BYLAW - Consolidate the Sums Authorized to be Borrowed - 19570705 - 132357THE CORPORATION OF THE TO\VN OF AURORA BY-LAW NIDffiER. /.J.~.~ ... l, A BY-L_A.W TO CONSOLIDATE THE SUMS AUTHORIZED TO BE BORRO~IED BY BY-LAWS N'ffilffiERS 1"'1 4 , t':\o.--o '~'/' , and '~""'" INTO ONE SUM OF $440,000.00 AND TO BORRO\!J SA1>1E BY THE ISSUE OF DEBENTURES THEREFOR,, WHEREAS the Jvlunicipal Corporation of the To~;rn of Aurora, vrith the approval of the Ontario Jvlunicipal Board by Order dated the 6th day of Jtme, 1955, Number E.F.D-:3343-55, passed By-lavr Number 13! CJ' to provide for the borrovring of $36,000.00 by the issuance of debentures for the renovation and alteration of the Municipal Office Building and for the construction of an addition thereto and for furniture and fittings for the Jvlunicipal Office and Council Chambers and to provide that the sa,id sum shall be re- payable in yearly sums 'lvith interest during the period of 20 , ' years in such amotmts res'Pectively of principal and interest as set forth in Schedule "A" hereto attached; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Corporation of the Tovm of Aurora, 'lvi th the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board by Order dated the lY,th day of Jvlarch, 1956, Number E.F.D.221Jo,, passed By-lavr N1imber to provide for the borrov!ing of $339,000.00 by the issuance of debentures for the alterations and extensions of and to the Nunicipal Sewage Treatment Plant and to provide that the said sum shall be repayable in yearly sums vri th interest during the period of 20 years in such amounts respectively of principa] and interest as set forth in Schedule "B" hereto attached; AND WHEREAS the Jvlunicipal Corporation of the Tovm of Aurora, vri th the approval of The Ontario-Municipal Board by Order dated the 14th day of March, 1956, Number E.F.D.Jf458 (6-9)-'55, passed By- la,,J Number 13 '-1 t "d h b $ 8 • o provl e for t_ e orro1·1ing of 'p2:, 900.00 by the issuance of debentures for the construction of a sewage pump house on Lot 106, Plan 246, Aurora, a trunk sevrer therefrom extending southerly to Wellington Street and a forcemain extending from the pump house to a strip of land extending easterly from Centre Street and vresterly along such strip of land and along Centre Street to Catherine Street, and to acquire a sewer ease- ment over such strip of land and to provide that the said sum -------..... -~"'~--· ---~------~~-~---~1 ~~ - 2 - shall be repayable in yearly sUJUs with interest during the period of 20 years in such amounts respectively of principal and interest as set forth in Schedule "C" hereto attached; AND i'IHEREAS the Municipal Corporation of the Tmm of Aurora, vJi th the approval of The OntarioMunicipal Board by Order dated the 18th day of October 1956, Number E.F .D .. -6771-(a)-56, passed By- La1v Nfunber for the borroving of $36,100.00 by the issu- ance of debentures for the construction of vratermains beneath the C.N.R., right-of-vray from 10 11 C.N.R., Main to Ross Street; on Ross Street from a nm-r 8 11 main from C.N.R. to VJary Street; on Mary Street from Ross Street to West limit Industrial Subdivision; on Wellington Street from Industrial Street to New Centre Stree•t; on New Centre Street from \'iellington Street East to Centre Street; on Centre Street from New Centre Street to Yonge Street; on Wellington Street East from New !Sentre Street to Ross Street; on Ross Street from Wellington Street East to nevr 8 11 Main from C .N. R., and to provide that the said sum shall be repayable in yearly sums vrith interest during the period of 20 years in such amounts re- spectively of principal and interest as set forth in Schedule "D" hereto attached; AND viHEREAS it is desirable to consolidate the sUJUs authorized to be borrovred by By-laws l,'lil 13')0 1~)..-/ 13'J.'>- ' and into\:one sUJU of ~p44o,ooo.oo and to issue debentures therefor in one consecutive issue; AND WHEREAS the amount of the vrhole rateable property in the Municipality according to the last revised assessment roll thereof . ,~ lS ~P and the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Corporation, exclusive of local improvement debts:secured by special rates or assessment is $ , of •·rhich no part of the principal or interest is in arrears; '--J THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLmvS: 1. The sums authorized by By-lavrs Numbers 13 ''7' I :-, 1-t /~1-1-to be borrowed are ' and hereby consolidated into one sum of $44o,ooo.oo and debentures shall be issued therefor in one consecutive issue in sums of not less than $100.00 each and bearing interest at the rate of six [J [ - 3 - per centum (6%) per annum payable annuall;~r and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of the interest., 2., For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borro•r upon the credit of the Corporation a su._rn not exceeding $lt1~o,ooo.oo and shall issue debenturesc therefor in sums of not less than ~PlOO.OO each. Such debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six percentum (6%) per annum_payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest~- 3· All the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued at the one time and vrithin one year after the day on vrhich the purpose of the said borrovring vras approved by Order of The Ontario Municipal Board, may bear any date vrithin such year and shall be made payable in annual instillments during the period of 20 years next after the date of issue thereof, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amounts so designated in Schedule "E" hereto annexed, I>Jhich said schedule is hereby declared to form part of this by-lavr. lt. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and interest in law-ful money of Canada and may be made payable at such place or placesin Canada as shall be designated thereon. The said debentures shall be sealed vri th the seal of the Corporation and signed by the head of the Council or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved. 6. Commencing in the year 195'8 and thereafter in each year in lvhich the instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become due,, the Corporation shall levy and raise the specific sum shovm for the respective year in the fourth column of the said Schedule "E". Such sum shall be levied and raised by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates upon all the rateable property in the Municipality. The said debentures may contain a clause providing ~--.l ('"' I I L .. ~.,J -);. - for the reg~stration thereof pursuant to Section 335 of The Municipal Act •. 8. Pending the sale of the said debentures, the head of the Council and the Treasurer may raise for the purpose afbre- said by c·ray of a loan on such debenture·s•: any sum or sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be bor- rovred and may hypothecate such debentures for such loan.- The Corporation shall have the right at its option, to redeem the debentures-•. falling due in the last year as shmm in the said schedule thereof at the places lvhe re and in the moneys in vrhich the said debentures• are expressed to be payable, upon payment of the principal amount thereof together with ·.int- erest accrued to the date of redemption and upon giving previous notice of said intention to redeem by advertising once in the Ontario Gazette and once in the daily ne1vspaper of gen,eral Provincial circulation, published in the City of Toronto-, and once in a local ne1-rspaper, such notice to be advertised as afore- said at least thirty days prior to the date fixed for redemption. Notice of said intention so to redeem shall also be sent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set for such redemption to each person in vrhose name a debenture so to be redeemed is regis- tered at the address shmm in the Debenture Registry Boo·k •. 10. Upon notice being given as aforesaid, the debentures· so called for redemption, shall be and become due and payable on the date fixed for redemption in the same manner and with the same effect as if it were the date of maturity specified in such debenture, and from and after such date so fixed for redemption, interest on the said debenture shall cease unless payment of the redemption price shall not be made on presentation and surrender of the debenture certificate as therein provided on or after the date so fixed for redemption. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TINE THIS -1[~ ~ -DAY OF JULY, 19'57 •. Mayor Clerk READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS DAY OF JULY, 19')7. Mayor Clerk