BYLAW - Authorize Construction of Sanitary Sewers on Ross St. - 19560326 - 125956(,--' LJ r··,··'\ I ,. ! 1, 1_,_,1 .['''''~1 L~i \ ' " . J;, '· ,-,,;' BY-LAW NUMBER 12.59 1 ,('f:~c OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO .AUTHORIZE T""rlE CONSTRUCTION OF/SANITARY SEWERS ON ROSS STREE:r, MARY STREET, WELLIIDTON STREE:r FROM C.N.R. RIGHT- OF-WAY TO EAST LIMIT OF CORPORATION, CENTRE STREET FROM C,N.R. RIGHT-OF-WAY TO EAST LIMIT THEREOF AND EXTENDING SOU'lli TO WELLINGTON STREET Jf"~-··"·"' i \VHEREAS the council of the corporation may, pursuant to Sections 7 and .8 of The Local Improvement Act, R.s.o. 19.50, C 21.5 pass a by-law, with the approval of The ontario Municipal Board, for undertaking the work, as hereinafter described as a local improvement • AND WHEREAS the Council determines and declares it is desirable that construction of the said work should be undertaken as a local impro~ement. THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF -----.!JlHE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, That sanitary sewers, pursuantto the report of Messrs. Proctor, Redfern & Laughlin, Engineers, be constructed on Ross street a distance of 1,340 feet south from Wellington Street East, on Mary street a distance of 400 feet East from Ross street, on Wellington Street East from the c.N.R. right-of-way to the easterly limi~ of the corporation, on centre street East from the c.N.R. \ right-of-way to the easterly limit thereof and extending southerly along centre Street to Wellingtcn Street, and that private houee service connections from the main to the street line, pursuant to the report of the said Engineers, be constructed, 2. That the above works be constructed' and that the said Bewer easement be obta.ined under section 8 of the Local Improvement 3. That Messrs. Proctor, Redfern & Laughlin be and they are hereby appointed the engineers to forthwith make such plans, profiles and specifications for the execution of the said work. 4. That the work shall be carried on and executed under superintendence and according to the directt ons ilnd orders of the engineer of the Town of Aurora.; \ ,5. That the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to cause a cont- ract for the construction of the work to be made and entered - 2 - into with some person or persons, Firm or Corporation,_ subject to the approval of this Council to be declared by resolution. 6. The Treasurer may agree with any bank or person for temporary advances of money tm meet the cost of the work pending the completion of it. 7. The special assessment shall be paid by fifteen· annual instalments. 8. T.he debentures to be issued for the loan to be effected to pay for the cost of the work when completed shall bear interest at such rates as the Council may determine and be made payable within fifteen years on the instalment plan. 9. Any person whose lot is specially assessed may commute for a payment in cash, the special rates imposed ther~on by paying the portion dfthe cost of construction assessed upon such lot, without the interest ,fdnthwi:bh after the special assessment roll has been certified by the Clerk, and at any time thereafter by the payment of such sum as when invested per annum will provide an annuity sufficient to pay the special rates for the unexpired portion of the term as_they fall due. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 4th day of July, 1955. Mayor Clerk READ A SECOND TIME THIS 19th day of July, 1955. Mayor Clerk READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS 26th day of March, 1956. ~!f':a~ <:.:~ ' " ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARO SOHE)DULE M" TO ORDER OF 'l'HE ONT,AfUO MUN):CIPA:L BOil.RD DATED THE l4TH DAY OF !<1ARQH, 11i156. . . 1. Ross Street1 from Wellington Sl:\reet East to 1.340 feet south of Wellington Street. 2. Mary Street, ·:from Ross. Street to 400 feet east of Ress Street • .3· Wellington Stre~t East, from Canadian N.a'l;.i\.onal Railway tracks to ea$t. town limits. 4· 5. 5a. Centre Street East, from C.N.R. t:rac.ks to Centre Street (N/S portion) Centre Street, from Wellington Street E$1st to Oent.re Street (E/W powtlon) Private Sewer Connections Cost - ,.·· M: ... -> • .,. -.:'""' . ' \ J ! ' 'l. ""''·~ c •• 1 ' ···.·;t.•;.f ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD lN THE MATTER OF Section $ of ttThe Loc$,1 Improvement Ac.t" (R.S. o. l95o. o. z15t, . .... and .. 1il\l· .. THE) !W\.'l"l'ER OF Sectiot:t 67 of 11 The Ontario Mimic:l,pal Board Act"· (R.s.o. 1950, c. 262) -and - IN THE MATTJ):R, OF an application ot the Corporation of the Town of Aurora for .. authorit.y to proceed with and to raise $16*430.00 for the constrnction.o£ certain wo.rks as set forthiin SchedUle "A.IT attached he:rre·toi in accordance with its Council's Notice of Intention :t."irst .published tM 11th day o! Au~st 1 .1955, ~d pursuant · to Section 64 o£':'11:\le Local Improvement Aptn. B E F 0 R Et R.C,ROWLAND · Vice-Chai:rrman -and - C, F .J:<lJNN Member I ) l ) ) Wednesday; the 14th day o£.Ma;rch, 1956. IT IS ORDERED, under and in pursuance of: the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Board, that the. said application be and the same is hereby approved, and that the Municipality may now proceed with the said undertak;in.g, and may pass all re.quisite by-laws, including by-laws providing for the issue of deben~ tures r~apayable over a term not exceeding fifteen years,