BYLAW - Borrowing of $18,430.00 - 19570819 - 133557[""""1 i )) • I f,< t j ~6v4' BY-LAW NUMBER 133~ \Y" .. OF THE CORPORATION OF .. THE TOWN OF AURORA •. , ~ J, 9 /-¥·:5" -1 - A BY-LAW TO AU!l1HORIZE THE BORROWING OF :ihS,.430.00~PON DEBENTURES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING FOR THE CONSi'RUt;TION OF SANITRRY SE~'iERS ON ROSS STREET, iVIARY STREET, vi/ELLINGTON STREE'r FROiVI C .N .R. RIGHT- OF -~lAY TO E~ST LIIvii'r THEREOF AND EX'I'ENDING SOUTH TO WELLINGTON STREET, UNDER THE, PROVISIONS OF THE LOCAL IliJPROVEIVlENTS ACT. AND WHEREAS the Copporation of the Town of Aurora with the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board by order dated the 14th day of March, 1955, #PFD 4458 (l-5a)-55 passed by by-law #1259 to provide for the const~uction of a sanitary sewer on Ross Street, Mary Street, Wellington Street from C.N.R. right-of-way to East limit of the Corporation, Centre Street from C.N.R. right-of-way to the east limit thereon and extedding south to ltlellington Street as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvements Act and to provide for the payment thereof by issuance of debentures payable within 15 years on the instalment plan. AND WHEREAS, pursuant to the said by-law, the works are authorized. to be done pursuant to Sections 7 and S of The Local Improvements Act, as a local improvement. AND WHEREAS special assessment rolls have been prepared, pursuant to The Local Improvement Act, covering the special assess- ment required by the said by-law #1259 been adopted by the Court 9f Revision. which assessment rolls have AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the municipality according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $ and whereas the amount of the existing debenture debts of the Corporation, exclusive of local improvements secured by special rates or assessments, is $ THEREFORE THE COUNCIL. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. For thepu:rw:>se aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit of the Corporation a sum not exceeding $1S,L,30.00 and shall issue debentures therefore in the sums not less than $100.00 each and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable annually and having c oupollS attached thereto for the payment of interest. 2. All the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued at r 1. - 2 - one time and within two years after the day on which this by-law is passed, may bear any date within such two years and shall be made payable in annua~ instalments during the period of fifteen years next after the date of issue thereof and the respective ' amounts of principal and interest payable in. each of such years shall be the amount so designated in Schedule 11 A11 hereto attached. 3. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and interest in lawful money of Canada and may be payable in such place or places in Canada as shall be designated thereon. 4. The said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corpor- ation and signed by the head of the CoUncil, or by some other person authorized to sign the same by by-law, and by the Treasurer. The inter,est coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signanure thereon may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved. 5. Commencing in the year 1958, and thereafter in each year in which an instalment of principal of the said debt and interest be- come due, the Corporation shall levy and raise the specific sum shown for the respective year in the 4th column of the said Schedule 11 A". Such sums shall be levied and raised as follows: " " (a) The Corporation's ala:re, amounting to $ and interest thereon, shall be levied and raised by a special rate sufficient .· therefor over and above all other rates upon all the rateable ' property in the Municipality. (b) For the payment of the owners' share and interest thereon, the special assessment aet forth in the special assessment roll is hereby impilised as follows: per foot frontage for the construction of sanitary sewers on lots on Ross St., Mary St., Wellington St. from C.N.R. right-of-way to east limit thereof, as authorized by said by-law #1259. 6. The debentures may contain a clause providing for the regis- tration thereof pursuant to Section 335 of the Municipal Act. 7. Pending the sale of the aebentures, the head of the Council and the Treasurer maymise for the purpose aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures, any sum or sums of money not exceeding - 3 - in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypothecate such debentures for such loan. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TI!VJE THIS fCj day of August, 1957. Clerk READ A THIRD 'ri!VJE AND PASSED THIS day of August, 1957. Mayor Clerk TOWN OF AURORA $ 181430· ~ 1 fif, 1 ~ Debentures Due 1 -J.S years -~J .INTEREST YEAR BATE PRINCIPAL INrEREST '!'OrAL 1 ~ $ 83(>. $ 11ll4.73 $ 11944·73 2 ~ Boo. 11067.00 11867.00 3 5ii 900· 1 102l.oo 11921.00 4 5~ 900· 969.25 11869.25 5 ~ 11000. 917.50 11917.50 6 (If, 1,100. 86o.oo 1 196o.oo 7 (If, 1,100. 794·00 1,894.00 8 (If, 1,200. 728.00 11928.00 9 (If, 11300· 656.00 1,~6.00 10 (If, 11300. 578.00 1187S.oo ll ~ i,4oo. 500.00 1,900.00 \~ '. 12 6f:{. 11500. 412.50 1,912.!)0 13 ~ 1,6op. 318.75 1,918·75 14 ~ 1,100. 21.8.75 1,918.75 15 ~ 1,800. ll2.50 1~912.!)0 $ 18,430. $ 10,267·98 $ 28,697.98 . I L: v 60;;;=~-+· BY-LAW NUMBER J,335 i--M c~r ~· OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ' A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF $27,914 • .53 UPON DEBENTURES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PA'fiNG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS ON ROSS STRE:Ji;T, M.AB.Y STREET, WELLINGTON STREET FROM C.N.R. RIGHT- . OF-WAY TO EAsT LIMIT THEREOF AND ,EXTENDING SOUTH TO WELLINGTON STREET, ·UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS ACT. wHEREAS the Corporation of the Town o.f Aurora with the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board by order dated the 14th day of March, 1955, #PFD 4458 (l-5a)-55 and with the further approval of the ontario Municipal Board by order dated the lOth day of March, 1958 and by Department of Health approval by certificate dated the 29th day of February "ll~956 constructed. a sanitary sewer and private sewer connections at a cost of $27,914 • .53 on Ross Street Mary Street, Wellington Street from C.N.R. right-of-way to East limit of the. Corporation, Centre Street from C.N.R. right-of-'1-rai···, {~},.,'""?:) to the east limit thereon and extending south to Wellington Street ·.;.zyr as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvements Act and to provide for the payment thereof by ~ssuance of debentures payable vdthin 15 years on the instalm~nt plan. AND WHEREAS special assessment rolJ,s have been prepared, · pursuant to The Local Improvement Act, !~!overing the special assess- ment required by by-law #1259 which assessment rolls have been adopted by the Court .of Revisi 0n. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the municipality according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $ 6. os-7, !1/-/-.oo and whereas the amount of the existing debenture debts of the Corporation is $ ~SO.<, ?7 b • 0 / THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit of the Corporation a sum not exceeding $27,914.53 and shall issue debentures therefor in sums of not less that $100.00 each and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per an~um payable annually and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest. 2. All the debentures shall bear the same dat~.shall be issued at one time during the year 1958 af:hr iihe 3 o:a~ after the day on which this by-law is passed, may bear any date within such period -2- and shall be made payable in annual instalments during the period or fifteen years next after the date of issue thereof and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each or such years'shall be the amount so designated in Schedule IIAII hereto attached. 3. The debentures shall ba payable as to both principal and interest in lawful money or Canada and may be payable in such place or places in Canada as shall be designated thereon. 4~ The said debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of Corpor- ation and signed by the head of the Council, or by some other person authorized to sign the same by by-law~ and by the Treasurer. The interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved. 5. Commincing in the year 1959, and thereafter in each year in which an instalment of principal of the said debt and interest be- come due, the Corporation shall levy and raise the specific sum -' shown for the respective year in the 4th column of the said Schedule IIA 0 • Such sums shall be levied and raised as follows: (a)For payment of the Cor tion 1 s share, and interest thereon, e"----------~ • 8 79 • 46 ~ · ( 8'7 '? ttl li,. '< 1 the sum of $ '8't. levied and raised annually \ // ., by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates upon all the rateable property in the Municipality. (b)For the payment of the owners• share and interest thereon, the special assessment set forth in the special assessment rlllll is hereby imposed respectively upon the several lots sho'l"m on the said roll :and the annual rates set f'orth therein are hereby levied on each of the said lots respectively. 6. The debentures may contain a clause providing f'or the regis- t~ation thereof pursuant to Section 335 of the Municipal Act. 7. Pending the sale of the debentures, the head of the Council and the Treasurer may raise for the purpose aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures, any sum or sums of money not exceeding r '"l Ll r ! u -3 - in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypothecate such debent~es for such loan. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS / f DAY OF --tu:t'..aa/, / '1 S/ Mayor Clerk READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS ~;<._ DAY OF ~e/ / f J~ j' , I .-.~':"-- L ('' CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE 11 A" to By-Law 1.3.35 ---$27,914.5.3 AT 6% FOR FIFTEEN YEARS ------- YEAR PRINCIP~ INTEREST ANNUAL PAYMENT 1959 $1,199.28 $1,674.88 $ 2,874.16 1960 1,271.24 1,602.92 2,874.16 1961 1,.347.52 1,526.64 2;874.16 1962 1,428 • .37 1,445.79 2,874.16 196.3 .. 1,514.07 1,.360,09 2,874.16 -~ ,,----1.< 1964 1,604.91 1,269.25 2,874.16 )J 1965 1,701,21 1,172.95 2,874.16 1966 1,80.3,28 1,070.88 2,874.16 1967 1,911.48 962.68 2,874.16 1968 2,026.17 847.99 ·:;. 2,874.16 1969 2,147.74 726.42 2,874~16 1970 2,276.60 597.56 2,874.16 1971 2, 41.3.19 460.97 2,874.16 1972 2,557.99 .316.17 2,874.16 197.3/ 2,711.48 162.68 2,874.16 $27,914.5.3 $15,197.87 $4.3,112.40 . I --· ,', ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BoARD TE\.EPHONE· EM. 3-121l ' William Johnson Esq., Town Clerk, Aurora, Ont. 145 QUEEN ST. WEST ToRONTO Dear Sir, Re: Validation of By-law No.l335. PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO. P.F.D.4458-55 18th April,l958. I have for acknowledgement receipt of your letter of the 9th instant enclosing copy of the above mentioned proposed by-law which has been considered by the Board and am directed to advise you that the by-law when passed should be amended to recite that the work has been done and the cost thereof, the approval of the Department of Health (or of The Ontario Water Resources Commiss,ion, as the case may be) and the second order of the Board (dated March 10,1958) shou],d also be included in the first recital./ ., / The words "and private <:ewer connections" shou+d be inserted in the fourth line of the first recital following "sanitary sewer". The second recital should be deleted. The fourth recital should be amended by deleting the words "exclusive of local improvements secured by special rates or assessments" and the total of the existing debenture debt without limitation should be inserted, In the first enacting clause, the word "therefore" in the third line should read "therefor". In the same clause and the same line, the word 11 the 11 should be deleted before the *ond "sums" and the word "of" should be inserted thereafter; in the fourth line of the same clause, the word "of" should be inserted after the word "rate". In the second enacting clause, the words "and within two years" should be. deleted from the second line and "during the year 195811 substituted therefor and in the following line the words 11 two years" should be deleted and the word "period" substituted therefor. In the fifth enacting clause, sub-clause (a} should read "For payment of the Corporation's share, and interest thereon, the sum of $ ••.••••••• shall be levied and rais.ed annually by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates upon all the rateable property in the :1/Iunicipality". Sub~clause (b) of .the fifth enacting clause should read "For the paymeny of the owners' share and interest thereon, the special assessment set forth in the special assessment roll is hereby imposed respectively upon the several lots shown on the said roll and the annual rates set forth therein are hereby levied on each of the saia lots respectively", , I ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BoARD __ .,,_ 145 QCI EE,N ST. WEST TELEPHONE· EM. 3-1211 TORONTO "PLEASE: QUOTE FILE NO. March 14th 1958. P.F.D.H5B-55 William Johnson, Esq., Town Clerk, Aurora, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Additional capital expenditure of $9,484.53 for completion of con- struction of sanitary sewers on portions of Ross Street, etc. and private sewer connections. I have for acknowledgment r.eceipt of your letter of the 11th instant and enclosure and am enclosing receipt No.4226 covering payment of invoice ~o. 4103. Duplicate original of the Board's Order dated March lOth, 1958 pursuant to Sections 8 and 64 of The Local Improve- ment Act and Section 67 of The Board's Act granting approval of an additional expenditure of $9,484.53 for works authorized by the Board's Order dated the 14th day of March 1956, is also enclosed. · With reference to proposed By-law No.l335, if'the amount authorized thereby is to be increased to $27,914.53 it is obvious that the By-law will have to be re-cast and a new schedule of payments of principal and interest prepared for attachment thereto. However, the question arises as to the wisdom of borrowing on debentures monies being levied in 1958. The Board desires your comments in this regard, upon receipt of which the Board will give directions as to the alterations which will be required in the form of the proposed by-law when same isfU- drafted. BV:JP Enc:2 Yours truly, O.R. CHAPMAN~ .f Secretary. \ jf\ :_•' -~...L_o _ _,_ - 2 - P.F.D.4458-55 When By-law Number 1335 amended as aforesaid is passed, a certified copy thereof should be filed with this office. Yours truly, O.R. CHAP. Secreta BV/GJ ., ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD J;N '!HE MA.TT~ll; OF 1 Sections $ a,nd 64 o.f ');'he l..oea.l Improvement Act (a.s.o. l.9SO, Chapter 215), Sect-ion 67 of 'l'he Ontario Municipal Board ACt (a.s.O.l9SO .• Chapter .2p2}, .. and- IN THE MJ\'l'TER OF an .appl.;i.cation o! th.e Cpr- poration of the 'rown p;t: Aurora .tor authority to incur .an ad!iitional expe~ittil'e,o! . $9,4$4.51 !Qrthe.<~ompletionof tib:& .con$true- ti.on. of the sanitary sewers /and '}:irivate sewe;r conri~etil.ons aui;.horiJlE!d by a previous O;rder of the Boar.d dated the 14th day ot fllarch, 1956. B B FO IE: ) R • C , ROWLA.1'<JD t ~ Vice .. Ch,a:!.rman, ) ) ) ) ) ) MONDAY 1 the lOth day of March, l95tt. UPON THE APPLlC&'l\toN OF the !)laid Corporation, and up.on ;reading the mat;er:Lal filed, , THE MARD ORil$RS, und~r a.nd in pursl.\ance ot the legislation hel'eincl::nllfo~e ref'cerred to, and o:f any. al:ld all other powers vested in the Boardt. that the S!!.ld application be approved and tl;tat the li>aid mun;i.c;i.paJ,.ity may incur· an additional expenditure o:f' #91484.53 for. the completion of the eonst:ruct.ion of the sanitary sewers and private sewer conn .. actions cl,e~.>cribed or referred. to in li!chedule "A" attached ENTERED to a d .forming part of a p.revious ord~ .of ,the ~oard dated . 0. r ~lo .. ./.'...r.l.. ..... the· 4th day of March; 19.56, and tor such purpose may pass Fol .• o. . ......... 9.,nLS~.............. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·.· .... · . . .. < '~'-' .•. all eciessary · by ... lawa, inci.lu;d:tl):g by .. law;:~ prOViding for the ·· MAR 1 7 1958 . . . issu, of debentures repayable within the term prescribed in · ~ t e .,aid previoul!i\ , Secretory, Ontario Muni ipa Boar.d,j ' . 3.l:CRETARY,