BYLAW - Authorize Construction of Watermains - 19580107 - 134957r=1 '--,~' ,"-""''""' I_J 167. BY-LAW NUMBER'---'/.~~:::...Y'-,.l-9'-·- of the Muqicipal Corporation of The Town of A urora ........, I ~ A By-Law to authorize the construation of watermains - a 14" ---· watermain on Wellington Street from Maahell A,enue to Temperanae Street and on Temperance Street from Wellington Street to Reuben Street; a 6 11 watermain on Tem~eranae Street from Reuben Street to Kennedy Street; a 1411 tvaftermain on Reuben Street from Temperanae Street to Easement; a 1J2 11 watermain on Reuben Street from Temperance Street to Yonge !street and on Yonge Street from Reuben Street to 1.38 1 North ;and aaross the Waterworks Property from Yonge Street to the E'xisting 8 11 Main WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of' the ~o~m of Aurora deem it expedient to aonstruct watermains on tihe streets as outlined and shown on Sahedule 11 A11 attaahed. AND WHEREAS the aonstruction of suah works is and extension of the water system of the Town of Aurora. ~ AND WHEREAS pursuant to Seation .388, Sub-Seation 1, of paragraph 66 of the Muniaipal Act, the Counail may pass By-Law for the aonstruation of suah works, subjeat to the ap~roval of The Ontario Muniaipal Board. J AND WHEREAS the total estimated aost of suah 1 ork, including neaessary connections, is the sum of $62,00o.o 1 o.- THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THlE TOWN OF AURORA' ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l (1) That watermains, in accordance ith the said attached schedule 11 Bil~ be aonstructed along the streets as outlined in the said Schedule 11 A11 • (2) That Messrs. proctor&Redf'ern be and they are hereby appointed the engineers to forthwith make such plans, /1_11;':45-profiles and speaifioations and furnish suah ibl formatio~ as v. -may be neaessary for the making of a contract ,for the execution of the said work. (J) That the work shall be aarried on and. executed ;,,M~-under the superintendanae and aaaording to the directions and VV!:' - orders of' such engineers. (4) That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to cause a contract for the construction of' tJe work to be . I made and entered into with some. person or perjons, firm or aorporation,. subjeat to the approval of this Clouncil, to be dealared by Resolution. I (.5) That the Treasurer may atgr 0 emeewetlththaen: 0 bsatnk 0 fotrhe person for temporary advanaes of money v work, pend:!.ng the completion of it. ' • -2- (6) That the debentures to be issuled for the loan to be effected to pay for'the cost of the work, when completed, shall bear interest at such rate as the Counciil. may determine and be made payable within twenty years on the instalment plan. / ( 7) That this by-law will come in tol effect when it <")'i:td< 6 ' ' has received the approval by The Ontario Munic~pal Board. READ A FIRST A ND SECOND TIME THIS /? I DAY Of !1/o (£17BER.l957. (T Ma ro REAB A THIRD TIME A ND PASSED THIS 7 DA Y OF ,T/-lN', 195$. 175 ;: ' ·1 t r--------------------~~~ ,. II mE ltliNICIPAL OOBPORA'l'ION 01 'l'i:IE 'l'QWN OF ADORA SOffE.DULE •A• m BY-LAW NO, 1;349 O:ti 'l'EMl?~CE $'!'., FROM WELli&:N&'fON Sf .• 'J10 REUHN S'l;, ON TJOO?EIWWE S'l',. .:m.m.f Ul!tBO lll'l'• '1'0 ·:r:EE~JlY,_· ~S'l'~· ··~­ Qlf ~ S'l'. i'ROM TEMP~NGE S!i'• '1'0 EASEUN'f ON UlmEN S'!'BEE'l' fROM 'fEMl?ERA NCE ST. 'l'O YGNGE S'l'.Q:E'l' ON XONGE SfREE'l' Fl!tt>M BVBEN S'l'. 'TO 1;32' . NOR'l'B AOMBS WA'l'EElWOJillc:s ~TI.. FROM X"ONGE S'l'• 'l'O E.XllllTUG 8 11 MAIN WATEBMAINS OON:NEC'l'IONS pl'IMATED. COS'!' $42~240~00 11,700.00 #53~940~00 8,060.00 ------------: ~:ffl~~, ~J' \ ,___._._~·,