BYLAW - Amend By law 870 - 19560528 - 127156~t,;E-:'..,a~:~~ --.u~.J~" ,tf_tu,_ , I _, • BY-LAW NUMBER /~7( Jf£679;{;; of the Municipal Corporation of the TOWN OF AURORA BY-IJ\W TO AMEND BY-UW NUMBER 870 AS AMENDED BY BY-LAW NUMBER 118.5 BEING A BY-LAW TO REGULJ\TE THE DISTRIBU'l'ION 1\ND THE USE OF WATER AND THE RATES TO BE CBARGBD FOR WATER IN THE TOWN OF .AT-'RO RA. WHEREAS section 6 of By-Law Number 870, as amended by By-Law Number 118.51 provides that lawn or garden hose may be used only during certain hours from the 1st day of May to the 30th day of september in each year • .AND WBERE.AS the council of the corporation is desirous of providing a greater penalty than is provided in the said By-Law for any vi elation of suo h section. THEREFORE THE NITJNICIPliL COUNCIL OF THE CORPOAATI ON OF TBE TOWN 0 F 1\URO Rli ENACTS AS FOLLOV\'S 1. That Section 6 of By-Law 870 be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words nand the same penalty" in the fourth line thereof to the end of the said section and that there be inserted in lieu thereof "by the corporation, its agents, servants or workmen and the same penalty for the disconnection and for the reconnection shall be imposed as· provided by section 5 of this By-Law and, in addition, anyone violating or contravening the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine of $10.00, exclusive of costs and suqh fine shall be recoverab::j,e under Th~-L / ~ .da_y ~ ~ ~.,., .. k' e>..P"tn ,J lkl H....,u ·~ _, •. , fl:'E;_' +"<" ~ · SullllUary convioticns Act",llso that the sald eotu5ilb'snall now -"t:.-/ read as follows : n6. That lawn or garden avff • hose;may be used only between the hour.s of 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on any day from the 1st day of May to the 30th day of September, inclusive, of each year and upon violation of this section the service may be disooJmected by the corporati an, its agents, servants or worklllen aril the same penalty for the disconnection and for the reconnect ion shall be imposed as provided by section 5 of this By-Law and, in addition, anyone violating or contravening 'the provisions of this section shall be . , - 2 -, 2_ D, guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fi.lilJe of $10.00, exclusive of costs, and such fine shall be recoverable under The sum.mary Convic-tions Act. II ("! [ j · READ A FIRST :MID SlllGOJ:fD TIME 'l'IUS :2.:2.. day of May, 19.56. 'dlherk J' eC.o --<ll 1)-W.b REilD A~THIRD TIME AND PAsSED THIS 28 day of May, 19,56. clerk ! l