BYLAW - Amend By law 1332 - 19571021 - 134257~---,·-·-~----,-c.·'~-----~,._"'""" ____ "''"''~----"·-· ·~--· ~--···---·-···---~-~~----· -· ···-·· BY -LA\'J NUMBER /.3 ¢c.V r of the Municipal Corporation of the T01JJN OF AUHORA A BY-LA'lv TO AMEND BY-.LA\oi NUMBER 1332 BEING A BY-LAH TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF $35,150.00 UPON DEBtN'l'URES FOR. THE CONSTRUCTION OF \JATERMAINS BENEATH 'l'HE C.N.R. RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM 1011 C.N.R. MAIN TO ROSS STREET: ON ROSS STREET FROM A NEW 8 11 MAIN FROM C.N.R. TO JVJARYSTREET: ON IVJARYSTREET FROM ROSS STREET TO ~VEST LIMIT INDUSlil --TRIAL SUBDIVISION: ON lf!J'I.T.INGTON STREET FROM INDUSTRIAL S'l'REET TO NEW' CENTRE STREET: ON NE\Il CENTRE STREET FROM vJELLINGTON STREET TO CENTRE STREET: ON CENTRE STREET FROM NEW CENTRE STREET TO YONGE STREET: ON WELLINGTON S'rREET EAST I<'ROM NE1rl CEN'rRE STREET TO ROSS STREET: ON ROSS STREET FRO!VI WELLINGTON STREET EAST TO NEW gn MAIN FROM C.N.R. WHEREAS it is required to amend paragraph two of the said by-law to provide for the date of the debentures to be issued thereunder; THEEEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOVfS: :!7'' 1. That the words "during the year 1957, after the date on which this by-law is finally passed and shall be made payable" be and the same are hereby deleted and the following words be and the same are hereby inserted in the place and lieu thereof'11 shall be dated the 30th day of September, 1957, and shall be payablen so that the said r=1 paragraph two of said by-law Number 1332 shall read as follows: : i i ) y--All the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued r' )~~ at the one time, shall be dated the 30th day of September, 1957 and ~ • ~shall be payable in annual instalments during the period of 20 years 0 !>..<:: A.+> : ~ o next after the date of issue thereof, and the respective amounts of ~ oot' ,., e.. ~ til principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the ·~ ~HI:>O • / '.!3 ~ ~ amounts so designated in Schedule "A" hereto annexed, which said ~ "l m schedule is hereby declared to form part of this by-law." •n H 101 0 1:>0 ~ •.-1 101 ~ .<:: +> •.-1 H o 'H 'til • ctJ 0 .<:: •.-I 0 ' 1::1 t'- H 1:>0 +> .<:: Ill "" 0~ ;s:~·o- p., H 'til +> r-1 rl HO~'CI0•.-1 • 0 'H I> 101 I> () ..., 0 •.-1 ctJ . Q)Q) ctJ 0 Q) .<:: () 101 0 .<:: +> Q) 0 1>.0 'H +>+>H:j.O~O. lr"_,_. ~ ~ ~ ~ "g :!3 ~ -+> .<:: 0 I> 'CI ' 1: ~».<:: fr e <a~ SECOND TIME THIS ;{) DAY OF OCTOBER, 1957. G>'H () 0 p., ~ \ G :j }:l 0 ~ 1J C\1 READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS :<_;DAY OF' OC'rOBER, 19 57. H)l:G> +> ~a> I> a> H til 101 o C\1 0 H ::l •.-! 0 -.:1-..0 Q) 0 .<:: til 1>. "" ctJ ;s: 'H +> 101.0.-1 .<:: Q) Q) til ~ 'CI o H o .<:: 1:>0 a> a> .,a>O+>I01Htll .<:: .Z •.-! .<:: til s " 'H 'CI +> ctJ mo;s:om p., •.-1 'CI ctJ ' Q) +> rl ...:lrlHrt.ll>. rl ctJ I •n <11 .-1 •.-! H 1>. o a> a> .-1 ;;;: 0 ~ 101 ~ .-1 ctJ H PH 101 H ~~ ~ 8 :f5 ~ ;:::