BYLAW - Entering into Agreement With Percy and Winifred Lloyd - 19600321 - 143360BY-LAW NUMBER /~J .j of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora A BY-LAW 'l'O AUTHORISE THE ENTERING IN'::'O OF AN AGREEHENT vJITH PERCY LLOYD AND WINIFRED .LLOYD. THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO';JN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the agreement, dated the 11th day <;>f March, 1960, made between Percy Doan Lloyd and Winifred Lloyd OF THE FIRST PART and The Corporation of the Town of Aurora OF THE SECOND PART be and the same is bereby agreed to and approved. 2. That the terms and conditions referred to in the said agreement be carried out and fulfilled and the monies required to be paid under the said a;greement be and the same is hereby authorised to be paid in accordance with the said agreement. J, That all documents and other papers, required to be completed by the Corporation, be and the same are hereby authorised to be prepared and the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authlbrised and directed to sign same on behalf of the Corporation and atta ch the Seal of the Corporation thereto. DATED at the Council Chambers this c2 I day of March, 196o. ~-~ PASSED at the Council Chambers, Aurora this c.? I day of TVJar ch, 1960, .--., p ;tA?COtt