BYLAW - Leasing of Old Public School Building - 19560130 - 125656._ ..... ~ .. -· BY-LAW NO.') 1-sfo Of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora A By-law to authorize the leasing to Remington Rand Limited of the old public school building at '.-the corner of Victoria and Church Streets. <ffiEREAS THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO\W OF AURORA J:ia:so deemed it expedient to lease to Remington Rand Limited the premises known as the old public school building ~t the corner of Victoria and Church Streets, in the Town of Aurora, in accordance with the terms and provisions of an "Agreement to Lease'' dated the 7th day of July, 1955. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TmiN OF AURORA enacts as follows; THAT the lease dated the lst day of November, 1955, made in pursuance of the Short Formsof leases Act between the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Remington Rand Limited, such lease being now before this Council, be and the same is hereby approved and that the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign the said lease on behalf of the Cor- poration and attach thereto the Seal of the Corporation. READ 'If· ~ day of December,l955 h~~ Clerk TIME AND PASSED the 3= day of ~1916 1~/J 4//~ Clerk