BYLAW - Authorize the Application to the Ontario Municipal Improvement Corp. for the Purchace By it of Certain Debentures - 19580915 - 137758The Ontario I.:unic:!..pal Improvement
Corporation Act, 1950
By-La\.r no. • ... ~~11 ••••
A by-la...,r.authorizinc an application to
The Ontario Lunicipal Improvement ·
Corporation for the purchase by it of
certain degcntures •
. •·.
:mREAS by Order dated the •••• ~ ... •••. day of
• .......... ~ ••• JV.b •••• l<;f~1 ••••• o • (b'ile Ilo.P' f ~~ a1Q~<;f':'~ihe Ontario
Lunicipal Board authorized the construction ,of ••••• <ij. •••••••••• ~.
at an expenditure of 0 .ll~.ogo.oo ••••••••••.•••• and the
enactment of the necessary debenture by-law;
Tlt::ll.EFORE the Council of The Corporation of the
r •••••••••• /ow ..•..••.•..•.•...•.... ot •....•.•• ~v.tQ~W. ••••••••• Q
l J enacts;
1. That the head of council and the clerk are authorized "
to ::.alee application to The lntaric Lunicipal Ir.1provement Corporatio~p,
for the purchase by it o£ the devent.ure~:~ of 'i'he Corporation of the
••••••••••• 1~~•••••••••••••••••••• of •••a••••••i~O~~······~··•
in the amount of~ .llS,OOOaOO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o
..;nactod this ........ l.~ •••• day of ... ~eP"tli'WO\i'J; •••••• 19 .~~ •••
j \ (Jeal)