BYLAW - Amend By law 1257 - 19560807 - 128456.......... ,.. -· .,. ;;;;~ ~,· . .,·;. ~ BY-LAW NUllffiER /?Jt"( OF T"!IE CORPORA'riON OF THE TOWN OF AURORA !00 A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 12.57, A BY-LAW TO .Al\'JEND BY-LAW :NUIIIDER 1246, ll BY,..LAW TO .AJ\!IEI\'D BY-LAI'f 10.51, BEING ll BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE USE OF LAND .AND THE LOC.ATI ON, CH.ARAC1'ER -~ND SIZE OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS IN THE TOWlif OF AUROR.II. WHEREAS the Council of the corporation of the Town of .Aurora deem it expedient to make clear the lands intended to be affected by Schedule nJin (c) of By-law 10.51, as amended by :By-Laws 1246 and 12.57. THEREE'ORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS .AS :BDJ,.LOWS: 1. That sectioh 3 of By-law Number 12.57, be and the same 1... ,, is hereby amended by adding after the wards By-law Number 10.51 in the 4·ch line thereof the words nto provide for 7000 square feet for the size of a building· lot for one family on any land, which shall be developed or subdivided after the 26th day of october, 19.5.5, shall not apply to Lot 3 Plan 246, ~Aurora Heights Subdivision), Lot 178' Plan 246, (Cousins Subdivision) : ~ ' . Lot .1$4 plan 246, (case subdivision) and Lot 28, Plan 246, (].Iill.er Subdivision) and insofar as the same amends paragraph (c) of schedule 111\" of By-law Number 10.51" so that the said Se.cti on 3 shall now read as follows : ' ''3• That section 6 of By-Law Number 1246 be end the same f'' -~ : : : . ' i;Js hereby repealed and the following paragraph substituted +therefor: "6. That Section .5 of By-law Num.ber 1246, in so far as the same amends paragraph (c) of Schedule "A" o:f By.,-law Number 10.51 to provide for 7000 square feet :for the size o:f a building lot for one family on any land, which shall be developed or subdivided after the 26th day of october, 19.5.5, ' shall no·t apply to Lot 3o Plon 246, (AurOTQ Heights SUbdivision) Lot . 178 Plan 246, (cousins subcJ.i vision), Lot :l84Plan 246, (Case Subdivision)ano. Lot 28, Plan 246~ (Iiiiller Subdivisi,on) and insofar as the same amends.paJ;: .. agraph (c) of Schedule n.A" of .By..,law Nu.mber 10.51 to in,.c-r'ease ·che size of any building r ------~----'""'/-. . '·· • < ' . ['7'1 I ' L_! ~~ ' l""'l LJ - 2 - lot from 5,000 s~uare ~eet to 5,400 square feet for a one-family dwelling, shall not apply to the South 50 feet of Lot 40 and the whole of Lot 41 according ~o Plan 346 for the Town of Aurora." 11 2. This By-lew shall a Ollle into effect an the day H has had the third reading subject to the i;~pproval thereof by The Ontario Municipal Boa,rd. BEAD A FIBS'l' liND SECOND 1'IlVIE THIS 7 Au<? uS-( D.4Y 0]' JllNE, 1956. 4~~ Clerk READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS I erk <; ·'