BYLAW - Time Restricted Parking - 19560904 - 128956\ I ' I I I I I I '"-.,~\ ,; .. A BY-LAW TO RESTRrCT PA,RKING FOR A LIMITED TIJ\fiE ON . . .. -.~.;t .. : . . ' .. PARKING L03'S IN THE) T.OWN OF AURORA. i WHEREAS the Corporat!i.on has under lease for the use of the public for parking from A. Nixon Fisher parts of lots 10, 11, and 12, Plan 9, Aurora and from the Aurora United Church of Canada part of lot 10, Plan 9, Aurora. AND Vr.HEREAS the Council of the Corporation deems it expedient to restrictthe time for parking on such parking lots. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOw1J OF AURORA ENAC1'S AS FOLLOWS: 1. That where pr'bperly worded signs are on display on the said parking lots no vehicles shall be parked on any part of such parking lots bet\'ieen the hours of f:oo A.M. and ;:oo P.I\1. on any day except Sundays and public holidays for a longer period than two hours. 2. Any person violating any provision of this By-law VJ!~ shall be subject to a penalty of not more thaq_/ur<dollars ($.$') for the first offence, and not more than-6.v dollars ($ /D} for every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs. -It Read a first and second time this~ day of September,l956 Mayor Clerk . -# Read a third time and passed this'f day of September, 1956 4u~ Mayor Clerk