BYLAW - Amend By law 1333 - 19571021 - 134357( i .. _,.) BY-LA~J NUMBER 1343 of the Municipal Corporation of the TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY ... LAW NUMBER 1333, BEING A BY-LAirJ TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF $28 6110.00 UPON DEBEN'rURES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SE\rJAGE PUMP HOUSE N LOT 106 PLAN 246 AURORA, A TRUNK SE'cm:R THEREFROM Ji;XTENDING SOUTHERLY TO \'JELLINGTON STREET AND A FORCENIAIN EXTENDING FROM THE PUMPHOUSE TO A S'rRIP OF LAND EXTENDING EASTERLY FROM CENTRE S'l'REET AND WES'rERLY ALONG SUCH STRIP OF LAND AND ALONG I .. CENTRE STREET TO CATHARINE STREET AND TO ACQUIRE A SE\IJER EASEMENT · OVER SUCH STRIP OF LAND WHEREAS it is required to amend paragraph two of the said by-law to provide for the date of the debentures to be issued thereunder; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOVlS: 1. That the words 11 during the year 1957, after the date on which this by-law is finally passed and shall be made payable11 be and the ~ ~ same are hereby deleted and the follorlliing words be and the same are I ! I l,.~,~J I hereby inserted in t-he pla~e and lieu thereof 11 shall be dated the 30th day of September, 1957, and shall be payable 11 so that the said paragraph two of said by-law Number 1333 shall read as follows: 11 2. All the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued at the one time, shall be dated the 30th day of September, 1957, and shall be payable in .annual instalments during the period of 20 years next after tne date of issue thereof, and .,~he respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amounts so designated in Schedule 11 A11 hereto annexed, which said ,, schedule is hereby declared to form part of this by-law. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TI!VIE THIS ;(. /-DAY OF OCTOBER; 1957·. READ A THIRD TI~lli AND PASSED THIS ;?/DAY OF OCTOBER, 1957 I, William Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No.134.3 w~~ch has received three readings by the Council or tne above Corporation and 'l'lrhich three readin_ ga were apt>roved b:v a vote uf0at least 9tl:lree fourths of the Council and finally pass~a this 21st day or ctooer 1 51. I I I .. ---~-__ l""C~"e:::_r::;k::-_-_-___ -_-=:--- / I I· I A. M. SNIDER, CHAIRMAN W. H. C. BRIEN, Q.C. W. 0. CONKLIN, Q.C. R. M. SIMPSON JAMES A. VANCE DR. A. E. BERRY GENERAL MANAGER BRIAN L.ARMOUR SECRETARY ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Mr. G, Wilkinson, Town Clerk, Box 176, AURORA, Ontario. Dear !1r. Wilkinson: EAST BL.OCK PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO August 30t 1957 .· ·, Enclosed herewith are the Commission's certificates of approval #57-B-383 and #57-A-462 for the construction of water mains and a sanitary sewer in the Town of Aurora. Yours very truly, Encls.2 . I CERTIFICATE No ... 5.7.:Jl:-:"l,6~ · FORM A ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION SEWAGE WORKS APPROVAL ~bttta~ •••••••••• THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ••••••••••••••••••••• of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • TO'WN OF AURORA •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• has submitted to the Ontario Water Resources Commission plans, specifications and an engineer's report of the proposed works hereinafter referred to, together with such information as the Commission has required and has applied for approval of:- a sanitary sewer to be constructed as follows: STREET TO Royal Road Cameron Avenue Edv;ard Street at a total estimated cost of EIGHT THOUSAND AND EIGHTY-FIVE DOLLARS AND NINETEEN CENTS ($8,085.19),--------------7 J}otu ~bertfore this is to certify that the Commission after due enquiry has approved the said proposed works under Section 31 of The Ontario Water Resources Commission Act, 1957. DATED AT TORONTO this •••• 30th ••• day of •••••• August ••••••• 19 57 ....... ...................... .. .................................. '!""'" . 1 General Manager ;' . I CERTIFICATE No .. !57::-.!3.":'}~). FORMB ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION WATER WORKS APPROVAL ~bttta~ ••••••••••••• THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ••••••••••••••...•.• of . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . TO\rn OF AURORA •••.•.•••.......••..•.•....• has submitted to the Ontario Water Resources Commission plans, specifications and an engineer's report of the proposed works hereinafter referred to, together with such information as the Commission has required and has applied for approval of:- water mains to be constructed as follows: STREET FROM Royal Road Cameron Avenue Edward Street Dunning Avenue together w~th private house connections1 of THIRTEEN THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN DOLLAR~ Edward Street Cousins Drive at a total estimated cost AND FORTY-SEVEN CENTS ($13 1 015,l,7)1 -----------------,/-------, / // /// Jliol.u m:berdort this is to certify that the Commission after due enquiry has approved the said proposed works under Section 30 of The Ontario Water Resources Commission Act, 1957. f! DATED AT TORONTO this ••• ,JOth •• day of ••••••• August ••••••• 1957 Chairman General Manager r r; A. M. SNIDER, CHAIRMAN W. H. C. BRIEN, Q.C. . W. D. CONKLIN, Q.C. R. M. SIMPSON JAMES A. VANCE DR. A. E. BERRY GENERAL MANAGER BRIAN LARMOUR SECRETARY ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Mr. G. Wilkinson, Town Clerk, Box 176, AURORA, Ontario. Dear Mr. Wilkinson: EAST BLOCK PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO September 26, 1957 Enclosed herewith is the': Commission's certificate of approval #57-B-433 for the construction of a water main on Yonge Street, in the Town of Aurora. Encl. General Manager. ( ! CERTIFICATE No ... 57.~.~~4JJ. FORMB ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION ' WATER WORKS APPROVAL ~bttta~ ••••••••••••• THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ••••••••••••••••••• of ••••••••••••••••••••• •-., •--TO'WN OF AURORA •••••••••••••••••• ~~ •••••••• has submitted to the Ontario Water Resources Commission plans, specifications and an engineer's report of the proposed works hereinafter referred to, together with such information as the Commission has required and has applied for approval of:- a water main to be constructed as follows: STREET TO Yonge Street Dunning Avenue 1400' southerly together with re-connecting existing services to new line, at a total estimated cost of NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-TWO DOLLARS ($9, 782.00) ..----------------------.., .· ., _flo al:btrdort this is to certify that the Commission after due enquiry has approved the said proposed works under Section 30 of The Ontario Water Resources Commission Act, 1957. DATED AT TORONTO this • ••• 26th ••• day of ••••• September •••• • 1957 -'"""'"'..'.ji~oo 00 00 00 00 0 /I I / ·~ .. General Manager )'