BYLAW - Provide for the 1956 Expenditure on Roads or Streets - 19560326 - 126456.,. :';'" •. •..• . \...... ' ...... · . . t ;--~:~;~:"~-·~-,~~~·------~·C•c~~~--~·-,·~~~-"·~-~~·•-~·"·~. ~-~······~ -~ -·c~~ ~Y-LAW NO. /~.:;.<£ .... ·.· . T.V-6 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 EXPENDITURE ON R6ADS OR STREETS IN THE TOWN OF AURORA -IN THE COUNTY IOF YeRIC mru.xEJt -m:uu~ --===-----,- WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by-la~ to provide for expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annua~ly to the Minister of Highways for approval. · · AND WHEREAS the expenditure for the said purpose ~ast year was ~· .J.~.Lt&l3 .. 2tS •••••••••••• which required a levy of •• 3 .. 13 1 ' .... mills on the tssessment of $ ••• .S.~'Z&s.~J.2 .......... ,. .. . ~-I '\ AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the !said Town/;"J.!I;~q:ti ··)sires to expend for the ~aid purpose this year $ •• ~Q,IQQQ,QQ ........ for which it is prepared to levy an estimate of .3.68 •.•.•• , mills on the assessment of $ ••• s,.4a6,.457......... · ! · THEREFORE the' Coun~il of the Corporation of the sJid Town/:ti*ithp enacts as follows:- 1 ( 1) The sum of $ 20,000.00 is hereby approprJ·Iated from moneys raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure on construction and maintenance of the roads or streets under its jurisdiction during the year 1956 as follows: I ROADS & BRIDGES & STREETS CULVERTS TO'rAL CONSTRUCTION ••••••••••••••••• $ 5,000~ $ h11. $ 5,ooo. MAINTENANCE; •••••••••••••••••• $ 14,5_<?0 •. $ 15,000. T 0 T A L S i ,.,1~.~oo. . $ 20.000 • shall the Municipal ,9' Passed at _ __;;:A:.::u:;.;ro:::.:r::.:a::__ ____ this cf<.' day of _j~~~----·A.D. 19 .56'1 -·--iir "ff' ( S E A L ) Clerk "'"'9.1 I, ~c.:jl· ~. Clerk of the ~orp9ration ·· ~~ilg.e of 1/ VR.o Q..4 , do hereby certJ.fy ;hat the ~l-\s a t:.rue copy of By-law No /d.W passed. by the Co unci 1 !of the said -i on the ~" day of n~ l9.r~. ! ;j .-_ ... 1BY-LAW NO, j.:<.k,-? ! THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the sa,l'id Town/Village enacts as follows:- ( 1) The sum of $20,000,00 is hereby appropribted from moneys raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy lror total expenditure on construction and maintenance of the roads or st!reets under its jurisdiction during the year 19...5.Q_as follows: 1 I ROADS & STREETS CONSTRUCTION • .,.,., • ., • ., •• ., $ 5,000 -~-'------ MAINTENANCE.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ . ...:1:::~4:.J..' ><..;50"-'0,_---- _ TOTALS $ .19_.500 BRIDGES & CULVERirS $ nil $ 500 $ 500 TO'rAL $ 5,000 $ 15,000 $ 20,000 ~~~f\\ . ~ J"l, ,~~: ~~~~w:~nr~;r~~:!!n~~A~~:ended on work_ pez:ro_rm.er in accordance with I The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this py-law to ·~~the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department or Highways, day of L,h Passed at ____ ~A~ur~or~a~-------this ~~ I _A.D. 19i§_ ( S E A L ) Clerk I, ----• Clerk of the Corpo~ation of t.he_ 'r· _---'!?own of d h I h f , __ :' ;~'Hage -----------• o ere by certify tllat t e oregoing ~JJ~ a true copy of By-law No, passed by the Council bf the said Corporation . on the day of ________ 19_. Clerk