BYLAW - Amend By law 716 - 19560618 - 127756----·--,-~---··-··-·-··--~-----··-------------·-----~----·---"~--'' BY-LAW NTIMBER (R 17 of the Municipal corporation of the Town of Aurora WHEREAS 'l'HE COUNCIL OF AURORA DEEUIS IT EXPEDIENT TO .AhlliND BY-L.AW 716, BEING A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE CONS1'RUCTION OF HOUSE SEVIER CONNECTIONS. THEHEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE 'IOvVN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That By-law Number 716 be amended by adding after section 19 thereof the following section: " 19 (a) "That no connection shall be made to the sanitary sewer from any lands for the purpose of providing a drain from a building on those lands until such time as any cement floor 'bo be laid in the basement of such building has been laid and until the roof of the building has been constructed. That in the event that a sewer connection is provided from the sanitary sewer to a lot for the purpose of providing drainage ·from a building which may be erected on such lot in the future, /lAID 5£11/..€ D- the sewer lead shall be cappe~until an application is made for a connection thereto for the purpose of providing a drain from a .building being erected on such lot and such connection shall only be made on the roof of such building being constructed and on any cement floor to be laid in the basement of such building being actually laid. •• READ ,.A FIRST AND sEcoND TIME mrs I P DAY OF JUNE, 19.56. Clerk READ A TiiiRD 'l'IME .AI® P:IUiSBD THIS I J DAY OF JUNE, 19,56. Clerk