BYLAW - Authorize Execution and Delivery of the Pipe Crossing Agreement With the Canadian National Railway Company - 19570107 - 130457I I I ' l,J. BY-LAW NUMBER /~ OF THE OOBPORATI0N 0F THE TOWN 0F AURORA A BY.o.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE PIJPE GROSSING AGREEMENT WITH CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY CE:lMPANY, PURSUANT T0 SECTION 272 OF THE RAILWAY ACT~ WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation desires permission from Canadian .National Railway Company to construct and maintain a 6"C.I. Foroemain along Centre Street under the ... -.-- tracks of the C.N.R. right-of-way and deem it expedient to enter into The Pipe Crossing Agreement number B -59503 with Canadian National Railway Company; which Agreement ~s dated the 7th day of January; 1957, and is now 'before Council~ NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF .AURE:lRA ENACTS AS F0LLDWS: 1~ That the said Pipe Crossing Agreement dated the 7th ·day of January; 1957, with Canadian National Railway Company j~· b~'and the same is hereby approved and that the Mayor and Clerk \ >~~•· execute same on behalf' o:f' the Corporation o:f' )lhe Town of Aurora and a:f'fix the seal o:f' the Corporation thereto~ REAl'> A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THI.s 7 DAY OF JANUARY, 19.57~ OMAYo . READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS 7 DAY OF JANUARY, 1957~ CLERK . ;'!' ?