BYLAW - Authorize Construction of Sewage Pump House - 19560326 - 126056,.( BY-LA~·T mniDEH 1260 01>' THE NlllliGIPAL GOJU?OH.ATIOil 01•' THE TOl'n! OJ~ AURORA. A BY-LA'-! TO AUTHORIZE Tlm GONSTH1TGTIO:J OF' A SE1vAGE PU/I.P HOUSE Oll LOT 106 PLAN 21;6, AllHORA, A TRtJ:!K SEc·JEH TIIEHEFRON EXTElWI:lG SOHTHEHLY TO 'TELLIJI<}TO:! STHEE!T AllD A Ji'QHGEHlUH EX'.PElWillft FHOH THE PU;·PILJUSE '.l'O A S~.'HIP OJ~ LA!JD i:XTS:lDI;!G !SAB'J.'IEHLY l!'HOl.J CE!l!T!iE S'rRE~}i' A;m 'f'E:~TEHLY ALOl!G SUnil B'PHI:i:' Ol•' LAill> Aim ALOlm CEI!'l'HE STl'EE'l' TO CATH.EHI!~E f:\'J:HI~":'.l' Al!D TO AGC1HIJUS A DE'JEH EASEHEJ!'l' OVER B1HJII S~1 HIJ-> 01 1, LAnDo , '·!HEHEAS the Council may, :;ursuant to Section 388 ( 1) Paragraph 6D of the Nunicipal Act borro~-r upon (1ebenturen of the Corporation nuch sum or sums of money-as may be rG<J.uireci to complete. improve, alter, Gnle.rge or extenci any pnblic ntiB.ty unclertakinr;. or any part or p~=trts thereof, o'·med by the Corpor~>..tion ancl controlled and rnanar;ecl by the Council, sub,1ect to the ap))roval by the OntR.rio l!lunioipal Boarci. AJID ''IJ!EHEAB the Council of the Corporation has determine(l and cle01le.reo that it in clenirable that the construetion of the above works shall be oonstructecl and that the said strip of lancl be a.equirec1 fol' the proper industrial ancl reeiclential development of the Corporatio!ll. THERgTo'ORE TIHG Ji;ll:JTCIPAL GOTTJ!GIL ();o' THl~ GOHPOHATIQ;l Oi'' T!l8 TO''!:.' 01~ .ll.ITHOHA E:IAOTS AS l~OLL01'lS: 1. Tb.at a oe11e.ge pmnphonee, pursuant to the re:)ort of l,lessrs. Proctor, Hedfern & Laughlin, Enginee~s. be conetruoted on Lot 106 Plan 21!.6, Aurora, and that a trunJ;: se,~e:r, purs1lant to the se.id report, he oonstructecl from the sHicl pumphmHlfl southerly to \•/ellington Stl'ee•; East anrl that a l~orcemain be constrw•tecl pursuant to the SP...icl rec)ort ~ f'ror1 tr1e SP..id pumpho11ne sontherly to a strip of land extending easterly from Centre Street and along this strip of lnnrl to an<'l. along Centre Street to Catherine StreGt ancl that a se1·.rer eP.flement be obtainecl over the snicl stri;) of la.ml. 2. Tb.at Messrs. P1•octor, Redfern & LA.ughlin be anil they al'e hereby appoint eel the engine err. to forth1·ti th meJce such plP..I)S, profiles ancl spec:i.ficr,.tions for the exenution o1' the sg:tcl 1•'orlr.. 3. That the worlc shall be carried on and e:zecmterl under super- intenclem,e and according to the directions and o;t;ders ot: such engineers. 2 Lf. That the l'inyor ancl Glerk are RUthorizerL to cause a contract for the oonatrw>tior' of the 1'0l'k to be marle and en'Gered into ,,,i th some pel'Pon or perrons,Firm or O·>rpor«tion, su'b,ject to the l't_!J!Jroval of the Council to be rleolP..recl by H.esolution. 5. The Tre~?.r,nrer rne.y P..("ree '·'i tll nny lJe.nk or perf! on tor tern1Jor~try a.d.v"moen of !'lO!H>Y to meet the cost of the 1-mrJ<: pencling the no'~'Jletion of it. 6. The ope .... ial asseRoment ohall be paid by t;renty annnal instal- ments. 7. The clebenturer. to be issued. for the loan to be affect eel to ··Je.Y for the cor;t of the '·'orl: ''hen comDletecl shall bear interest at m1ch raten e.r> the Council me.:r cleterrnine ancl be rnacle PIWable "'ithin t1•-renty yeqro on the instalment plan. READ -~ F'IHST AI!D BlO::C:OllD TII'.E THIS 30th claY of .Ttmuary ~ 19,56. "E. J. Hen.derson "-_ Mayor. 11 G. \Ulkinson 11 Clerk. READ A THIHD TIHI~ Jl.lJD PMlSED ,THIS 26th, day of Narch 1956 nE • .r. Henrler<'~on". 11ayor. • "G-. 1<I1llcinson 11 Olerlt.