BYLAW - Adopt the Assessments of Lands Annexed - 19600502 - 143760r I I I u of the Municipal. Corporation of the Town of Aurora.' I BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENTS OF LANDS! ANNEXED. WHEREAS: The Assessment Act. R.s.o. 195d, Chapter 24, I Section 55 (1) provides that the annexing mttnicipaiity shal.l pass a by-law in the year in which taxation is to be le~ied on that assessment roll adopting the assessments last revised while they were part of the of the lands annexed, as d I . . ~, . t annexe ~un~c~p~~ y, as ! the basis of the assessment of such lands for taxJtion in that year I by the municipal.i ty to which the lands are annexed;.' i AND WHEREAS: By Order of The' Ontario Mun;icipal. Board, ! Number P.F.M. 9347 bearing date of March lOth, Aurora did annex Part of Lot 84, Concession 1 1 19q0 the Town of in !the Township of i Whitchurch, containing an area of approximately 2 !acres, more or less. I THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF.AURORA 1. I i That The Town of Aurora hereby authoriz~s for the year 1960 be levied on that assessment roll assessments of that part of Lot 84, Concession 1 Jn of Whitchurch. the taxation adopting the .,.-, ,'i3J ~/J1ft'/ the Township 2. That this by-law shal.l take effect from January 1, 196o.p~ I READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS c2 DAY~OF""" iY (/' I 1960. llEAD A THIRD TIME ANll FINALLY PASSED THI~ o<_ DJJ OF ~, 1960,'