BYLAW - Consolidate the Sums Authorized to be Borrowed - 19571021 - 133457A BY-LAW TO CONSOLIDATE THE SUMS AUTHORIZED TO BR BORRO>VED
BY BY-LAWS NOS. 1273, 133.:1.. AND /333, INTO ONE Sill! OF
WHEREAS the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora,
has, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Bo~rd, passed
By-law No. 1273, au·t· horizing tfu borrowing of Three Hundred~~~ ?.~aJ' 0 11 o. 0 0 f'7
Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00 upon the credit of the
Corporation and the issue of debentures therefor, for the
purpose of alterations and extensions of and to the Municipal
Sewage Treatment Plant;
AND 1/JHE:REAS the said Corporation, has./ upon the approval
of the Ontario Municipal Board, passed By-law No. 133 S
authorizing the borrowing of Twenty-Eight Thousand One Hundred
and Ten Dollars ($28,110.00), upon the credit of the
Corporation and the issue of debentures therefor, for the
purpose of the construction of watermains beneath the C.N.R.
right-of-lvay from 1011 C.N.R. Main to Ross Street; on Ross
Street from a new 8 11 main from G.N.R. to Mary Street; on
Mary Street from Ross Street to \vest limit Industrial
Subdivision; on l.vellington Street from Industrial Street to
New Centre Street; on New Centre Street from Wellington
Street East to Centre Street; on Centre Street from New
Centre Street to Yonge Street; on Wellington Street East from
New Centre Street to Ross Street; on Ross Street from
Wellington Street East to new 8 11 Main from C. N.R.
AND WHEREAS the said Corporation, has;upon the approval
of the Ontario Municipal Board, passed By-law No. 133L
authorizing the borrowing of Thirty-Five Thousand One Hundred
and Fifty Dollars ($35,150.00), upon the credit of the
Corporation and the issue of debentures therefor, for the
purpose of the construction of a sewage pump house on Lot
106, Plan 2t~6, Aurora, a trunk se1ver therefrom extending
t __
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Southerly to Wellington Street and a forcemain extending from
the pump house to a strip of land extending easterly from
Centre Street and westerly along such strip of land and along
Centre Street to Catherine Street and to acquire a sewer
easement over such strip of land.
AND lVHEREAS the Municipal Council deems it expedient
to consolidate By-laws numbered 1273, 1332. and t33~
respectively and to borrow,for the above purposes a sum not
exceeding Three Hundred and Ninety-Three Thousand Tvm Hqndred
and Sixty Dollars ($393,260.00) upon the credit of the
Corporation and to issue debentures therefor bearing interest
payable annually at the rates shmm in Schedule "A" attacheci
to and forming part of this by...;law;
AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of
the said municipality according to the last revised assessment
roll thereof is s; (}61, opo.oo
AND WHEREAS the amount of the debenture debt of-the said
Corporation is /tJ 7Y ,s-6f. o 0
' I
of which no part of the
principal or interest is in arrears;
AND WHEREAS by Orders dated the 14th day of March, 1956,
and the 14th day of March, 1956, and the 18th day of October,
1956, under Files Numbers P.F.D. 2214, P.F.D. 4458(6-9)-55 and
P.F.D. 6771-(a)-56 respectively, the Ontario Municipal Board
has approved the purpose of the said Borrowing and the passing
of all requisite by-laws, including debenture by-laws;
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the .Corporation
of the Town of A urora, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS :
l. That for the purpose of alterations and extensions of
and to the Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant and for the
construction of 1vatermains beneath the C.N.R. right-of-1.;ay
from 1011 C. N.R. Main to Ross Street; on Ross Street from a
new 811 main from C.N.R. to Mary Street; on Mary Street from
Ross Street to west limit Industrial Subdivision; on
Wellington Street from Industrial Street to New Centre Street;
on New Centre Street from Wellir~ton Street east to Centre
, I
l j u
- 3 -
Street; on Centre Street from Nevr Centre Street to Yonge
Street; on Wellington Street East from New Centre Street to
Ross Street; on Ross Street from Wellington Street East to
nevr 811 Main from C. N.R. and for the construction of a s_ewage
pump house on Lot 106, Plan 2~6, Aurora, a trunk sewer
therefrom extending southerly to Wellington Street and a
forcemain extending from the pump house to a strip of land
extending easterly from Centre Street and westerly a long
such strip of land and along Centre Street to Catherine Street
and to acquire a sevrer easement over such strip of land,
the Corporation shall borrow upon its cred it Three Hundred
and Ninety-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Dollars
~393,260,00) and shall issue debentures therefor;
2. The debentures shall be dated the 30th day of
September, 1957, and shall be made payable in twenty (20)
annual instalments on the 30th day of S eptember, in each of
the years 1958, to 1977, both inclusive, and the respective
amounts of principal and interest payable in each of the
said years shall be the amount so designated in Schedule "A"
attached to and forming part of this by-law;
3. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal
and interest in lawful money of Canada, at the option of the
holder, at the 8A.NK. ol'"' no,.,~t:ll'-in the Town of Aurora, or
at the principal office of the said Bank in the City of X Toronto.
~. The debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of the
Corporation and signed by the Head of the Council, or by .
some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and
by the Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed
by the Treasurer and the signature thereon may be written,
stamped, lithographed or engraved,
5. The said debentures may contain a clause providing for
the registration thereof pursuant to Section 335 of The
Municipal Act.
6. Pending the sale of the said debentures the Head of
the Council and the Treasurer may raise for the purpose
r ' u
aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures, any sum or
sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized
to be borrowed, ang may hypothecate such debentures for such
7. By-laws numbered 1273, /.:)3 :2.. and /3 3 s respectively,
of the said Corporation are declared to be and are hereby
consolidated in this by-law, and no debentures authorized
by the said By-laws ri\llllbered 1273, I 3 ~ l-and /JH
shall be issued other than as provided in this by-law.
READ A FIRST AND SECOND TI:ME THIS /t:j day of August, 1957.
O()Tp8£R, of August, 1957.
/ ... _, ,,
BY,..LAvJS NOS. 1273 1332 and 1333 J1S AiviEND:Ji:D BY BY-LAIJS
NOv. 13'1-1 13~3 a' d /3¥..2-INTO ONE SUM OF ~~93 260.00 AND TO
i'fHEREAS the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora,
has, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, passed
By-law No. 1273, ~uthorizing the borrowrong of Three Hundred and
Thirty Thousand Dollars ($330,000,00) upon the credit of the
Corporation and the issue of debentures therefor, for the
purpose of alterations and extensions of and to the Municipal
Se~age Treatment Plant;
AND WHEREAS the said Corporation, has, upon the approval
of the Ontario i\1unicipal Board, passed By-law No, I 3 5' 3
authorizing the borrowing of Twenty-Eight Thousand, One Hundred
and 'ren Dollars ($28,llO.OO), upon the credit of the Corporation
and the issue of tlebentures therefor, for the puroose of the
construction of watermains beneath the C. N, R. right-of-
1oJay from 10" ·c. N. R. Main to Ross Street; on Ross Street
from a new 8" Main from C. N. R. to l"Jary Street; on
IVJary Street from Ross Street to !Jest limit Industrial
Subdivision; on 'llellington Street from Industrial Street to
New Centre Street; on New Centre Street from Wellington
Street East to Centre Street; on Centre Street from New
Centre Street to Yonge' Street; on 1i'Jellington Street East from
New Centre Street to Ross Street; on Ross Street from
Uellington Street East to ne1; $ 11 !VIa in from C. N. R.
AND h'HEREAS the said Corporation, has, upon the approval
of the Ontario iVJunicipal Board, passed. By-law No. /3'3.2
authorizing the borrowing of Thirty-Five Thousand One Hundredl
and Fifty Dollars ($3<150.00), upon the credit of the
Corporation and the issue of debentures therefor, for the
purpose of the construction of a sewage pump house ·on Lot
106, Plan 246, Aurora, a trunk sewer therefrom extending
,, . '
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Southerly to Wellington Street and a forcemain extending from
the pump house to a strip of land extending easterly from
Centre Street and westerly along tuch strip of land and along
Centre Street to Catherine Street and to acquire a sewer
easement over such strip of land.
AND VJHEREAS the Municipal Council deems it expedient to
consolidate into one sum the amounts authorized to be borrowed by
the said By-laws 1273, 1332 and 1333] as amended by the said By-
Laws Nos. 1 a 'II, 1 il~ J and /.:i'~.,Z respectively, and to borrow for the
above purposes a sum not exceeding Three Hundred and Ninety-Three
Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Dollars ($393,260.00), upon the
credit of the Corporation and to issue debentures therefor bearing
interest payable annually at the rates shown in lfuedule 11 A11 attahhed
to and forming part of this by-law;
AND \iHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of
the said municipality according to the last revised assessment
roll thereof is .:;-: S 6 7 09 tl· tJ tJ
AND WI!EREAS the amount of the debenture debt of the said
Corporat on is I, 1/71'; {)6tf.oo of which no part of'the
principal or interest is in a:~rears;
AND WHEREAS by Orders dated the 14th ay of March, 1956, and the
14th day of March, 1956, and the 18th day of October, 1956, under
Files Numbers P.F.D. 2214, F.F.D. 4458{6-9)-55 and P.F.D.
6771-(a)-56 respectively, the Ontario J.VIunicipal Board has approved
th:e purpose of the saihd Borrowing and the passing of all requisite
By-laws, including debenture by-laws;
NOlif THEREFORE the Iillunicipal Council of the Corporation of
the Town of Aurora, ENACTS AS FOLLO\'lS:_
1. The sums authorized by the said By-laws numbered 1273, 1332
and 1333 respectively are hereby consolidated into one sum of
2. For the purposes aforesaid there shall be borrowed on the
credit of the Corporation at large the sum of $393,260.00 and
debentures shall be issued therefor in one series in sums of not
less than $100.00 each, bearing interest at the rates hereinafter
i . -L-~_,;·
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provided, payable annually and having coupons attached thereto
for the payment of the interest.
3. The debentures shall be dated the 30th day of September,
1957, and shall be made payable in twenty (20) annual instalments
on the 30th day of September, in each of the years 1958, to 1977,
both inclusive, and the respective amounts of principal and
interest payable in each of the s:aid years shall be the amount
so designated in Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of
this by-law;
4-. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and
interest in of Canada, at the option of the holder,
at the Bank of Montreal in the Town of Aurora, or at the principal
office of the said Bank in the City of Toronto.
5. The debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of the
Corporation and signed by the Head of the Council, or by some
other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the
Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the
Treasurer and the signature thereon may be written, stamped,
lithographed or engraved.
The said debent~ues may contain a clause providing for
the registration thereof pursuant to Section 335 of The Munici~al
7. Pending the sale of the said debentures the Head of
the Council and the Treasurer may raise for the purpose
aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures, any sum or
sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized
to be borrowed, and may hypothecate such debentures for such
7. By-laws numbered 1273, 1332 and 1333 respectively,.
of the said Corporatio~ as amende~ are declared to be and
are hereby consolidated in this by-la~, and no debentures
• . . "
' . LJ
authorized by the said By-laws numbered 1273, 1332 and
1333, as amended, shall be issued other than as provided
in this by-law.
READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ·19th day of August, 1957. ___ _....~--~~
Mayor Clerk
READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS o(/,a/. day of October, 1957.
~ flf)n . ~ayor w:T
D'P $1 .A~!IA.
sohed'!lle •A• •• ~t-s..w ·••· 1)34 t:J~,,ut .. oo
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btl . '/. ;r_,_. 16th t• lGta 7e&J! 1Ml'!lJJ1.fti
Qa. SQD:ilt . . .. ll'l.S'J\
l.JH • );.0,260~ $ !4~4.f$,?f
1959 u,#oo~ 23,i~i.?J
:S,J40 1a,eoo(O 2),2Jf,!$
1961 12,100, !2,$419.2$
191i2 13~20&, 2~,8'1),$0
1,,, )..l+ •. ,tHt, 21,114,$8
1944 1tt,.see, 20,2$4.$0
3.?6$ 1J,'f90, 19,~84,.$0 1,,, 14,,oo, l$,It44.$0
1947 :u~,ooe, 17,4)0,$1
1961 19,200, 16-tlfO.JO
1,,, a~.t,4oo, 11,1:50.$0
19'70 :at,,to. u,it?J • .;o
1971 22,$00, 12,$2$.5&
1,72 :a4,ooo. 11,100,$0
19'1') !e.zeo. ,,,oo • .so ,,.,,. a?~,Sto, ?~$9'f,.f0
1,.,1 29.'f0G, 4,uo,eo ,.,.,, )1,000, 4,1,.JO .. ,.,, )),)00., l,l44.JO
$3t;,a4t. t;u,.ol4.4f '
Mayo.,.. ~.,,,,4-;C~~'-¥-441~
T -·· . --•
t '4~1li,'10
3$,)44 • .50
35,JJo • .so
3$, .. 6$0,$0
,., •• o •
,,,. ... t.-00
3J •. 441f.j0
0lt:t1'lt -~~~~~~~'"<A/