BYLAW - Empower Committees to Expand Monies - 19561217 - 130156[: 0 BY-LAW NUl1fBER / 3o 1 of the Municipal Corporation of the Tovm of Aurora lftJ 1} Yt7 ""' ... ,~·-" BY-LA\1[ TO EMPOli[ER C0111viiTTEES Td. EXPEND l'10NIES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable that each of the Committees of the Council, as well as the Clerk, shall have power to expend upwards to of Council. fifty· dollars, without approval NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOlvS: 1. That each of the Committees of the said Council be and they are hereby empovmred to expend on matters appertaining to and within the jurisdiction of the respective Committee an amount upward to but not exceeding fifty dollars, without first obtaining the approval of the said Council. ~. That the Clerk of the said l'1unicipality be and he is I f hereby empowered to expend on matters appertaining to the Clerk's \\~ Office and for the .benefit of the l'1unicipali ty an amount upvJard i to but not exceeding fifty Dollars. i~yf; 3· ~\?'v repealed. That By-Law Number 922 of the Corporation is hereby READ A FIHST AND SECOND THlli THIS /7 DAY OF DECEMBER, 1956 '--·- Mayor Clerk READ A THIRD TI11E AND PASSED THIS /7 DAY OF DECEl'1BER, 1956. ~ ?/~..._ . ._.__.,., o~._ Mayor Clerk