BYLAW - Approve Agreement With Aurora Heights Limited - 19561105 - 1296561r, <L. BY-LAW NUMBER / .29.b OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT W~DE BETWEEN AURORA HEIGHTS LII{ITED AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOJN OF AUR~RA COVERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL NECESSARY ROADS AND FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ALL NECESSARY SID'l"ERS AND VlATER PIPING TO SERVE A PROPOSED SUB-DIVISION OF LOT 15l,ELAN 246, AURORA, AND FOR THE PAYMENTS OF THE COSTS THEREOF UNDER THE LOCAL INPROVEMENT ACT. 'lfffiEREAS the Council of the Corporation deem it expedient and advisable to construct all necessan.y roads and to instal . . ' all necessary sewers and water prping to properly serve a pro- posed sub-division of Lot 151, Plan 246, Aurora., all under 'the ? Local Improvement A:ct, sub.9ect to the approval by 'Ehe Ontario Municipal Board, and in this connection to enter into an agree- ment with Aurora Heights Limited, the registered owner of said Lot 151, under which Agreement A:urora Heights Limited agree that the total costs of the works shall be assessed on a per foot frontage against each lot pursuant to the terms and pro- visions of such agreement. NOW' THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORFORATION E>F THE TOVJN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOI'lS: 1. That the Agreemant, now before this Council, made between Aurora Heights Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, dated the tent~ day of February, 1956, be and the -~6 same is hereby approved and that the Mayor and the Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign same on behalf of the Corporation and to attach thereto the seal of the Corporation. FIRST AND SECOND TI~lli THIS ~ DAY OF /V~~l956. Clerk 1956. Clerk