BYLAW - Provide for a Deposit of Monies to be Made By any Applicant for the Clearence of Sewer Lead - 19570806 - 133257('"'-~·-~--~•x,_~~''"":\'"=i-"'-7=~;,~,~-~-~-~.-••---··•----•""""'-'"--~·~••-,.._..,-,""'"""~-";';;'•'''''-~<'"-<':%!~~~~-~~"\\~•~-~":;'?¢.?f•"'f'--"'?~·=';~~-•-•_.-=~·'~_:,...~~'-':-·•-.......__.._.~ .. ~~-·-·-~·-~•~~-~..-,,.,_~.'"-~~=··~~-··•-•••-•-··~,..-l . i REPEALED,SiE r 6Y -LAW NO ...... :!..i..Z.. ...... A B! .. tAW TO. PROVIDE FOR A DEPOSI'l' OF MONIES·. TO .:1$ M..!U)E BY ANY APPLICANT FOR THE CLEARNANCE OF ANY SEWER LEAD ' .. ·.· ., ... WflEREAS tht Council of the Oorporatien deem~~ it advis$iblle to ctemand ;--__ ; . , .. a dePosit of moni~$ :t:toom an appli~ant who requi.rEUI ' the Town to investigate and clta:r a sewer ~t:ttit which may have become clogged, leading trom his private prop~rty to. thE~ Town sewer system, ' . TF!EEEFORE THE GOtrn'CIL OF '.!:$ CORPORATION OF ···THE TOWN OF ATmOM. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 •. . investigate and to el.EUU!' any sewer lead, which may have. become elogged1 conneJting.a sEiwer pipe.trom private propert~ to the ll!own•s s$wr syste.mt a d&posit t>f' $15'~00 be paid to the '!'()wn;r In the 'l!vent tti$ q)hstruction is found tt> be on the T<rvin' s property, the said sum of $15'.00 shall be refunded to the appUeant but, otherwiSe, the . said. $15'.00 shall b¢ applied on the ¢osts. of clearing sueb obstruction• and any addi tionsl. costs shall be paid by· t.t;l(t applicant,. Read a first and second time this t -t!-d~<Y of' August• 1957 V. · -J. ;'}!i~R,PF( Mayor Reacl a third time and passed this Clerk