BYLAW - Regulate Weight of Load of Commercial Vehicles - 19590331 - 140359r---------·· ' I I i L_! f'! LJ BY:.. LAW NUMBER / ~ 0 3 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA. /f<iJU-.. ~;;::;::~~;;::_· .. ~:><• .. ,.__ .... '7"-"v .<>//->-~ :r J " A BY-LAW REGULATING THE WEIGHT OF LOAD . OF COMJI"..ERCIAL VEHICLES OTHER THAN PUBLIC VEHICLES. WHERE.i!.Sthe Council of.a separated townmay, under the ~~~- provisions of the Highway .. Traffic Act, by By-Law, provide for restrictions of the weight of load of commercial. vehicle.s and trailers. other than public vehicles on alL.high'rvays. within the MunicipaL Corporation .of the Tovm of Aurora. during the. months of. l>1arch and .April. And WHEREAS it has been deemed expedient that the weight' of load of. vehicles on .alL highways. within the MunicipaL Gorporati.on of the Town of Aurora .shalL be res.tricted. during .. the months of March and April in every· year. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION. OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENAC'fS AS FOLLOWS: 1. · · ··· That the provisions. of sul:isecti"ons four, five and six p 1 p:ry-r·avn,. rz. <: (), I 9 t;. I? of section thirty-six of . the Highway. Traffic. Act be declared in force in respect of highways within the Municip<!l Corporation of the Tmm of Aurora. 2. That any provision or provisions in any By-La\"1' or By-Laws inconsistent with the provisions .of this By-Law be and same are hereby. repealed. This By-Law. shall come into effect. on the. final passing thereof. READ A FIRST '. ·. /3 '·-··--co ND SECOND Tn'IE .THIS 3 I DAY OF ~~ . ;\/~CLERK READ A THIRD TniE .AND PASSED: ~THIS ~ I DAY OF 1'-1 f1 1f e 1-f, 19 59. '--C . ff!/J ~· ~· {#ua£.7 .· JltiA):OR •·• .. ~ · ~ · · -~:}'-'-/~ LE _ . . . . . -., / ·• : i . ~ '{f; Lt':O·' ~ ~ /} .