BYLAW - Authorize Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain on Industry St. and Mary St. - 19581201 - 1387580 [J [l BY-LAW NUMBER ;3f? of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWER AND AN A. C. WATERMAIN ON INDUSTRY STREET AND ON MARY STREET AND TO AUTHORIZE THE OPENING, GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF SAID INDUSTRY STREET AND MPR! STREET, ALL AS SHOWN ON·· A· PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL PLAN OF SUBDIVISION OF LOT 151, PLAN 246, AURORA. < WHEREAS at least two-.thirds in number of the owners representing·· at least one half of the value of the lots liable to be specially assessed and others have petitioned the Council to construct, as a local improvement, the work hereinafter described, and the Cl.erk.: has certified that the Petition is sufficient. AND WHEREAS it is expedient to·· grant the prayer of the Petition in manner hereinafter provided. THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORBORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That sanitary sewers having a sectional area of 10 inches and an A. c. watermain having a sectional area of 8 inches, be constructed on Industry Street as shown on a proposed Industrial plan of sub-division of Lot 151, plan 246, Aurora for a distance of 1350 feet south from the south limit of Wellington Street East, and that sanitary sewers having a sectional area of 10 inches and an A.C. watermain having a on Mary Street as shown on sectional area of 8 inches, be constructeo/J. said proposed industrial plan of sub-~v~' division of Lot 151, Plan 246, Aurora, for a distance of 240 feet West from the West limit of Industry Street. 2. That the sa:(d Industry Street for a distance of 1350 feet r South from the South 'limit of Wellington Street East and Mary Stre~' for a distance of 240 feet West from the West limit of Industry street, be opened, graded and gravelled. 3. T~= :u::lk :oct~;.~ :;:t:r: & ~ ghUn be ana they n~ ·· :/1 ' hePe"By aflf19loat e4 tee Ea~aeePa 1?,:9 ~ePtMrlth make s1ieh plal'l:s, prefzle~,/0 /• and·specifications and furni:;;h such inlorniation as may be aeeessapy / for the makiAg of a contract/ for the e;x;ecutioA of the woPk. · 4. 'P~~WO'rk-shal-1-b~d-on-a-nd executed ttudei the sttper-1fo. i-rree-ndenee aftd aeeerdi!ig 'Ge the aiPeetieae aaa erElePs ef such- ef'tgi:aeers. r The Mayor and Clerk are authorized to cause a contract for ,U/ the construction of the work to be made and entered into with some ;PVV~ person or persons, firm or corporation: subject to the approval of · this Council to be declared by Resolution. 6. The Treasurer may agree with any bank or person for temP-:. ;r//o. orary advances of money to meet the cost of the work pending the~if~ completion of it. ' n - 2 - . '7. The debentures to be issued for the loan to be effected to pay for the cost of the sanitary sewer and A.C. watermain on Industry Street and on Mary Street, aforesaid, when completed, shall bear interest at such rate as the Council may determine and be made payable within twenty years on the instalment plan and the debentures to be issued for the loan to be effected to pay for the cost of the opening, grading and gravelling of Industry Street and Mary Street, aforesaid, when completed, shall bear interest at such rate as the Council may determine and be made payable within five years on the instalment plan. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS fo OCTOBER, ?Jjfhz~ Mayor READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS / DAY OF DECEMBER, 1958.