BYLAW - Regulate the Use of Public and Private Sewers and Drains and Disposal - 19570716 - 132657• BY-LAW' Nl.lMBER 1;326 OF THE MUNICIPAL GOli.POMTION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA. .. A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SEWERS AND DRAINS, PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL, THE INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION OF BUILDING SEWERS, AND THE DISCHARGE. OF WATERS .AND WASTES INTO TI-lZ PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEU(S); AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF; IN THE TOWN OF AURORA, COUNTY OF YORK, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Be it enacted by the Council of the Town of Aurora, Province of Ontario, as follows: - \ ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS ---- Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in the by-law shall be as follows: - SECTION 101 -11 Sewarc;e Works 11 shall mean all facilities for collecting, pumiJTng, treating and disposing of sewage; SECTION 102 -"Superintendent" shall mean the Superintendent of the Town of Aurora, or his authorized deputy, agent, or representative, SECTION 103 -"Sewage" shall mean a combination of the water-carried wasfesfrom residences. business buildings' institutions' and industrial establishments, together with such ground, surface, and storm waters as may be present, SECTION 104 -"Sewer" shall mean a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage, SECTION 105 -"Public Sewer" shall mean a sewer in which all owners of' abutting properties have equal rights and is controlled by public authority. SECTION 106 -"Combined Sewer" shall mean a sewer receiving both surfac·e ruhof'f' and sewage. SECTION 107 -"Sanitary Sewer" shall mean a sewer which carries sewage aha to which storm,surf'ace, and ground waters are not intentionally admitted. SECTION lOG -"Storm Sewer" of' "Storm Drain" shall mean a sewer which carrres stOrm and surface waters and drainage, but excludes sewage and polluted industrial wastes, SECTION 109 -"Sewage Treatment Plant" shall mean any arrangement of' devi~and structures used for treating sewage, SECTION 110 -"Industrial Wastes 11 shall mean the liquid wastes from industrial processes as distinct from sanitary sewage. SECTION 111 -"Garbap;e 11 shall mean solid wastes from the preparation, coOEihg and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage, and sale of' producs, SECTION 112 -"Properly Shredded Garbage" shall mean the wastes from 'ffi€t preparation, cooking, and dispensing of' food that have been shredded to such degree that all particles will be carried freely Under the f'l.c:>w · conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with -no particle greater than 1/2 inch in any direction. · .. J SECTION 113 -"Building Drain" shall mean that part of the lowest fiorf"z"ontar-piping of' a drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of' the building and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning 5 feet outside ' the inner face of' the building wall. SECTION 114 -"Building Sewer" shall me9.n the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of' disposal. SECTION 115 -nB,O.D." (denoting Biochemical Oxygel[l Demand) shall mean 'ffie~Ciuant:l, ty of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of' page 2~ organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in 5 days at 20°C., expressed in parts per million by w0ight. SECTION 116 -11 pH 11 shall mean the· logarithm of the reciprocal of the wei ::htoftiydror;en ions in grams per litre of solution; SJ£CTION 117 -11 Suspende d Solids 11 shall mean solids that ei thor float <i'i'lthe surface of, or are in suspension in water, s.owage, or other liquids; and which are removable by laboratory filtering. SECTION 118 -''Natural Outlet 11 shall mean any outlet into a watercourse, porid-;-cii:.tch, lake or other body of surface or ground water, S.J;CTIOl/119 -"Watercourse'' shall mean a channel in which a flow of water ·-ocei:i"rs, either continuously or intermittently. SEC'riol1 120 -"Person" shall moan any individual, firm, company, asso-ciation, society, corporation, or ?,roup. SECTION 121 "Shall" is mandatory; "May" is permissive, SsCTION 122 -"Health Officer'' shall mean the !f!edical Officer of Heafth-,-orthe York County Health Unit or his authorized Deputy, agent, or representative. SECTION 123 -"Plumbing Inspector" shall mean the plumbing inspector of -the-York County Health Unit. , ... ... page 3. ARTICLE II USE OF ~~~I c__~EWE~S REJU!RED SECTION 201 -It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permft-'to be deposited in an insanitary manner upon public or private property within the Town of Aurora, or in any area under the juris- diction of said Town, any human or animal excrement, r,arbage, or other objectionable waste. SECTION 202 -It shall be unlawful to discharge to any nettural outlet w~ tE:G.1 the Town of Aurora, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said Town, any sanitary sewage, industrial wastes, or any polluted waters, except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with subsequent provisions of this by-law. SECTION 203 -Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vs.ult, septic tank, cesspool, or other facility intended or used for the dispoal of sewage. SECTION 204 -The owner of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, er~loyment, recreation, or other purpose, situated within the Town and abutting on any street, alley or right- of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public sanitary or combined sewer of the Town, is hereby required at his expense to install sultable toilet facilities therein, and to connect such facilities directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this by-law, within ninety (90) days after date of offical notice to do so, provided that s;.'id public sewer is within one hundred (100) feet of tho property line. page 4. ARTICLE III PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SECTION 301 -·Nhere a public sanitary or combined sewer is not available under tEe provisions of Section 204, the building sewer shall be connected to a private sewage disposal system complyinc: with the requirements of the York dounty Health Office, SECTION 302 -At such time as a public sewer becomes available to a property served by a private sewage disposal system, as provided in Section 204, a direct connection shall bo made to the public sewer in compliance with this by-law, and. any septic tanks, cesspools, and similar private sewage disposal facilities shall be abandoned and filled with suitable material. SECTION 303 -The owner shail operate and maintain the privette sewage dispos0:1 facilities in a. sanitary manner at all times, at no expense to the Town. . ' page 5, ARTl:CLE IV BUILJ?ING _SE:~'fl_~_:I\,_~1J2_ CONNEC.J.I ONS SECTION 401 -No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or openin~ into, use, aiter, or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof. SE:CTl:ON 402 ... All excav(lj;iqns for building Sewer installation shall ~adequately guarded wi th,barriMdes and lir.,hts so as to protect the public fro:n hazard; Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in tl:)e course of the work shall be restored in a c-nanner satisfactory to tl:)e Town~ •, L' .. page 6, ARTICLE V USE OF'f:HE PUBLIC SEWERS SECTION 501 -No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any storm water; surface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water or unpolluted industrial process water~ to any sanitary sewer. · SECTION 502 -Storm water and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharo;ed to such sewers as are specifically desirmated as combined sewers or storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the Superintendent. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, upon approval of the Superintendent, to a storm sewer, combined sewer or natural outlet; SECTION 503 -Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall discharge 'O"F""""caus·e to be discharged any of the following described wut·ers or wastes to any public sewer: (a) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than (b) Any water or WfiSte which may contain more than 100 per million, by weight, of fat, oil, or grease. (c) Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil, or other flammable or exPlosive liquid, solid or gas. (d) Any garbage that has not been properly shredded. (e) Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure, or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewe~ or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage works. (f) Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5,5 or higher than 9,0, or having any other corrosive property capable of causing de.mage or hazard to structures, equipment, and personnel of the sewage works • (g) Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage treat- ment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatrrent plant. ·(h) Any waters or wastes containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusu!ll attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the sewage treatment plant. (i) Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance c1pable of creating a public nuisance, SECTION 504 -Grease, oil, and sand interceptors shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Superintendent, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sand, and other harmful ingredients; except that such interceptors shall not be required for private living ·quarters or dwelling units, All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the Superintendent, and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleEming and insp.Jction, Grease and oil interceptors shall be constructed of impervious materials capable of standing abrupt and extreme changes in tempera- ture. They shall be of substantlal constr>uction.,. watertight, and ·equipped with easily removable covers which when bo~~d in. place shall be gastight and watertight, SECTION 505 -Where installed, all grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times, SECTION 506 -The admission into the public sewers of illlY waters or wastes having (a) a 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand greater than 300 parts per million by weight, or (b) containing more than 350 parts per million by weight of suspended Solids, or (c) containing any quantity of substances having the characteristics described i,n Section 503, or (d) having an average daily flow greater than 2% of the avor0ge daily sewage flow of the Town, shall be subject to the review and· approval of the Superintendent. Vfuere necessary in the opinion of the Superintendent, the owner shall provide, at his expense, • . . page 7; such preliminary treatment as may be necessary to: (a) reduce tho Biochemical Oxygen Demand to 300 parts per million and the suspended solids to 350 parts per million by weic::ht, or (b) reduce objection- able characteristics or constituents to within the maximum limits provided for in Section 503, or (c) control the quantities and rates of discharge of such waters or wastes, Plans, specifications, and any other pertinent information related to proposed preliminary treatment facilities shall be submitted for the approval of the Superintendent and no construction of such facilities shall be com- menced until said approvals are obtained in writing, ·· · · SECTION 507 -Where preliminary treatment it§l.cili ties are provided for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation, by the owner at his expense, SECTION 508 -When required by the Superintendent, the owner of any property served by a building seWer carrying industrial wastes shall install a suitable control manhole in the building Sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessibly and safely located, and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Superintendent, The manhole shall be installed by the owner at his expense, and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times, SECTION 509 -All measurements, tests, <~nd analyses of the character- istics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in Sections 503 and 506 shall be determined in accordance with "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Sewage", and shall be determined at the control manhole provided for in Section 508, or upon suitable samples t::tken at said control manhole, In the event that no special manhole has been required, the control m:1nhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer to the point at which the building sewer is connected, SECTION 510 -No statement cont·ained in this article shall be con- strued as preventing any special agreement or arrangement between the Town and any industrio.l concern whereby an ·industrio.l wo.ste of un- usual strength or cl~racter may be accepted by the Town for treatment, subject to po.yment therefor by the industrial concern, ".. '' ,c•''' page s. ARTICLE VI PROTJCTIO'N FROM DAMAGE SECTION 601 -No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully, or.negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is a part of' the municipal sewage works, Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under charge of' disorderly conduct, ARTICLE VII PO'NERS AND AUTHORITY OF INSPECTORS SECTION 701 -The Superintendent and other duly authorized employees of' ti:te ·-Town bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter upon all properties f'or the purposes of inspection, obs erv o.tion, measurement, sampling, and testing, in accordance with the provisions of' this by-law, " • -.;.· ARTICLE VIII PENALTIES- page 9. SECTION 801 -Any person found to be viol2ting any provision of this by-law except Section 601 shall be served by the Town with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof, The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all viol~tions. SECTION 802 -Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time-limit provided for in Section 801 shall be quilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not exceeding Two Hundred (;{>200,00) Dollars for each violation, Each day in which any such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separe.te offense. SECTION 803 -Any person violating any of the provisions of this by-law shall become liable to the Town for any expense, loss, or damage occasioned the Town by reason of such violation, '' . 1-!:i' \., r' ~ ,_ . " . ' &i ARTICLE IX ml.QITY page 10. SECTION 901 -All by-laws or parts of by-laws in conflict herewith are nereby repealed. SECTION 902 -The invalidity of any sect1on, clause, sentonce, or provis1on of this by-law shall not affect the validity of J.ny other part of this by-law which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. READ a first and second time this 1957. READ a third time and finally passed this 1957 day of Clerk II: 15" day of ' . -page 11. INDUSTRIAL SEWER CONNECTION APPLICATION To the Town of Aurora, Ontario: The undersigned being the ••.•..•.••.•.•....•••••..••• of the property (Owner, Lessee, Tencnt, etc,) located at • c 0 .... 0 .................... 0 .... 0 ••...... ••.•• .... 0 .................. 0 .. 00 ..... . does heroby request a pernit to an industrial sewer (Install, Use) connection serving the ooooooooo~ooo<>oooooooooooooo' (Name of Company) which company is engaged in at said location. 1. A plat of the property showing accurately all sewers and drains now existing is attached hereunto as Ex...':tibit iiAn. 2. Plans and specifications covering any work proposed to be performed under this permit is attached hereunto as Exhibit ;'B". 3. A co1nplete schedule of all process waters and industrial wastes produced or expected to be produced at said property, including a description of the chctracter of each waste, the daily volur,1e and maximum rates of discharr;;e, and representative analyses, is attached hereunto as Exhibit "C;'· 4. The name and address of the person or firm who will perform the work covered by this perrnit is .............................................. ., ..... . In consideration of the e:ranting of this permit the undersigned agrees: 1. To furnish any additional inforrnc1tion relating to the installation or use of the industrial sewer for which this pGrmit is sought as nay be requested by the Superintendent, 2. To accept and abide by all provisions of By-Law No. of the Town of Aurora, Ontario, and of all other pertinent by-laws or regulations that may be adopted in the future, 3. To operate and maintain any waste pretreatment facilities, as may ,be required as a condition of the acceptance into the public sewer of the industrial wastes involved, in an efficient manner e.t all times, and at no expense to the Town. 4. To co-operate at all times with the Superintendent and his repre- sentatives in their inspecting, sampling, and study of the i'J.dustrial wastes, and any fflcili ties provided for pretreatment. 5, To notify the Superintendent immediately in the event of any accident, negligence, or other occurrence that occasions discharge to the public sewers of any wastes or process waters not covered by this permit, Date .......... , ............... . Signed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D <> 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0. I>. 0 .-•• (Applicant) •••••coo < n oooooo•oooo•••••• (Address of Applicant) inspection fee paid. Application a;,prov ed and perrJi t granted: _Date: ••o••••••••• ............... . Signed: . ...................................... . (Superintendent)