BYLAW - Borrowing of $5,300.00 - 19571021 - 133757L_, _______ _ ... ,. ' / , , BY-LAW NUMBER 1337 of the Municipal Corporation of the TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TDAUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF $5l~OO.OO UPON DEBENTURES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WATERMAIN ON TY~R STREET~IN THE TOWN OF AURORA. ~ Wmyle.1tJ4ST WHEREAS the Council ef the Cerporation 0f the Town of Aurora deemed it expedient to instal a watermain to replace a watermain on Tyler Street, and for this purpose to borrow a sum notexceeding $5,300.00 upon the credit of the Corporation, to issue debentures therefor bearing interest and payable in accordance with Schedule "A" hereto, and to provide for the discount and the expenses incidental to the preparations and negotiations and the sale of such debentures, AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make the said debt repayable in annul instalments during the period of 15 years next after the date of issue of sue~ debentures, of such amounts respectively that with the in- terest in respect of the debt the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in each year shall be,as nearly as possible, the same; AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable prope~ty of the municipality accerding te the last revised aasessment roll thereof is $5,567,090.00 and whereas the amount ef t~·existing debenture debt of the Corporation is $1, 07g, 568.00, of.· .which no part of principal and interest is in arrears; AND WHEREAS by Order dated the 20th day of December, 1955, Number B.F.D. 493g-55, t~e Ontario Municpal Board, pursuant to Section 67 . N!qnicipal of the Ontario{Board Act and of Section 3gg(1) paragraph 66 of The· Municipal Act, has approved the purpose of the said borrowing and the exercise by the Corporation of the Town of Aurora of its powers to proceed with, authorise and provide monies for the purpose of the said borrowing and the passing of all requisite by-laws, includin~ debenture by-laws; AND WHEREIS by Certificate dated the lst day of November 1955, the Department of Health of Ontario approved the purposes of the said r ·, borrowing; I : ,_,, THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORP ORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. For the purposes aforesaid there shall be borrowed upon the credit of the Corporation a sum not exceeding $5,300.00 and the Corporation shall issue debentures therefor in the sum of not less than $100.00 each. r---~------~--~-· ---~~~~""""~"""""~-~- f . /d!···· Utt . I I .. J -2- 2. All the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be • S//h''-L Ji'E D&TE!) /hit!' d.-t:Aj 0.&)1' issued at the one time !al:'IQ. withia sse yea,;p afteP tlae aQ3" en wlaiela OF S'EPTEHBER /'7~7 baa O@~J .. ~.pese gf tla.& · saiQ. 'bePPe"tdBg nae ~13PeveQ l3y QpEleP ef Tiae Oa1ia:P1o Mun'c'pa1 Bo1o1:cd~ may bea:c ~;~sy Q.ate w;lt:Sia suela yeapland shall be made payable in .annual instalments during the period of 15 years next after the date of issue thereof~ and the respective amounts of prin- cipal and interest payaqle in each of such years shall be the amounts so designated in Schedule "A" hereto annexed, which said schedule is hereby declared to form part of this by-law~ Thedebentures shall be payai::lle as to both principal and interest in lawful money of Canada and may be made pa~le at such place or places in Canada as shall be designated thereon. The said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation and signed by the head of the Council or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved~ Commencing in the year 1958 and thereafter in each year in which the instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become due, the Corporation shall levy and raise the specific sum shown for the respective year in the fourth column of the said Schedule IIAII~ Such sum shall be levied and raised by a special rate sufficient ilherefor over and above all other rates upon all the rateable property in the Municipality. The said debentures may contain a clause providing for the re~-istration thereof pursuant to section 335 of the Municipal Act. Pending the sale of the said debentures; the head of the Council and the Treasurer may raise for the purpose aforesaid by way of a loan on such debentures any sum or sums of money not exceeding r-·---~---~-~------~~~~ ·~--~----~····-=-·~-··· ---·-- ! • r--·, l.~ [] • -.3- in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypothecate such debentures for such loan~ READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS It} DAY OF AUGUST, 1957 R$AD A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS .,.< / DAY OF~l957 413o, ., '. h&E 195~ 1,$9 1960 1961 . 1~ 196~ 1964 1?61$ 1966 1967 196$ 1969 1971) am 197~ l'Qoim OF SMJA lh:~iil~E~ n-4• 'tio !f~I.Q.w No• lJJ?• $5 t lfO~t'll€) ~ctw iii .... 200 •• :.oo .. to Jlt~CI\J J00~­ ,300~ 30011;00 300!013 4t1)0~0Q ~fl!i~O -!00 4~~ $00iio00 $00~ ;~ .. t:ll) IMS!ItSt $ ~~-$& ,(l!I,.OO :t9'7.JO a•.~s 26) .. 00 /!4.S•7S 227•7S ~9<!'1$ 1~ll!'75 Jl::l'fii?$ U.lllS U$•'75 93,.15 61'~~ ,,.. ... , .lit" t ~:ao;so Jot~OO S97:i5t ~~.as J6$.00 !i4t1•11· 5~7i7S $~·'' $91J7J S6?t?5 !i4h75 $U.t75 S9~~'1S 562ir"' 531.2$ ; ~S.tlQll e•:r:reet ~ run~~ u.d $1:.® additieni!\1 oopy ca>f 'i ~···· $l;lll~tdnl$ lfA" to ~"t ll~.:l)J? l:mt11 b~en • ~nil~tt ud. e~Uibad.- Ma10:r· -~jt;...,.~~~~~"'!'" 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