ctober 5th. 1960 by the Council of the said Corporation. ~ ,_r / Clerk-Tre