BYLAW - Appoint a Building Inspector - 19560507 - 126956r,<.,...-, l i -L_~ ' BY.;;LAW :miMB.Ell /2. ~-; of the Municipal Corporation of the ~own of' Aurora. REPEA.U::.D. SEE o BY -LA \N NO •• L_tl..~ BY-LAW TO AJ?J:OINT A BUILDIID II~Sl'RJTOR .bOR THE MIJJ.'liOIPAL OORRlRATION OF THE TOWN OF .AlffiOBA. WHJlll(l!iAS it is necessary under li!fimiolpal By-Law Mm!ber 1053 to appoint a Building Inspector for the J:o'llll of Aurora. , AND WHEHEAS SAMIJEL KI1JG has been acting Inspector, THEilll:EORii: THE MUNICIPAL COUl,OIL OF J.1l:E IDR.l:'OEA:ClON OF THE TOWN 0 F A LT.I:ORA ElU!.OTS AS JKJLLOWS: That SAMIJEL KING be and he is hereby appointed the Building Inspector f'or the Tom of' Aurora. 2. That the said samuel King shall !!> p:rove all applications for permits for the removal, alteration and construction of' buildings and of' the erection of signs and all other ap:plicat ions f'cr :parmi ts required undez: the terms and provisions of' the Builgitng By-Law or under any other by-law or by-laws governing the construction of' buildings in the Town of' Aurora, lind that he sb/3.11 ma.kB in~ections f'rom time to tine of' buildings in the course of' their rellllval, alteration or construction fOr the purpose of' requiring same to conf'orm with all the terms and provisions of' the building by-law or any other by-law or by-laws governing the construction of' buildings in the Town of' Auroza. That, for the faithful :perfOllltance of' his duties, the said . ':J. II·"·<~ ,.... samuel King be pajid an annual salary of two hundred dollars('l!'200.00) and motor oar allowance of f'our hundred dollars ($400.00) retroacti 've to . ' ' ~c--1 j s~ , :p~able half-yearly and/ in addition, that he be paid 75% vv# o~ all building per-mit f'ees for alterations and additions, actually paid to the corporation by the applicant fOr any ooo :permit, and 50/h for the building :permit fees for any other p;rllllts issued :pursuant to the Building BY-Law Number 1063, actuil.ily :paid to the Corporation by the applicant for any one permit, but the amount :paid to the said samuel King shall not exceed $25.00 on any one :permit regardless of the amount actually paid to the Corporation. :· ~. ~:· \ i:>amuel I ·That all monies for :permit fees heretofore paid to King, Vihile acting as Building Inspector, be hereby oon:f'irmedo 7 DAY Oil' MAY, 1955 • 4~~ Olerk DA4~~ .Qle~k.