BYLAW - Provide for Watermain Replacement - 19560103 - 125556,' ' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NO, /~S' Being a By-law to authorize the replacement of a watermain at an estimated cost of $5,30o.oo. WHEREAS the council has .determined that it is desir- able to replace a watermain on --tyc.Jt:£.. Street at an estimated cost of $5,300.00; AND WHEREAS it is the intention of Council to issue debentures in the amount of $5,300.00 to be payable in. years, bearing interest at rou,e. ~ €7-?VL Q._,.q.,t-r.c-e A:te .cu:."'ru,-, ( ~~ %) per annum; NOW THEREFOR the Council of the Corpora'tion of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1>-r-<l JAJ ~ 1. That a watermain shall be replaced~on fY<-C:te.. s·treet. 2, That the Engineer of the Corporation of rJI£ -;;;;""..v r:;W-fTU ~A shall forthwith make such plans, ·:,profiles • and specifications, and. furnish suc,h information as may be necessary for the making of a contract for the execution of the work. 3w That the work shall be carried on and executed under the supervisi~n and according to the direction and orders of the Engineer. 4 0 That the Mayor and the Clerk are ~uthorized to cause a contract for the construction of the work to be made and entered into with some person or persons, firm or Corporation subject to the approval of the Council to be declared by a resolution. 0 0 2 5 0 That the Treasurer may (subject to the approval of the Council) agree with any bank or person for temporary advances of money to meet the cost of ' the work pending the completion of it. 6. That the Debentures be issued for the loan to be eff~~ted to pay for the cost of the work when com- pleted shall bear interes.t at fou~ flN.l> &-f\1!. au/Wi?.tDZ Ct!:N7Un I ( 4'.<:?%1 per annum, and be made payable wlthin Iff' years on the instalment plan. READ a 'first and second time this day of READ a third time this 3 day 195;;-. / / Clerk and finally passed·~ of r 195£.._. _,·[-.--"\ Clerk , I \ \ / .. THE ONTARIO f.iUNICIPAL BOARD . IN THE MATTER OF Section 67 o:f "The. Ontario Municipal ~oard Aetn {R.s.o. 19$0, Chapter 462) 1 • and .. IN '.l'l;lE JlllA'l''i'ER OF Section )$$ (l) '6 of n'rhe Mu.n·i···.·e .. ·i.pa.l Act 11 (R.s.o. 1950, Chapter 2431, -and • l:N' '.111{$ j)IIA,'i''l'ER. OF an apJ;lliCat.i~~ Of the Qorp<:~ration . Qf the '.l'own of A'Q:rora, for authority to proceed w.t~ the replac.te- ment and e;ll:tenston of· th.e wa.te:rmain on Tyler Street ·tram George .St~ee'tl to · lJaJ""riman, Road, and to raise i5,)0o.oo, being the estimated eest thereof. ~ E F 0 R E: l.. :a. Cu.mmin:;; Q.c., Ghairman, .. and .. e. F. Nunn 1 · Memb!er. ) I • 'l'Ui!llilday, the 20th day o.:f ~eeember 1 l9$S. U .IS ORDERED, under an:d. in pu:t's1o1anee of ·the legisla'I!Oion hereinbef())re ref'e,;-red to, and. of any and aU ot.h.er powers Vli!Sted. in the Board, th.at the $aid application be and the same h hereby approved, a,nd that the .said Municipality lll!lY n~:>w proceed. with the said ttndertakins;, and may pass all requisite "Q:y-laws, inelu:iing by-laws providing fort he issue G;f debentures repayable over a term not excuding fifteen year11, provided that all $U.eh by-laws are passe.d by a thrl1!e•tourths vote of all members ot the Council of the said Municipality. Chairman. --~~--- ---~-----------7 / \. ·~ I .__3 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY MINISTER Toronto 2, November 2, 1955. Mr. George Wilkinson, Town Clerk, . AURORA, Ontario,; Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith is the Department's certificate of approval #55-B-656 for the construction of a water main on Tyler Street, in the Town of Aurora. Yours very truly, Deputy Minister of Health. • CERT IF I CATE No, ___ ?._?.::!?.::§.?.§ ___ _ FoRM B. ONTARIO THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Water Works Approval Jt ill 4trth!J rtrtlfttil. that the Council of the municipal corporation of the •. • TOWN. •. • of ••••• • •••••••••• AURORA. 'P II' G ................................................. . has submitted to the Department of Health plans, specifications, and an application for the approval of:-a water main to be constructed as follows: STREET Tyler George Harriman at a total estimated cost of FIFTY-THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($5300o00)1 and that the source of water supply and the proposed works have been approved by the Department, in accordance with section 101 of The Public Health Act, R.S.0.-1950 c. 306 • Provincial ------------------1---------------Sanitary Engi• eer. . / . Deputy Minister of Health. f .. 7th Novetnb!u·, 1957 Ontario ~lunieipal Imp:rovement CoJ:'Poration 1 Departm<ii:nt of i•iunicipal A:t.'ta:I.rs, Queen$ Park, TORONT0 1 Ont. Attention .. Mr. W.H. Palmer. F'W:'ther to !;.~Ur letter of 0Qtober )lst 1957 pursuant to appl.ioation for purehaee l:!f debenturE~$ of the Town of Aul"ora in tl!e lilti1otnlt of. $5 ,;3oo,.oo. pleasa find enelosed a certified copy oi' The Ontarie Municipal Board*$ OrdeJI' issued as of Duember 20th 195~, &nd pursuant te Section 67 ot The Ontario l~'lun:l.eipd Board Act• t'le trust the enclosed evidence will prove satisfactory, and enable you to proceed with the initial stages of our applioation. Your ¢e.-operation in th:U> matter is appredatet:t. tE~urs verY truly, 1ililliat!l Johnson,. Cle:rl"" . I