BYLAW - Exempt from Taxation Aurora Memorial Legion Hall - 19560820 - 128756:-.
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il'"'lio¥\W !~!Ell I }2. ~'12
ot tl:le oo:porauon ot tl:le
'l'oa -ot Aurora
WBJ!:RlllASub;y the ~un3.0iJ!i\l At1; R•lli•O· ~hapter 24J
section .J8&, subsect1oa!'4t the oounotl -may pus a by-law tor
exe~ption trom t&x$t1U; C!ixoept t'o;r l.oolll.itaPt'o'Vementa and
school pu;rposu, fort Iii period not exoeedin& ten years, an:y
premises I!I011Wil.l7 'Ull!8t\ atltl (l)t.naupied Q$ a hllU t OlUl'>house OJ!'
ethletio sroun.l'is ·br plfi.'~;Jims wb.o st~ne4 iJl the &:tm.ed toroea
of Mer Ma~eatr 011 Uer Ma#estyts -&ll.1ea in &111 Will"•
.AND lliil!i•S the prsisea, oomp.rUins t.ot Nth 2
uoo:rdtn& to Plan )40, tor the 'l'ol'll at .Au;rota, 1s eotu.allr
uaea. and oooupied aa a clubhouse bY the .Aurora CanBdiatl
t,egion ~"Wll.ber .J8J by peraoaa who served 1n the UJned to.roea
of Her Ma~eaty or Uer i(aJeatyts Allha u the wars ot 1914
to 1'18 and 19,;9 to 194$ and otb.lilr ware.
ANDWRilUbl.S··the 00\UlCil of the COl'pol;'lilti® of tbe
'l'Ol'll of A~orlfA by BY• laW NW!Iblu.• 11<-1 ( did 8-'I;Olllpt th.; said
property t'.t'Olll taxation for a period of fiVe Jelii:U OOlllllilill10i:flS
trom. and iulu41ng til.e'YiiiU 19;1.
AND \~S tb,e<Col$011 ot the Ool'J,lC>rat:ion is
destroua and deem·it expedient to exempt the said prl)pf:l'ty
fl'olll taxation except to'l! local illlPrl!IVementa and school
purposu tor ·a· fllll'tl:uJ.v Plilt.'iod or five years ooueno:Lng t:rom
and inolu.ding the year 1'''·
1• That thlil 1and$ and premises of the Aurorlil canadian·
LeSion No. 38-5 1 eolllpl'il!ling Lot No'• 2, aooordiq to plaa 340,
be and the aam.e 1a h'eJi"eby «uttmpted from. taxatioa, exoept tor
local improvements and eohool. pu.J."posee, tor a period ot tive
year&! fl'om and 1nuludin~ the real' 19-56 •
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a. •nat tt¥S,s by ... ).n thail; OOlMI' into to:ro• on it
.~eee1'9'11lg tile appro'9'ai. ot the Departlll.ct tt M~mh1p$l, Afta1~•· · · ·· · ··· cl. ·
llll:.i\D A FIRST AlllD SE(ltml) ;cn,m ~%$ ,:&b nAY OF Al1t11US'tt l9J6.•
.~.[: l/-t"Alc(--lt~t>N.,
SI&P 6 '\956
DEf!:{}~fJrAL: ~?'> ~UPfiRVISQR