BYLAW - Authorize Construction of Watermains - 19571118 - 135057~"'"""""'""===~~~~""~=--.~~,;,a.,~' ~-------~~,~~~~·M,: __ _.: _____ ~~~-···~~~~~~·..,;,,~.~~-~' --, ! r-·~ "'"~~· [i BY-LAW , NUMBER /3 S '0 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAINS FROM WEST LIMIT OF REUBEN STREET TO KENNEDY STREET, FROM KENNEDY STREET TO 1ST LINE BETWEEN TOWNSHIP LOTS 78-79; LOT LINE 78-79 TO l.£lT LINE 77-78; l.£lT LINE 77-78 TO SOUTH LIMIT GARDEN CITY AURORA PROPERTY; FROM NORTH LIMIT PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ST. "B" TO MtJBRAY DRIVE; FROM MURRAY DRIVE STREET B TO STREET C; FROM STREET C TO YONGE STREET; FROM MURBAY DRIVE TO 840 LIN.FEET SOUTHERLY; FROM .STREET C TO ELEVATED ~ANlC; AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ELEVATED TANK AND THE,RENOVATION OF THE PUMPS IN THE OLD WATEJ\ WORKS PUMPHOUSE~ WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deem it expedient to construct watermains on the streets and the construction of an elevated tank and the renovation of the pumps in the old waterworks.pumphouse,as outlined and shown on Schedule "A" attached. AND WHEREAS the construction of such works is an extension of the water system of the Town of Aurora~ AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 388, Sub-Section 1, of paragraph 66 of the Municipal Act, the Council may pass a By-Law for the construction of such works, subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board~ AND WHEREAS the total estimated cost of suchwork is the sum of $256,000~00~ THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: (1) That watermains, in accordance with the said ;,11~4/d)_a.ttached Schedule "A", be constructed along the streets and the Ji'. · construction of an elevated tank and renovation of pumps be undertaken as outlined in the said Schedule "A". (2) That Messrs. Proctor,<>f'Redfern & ~-be and they are hereby appointed the engineers to forthwith m~e such plans, profiles and specifications and furnish such information as may be necessary tor the making of a contract tor the execution ot the said work~ (3) That the work shall be carried on and executed v~ under the superintendance and according to the directions and orders of such engineers. (4) That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to cause a contract tor the construction of the work to be made ;1lfJ!W3 and entered into with some person or persons, firm or corporation, 1/1 ' ~ ' subject to the approval of this Council, to be declared by Resolution. (5) That the Treasurer may agree with any bank ,or person tor temporary advances of money to meet the cost of the l!)1JC>~ -, lj • work, pending the completion of it. '' .... c [! (6) That the debentures to be issuedfar the loan to be effected to pay ~or the cost of the work, when completed, i)(j;J·P'-shall bear interest at such rate as the Council may determine and be made payable within twenty years on the instalment plan. (7) That this by-law will come into effect when it ,, vi! /r"'~ -has received the approval by The Ontario Municipal Board~ \ READ A FIRST AND SEOOND TIME THIS If" DAY OF ~~~ 1957 ~~ 0 . ""· READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS /i7 DAY OF ?EB. 1957. I I :i I !'!m HUNICDJU. ~lrl:Oli (W' ~ ~-~f JI.WmiA ~tlfOOI& !tj\ij '10· Bt'...t.I\W YO .. t.:''" . ~KS 'N ~ OOH'B!ROO'li'J~) ON BA~N'll' 1!\tWH W'.. illtt'll' Ut1B1~ SY,. .'1'0 ~% S'l:. • # ~)Ill !OOlmm!' Uf,. ~ ~ .. i:£!1~ -~ !PW. lJJ.'S .. 18-19 ~IM :t..Oi' WUl: ~19 ta UJf J:.XH!li 11 ... 18 i'JtOH ¥J'l U!m 11-'18 '!t'O lmi• U.BW WUWEN (!1ft Ht .. 011 :PRQli'O~ ~tttOU $!,. •p ROM JWn'm: t.lMli' N ~y mt. 01 ~ mtt'l!l ~ ~ lit~ ~· 00 Ul B'WKRMC llllmm faOM S!tlm&i' C '!0· ~<.:r'nt~ M>. OH li'RQH$9 mllft 0 J!'.MH ~y: ·ma. '10 ~ l..XK.. ft. SOU~ Oil !!.A. Hili DOH ~~ C '10 :J!:LWA'l.'i$ ·'f'Mftt s=wmcmm t -.000'.® uo.ooo.oo l.4.,ooo .. ou ,.ooo .. oo