BYLAW - Amend By law 1246 - 19560130 - 125756''" "- f' l .. c ~·: I OF THE COID?ORII'l'ION OF THE 'fO'Wlil OF AlJ.OORI! ~ ~~ B!•LAW TO llliil!lm BY-LA~! NU1\11El:i1H ·1246 t A HY•LI\ W TO AMEND BY•tAW •· ( NUMBl!:R 1051, BEING .A BY""LAW '1'0 REGULATE TUE USE OF L,~ND l1ND THE LOCNl'ION 1 CHARAC"Pl!;R i'.ND SUi~ OF R€SID1mTl;AL BUILDINGS IN THE ~'OWN O.F AURORA• W.tiEBEP,s the Council o:t' the corporat:l.pn of' tb,.e 'l'l>'iJJl. of. AU:rora passed. By•law NUID.liler 1246 to amend By""law NUillber 1051, lilup• jeot to the approval thereto by The ontario Muniel.~plll Board, AND 'V'IfiEii:EfiS The ontar:i.o Municipal Board d:i.d, on the 6th day of January, 1,56, at a Rearint, of whioh dUe .tlliothe h@.d. been given for the hear:tn~ of all :parties interested in support of or opposing the application of the corporation for apprQ1fal or the said By•law .Number 1246. p\U'suant to section Nwnoer 590 of The Mlltl.hip.al Act• approved the said :ey•law Nl!.!llber 1246 with eertain except1ons and it h now deemed eJtpediot that the said By~law Num.ber 1246 be amended to comply w1th the condi Uon s of such approval. V 1. That sectiQn 4 of By-law Number 1246 be and the same is hereby amended by strikitli o\j.t th'e wGrds "withQut first obtaining permission :from.· ·the couneil" in the paragraph to be added as $.ubseet1on 4 of section 8 of BY•law NUtllber liJ;?l;., so that subsel;ftion 4 of seqtion 8 of J3Y•lew l~wnl;HOII' 1051 shall now read as follows; 11 (4) No rea:i.dentlal building or land, unless looated in a oom.m.ere:Lal or industrialznn~, shall be 'tlsed tor commercial ot i.ndUStl"t al use,.11 2. That section 5 tit By•law !?UI.ll.ber 1246 be and the same is hereby turther amended b~ tilling i:n the blanks under the column marked "Type" under the heading "Dwellings;' as provided by the said section, so that Sob.edule "i\" (o) reterred to in section 7 (b)(i) j ' of By-law NUillher 1051 snall read as follows: \:oc'. r: j . ,.j I l"'''"' c (c) Where there is a publh water supply and sani tall'y sewers: ~·ype one family on any land which shall be' develope<J. O!' s'UP"'\'!}trided ·after l;h(i 26th day 6t ··October 195.5 One falllily on any land in all .nth(~!' areas 'l.'WO fnrtti ly Size of Building Area free ot Buildings LOt .5,400 sq. ft ?,ooo sq. rt. 7 ,ooo sq.• tt • plus any in<trease in size of ];>remises and plus open space as requl;t?EH:i tor . each additional dwell:t.ns unit in excess of two .3,300 sq. rt. 4,600 sq. ft. 4,600 sq. rt. plus J.,ooo sq. rt. to:r• each a.ddi t i.onal dWelling unit. 11 exoeas of two." 3• That section 6 of l3y .. law Number 1246 be and the _sam.e iii! herel:ly repealed e:nO.the following paragraph substituted theretort "6• That Sect:tqfi '> 61" BYrhw rrum.Mr l2\ll(6"'j ~:linsotaii alii tfi.a same amends pa,oag.vaplt (c) or soheiblle "A'~ ot ay•law Number l0.5l/ to i.norease the sii'Se of any build;l.ng lot·trom. .;,ooo squ.are feet to ,5,400 squar~. feet tor a one-familY dwelling, snell not apply to the senath ;;o teet ot r.ot 40 and the whole o.t Lot 41 aoeordi.ng to plan 346 tor· the· Town of ilurora." 4.. 'this BY"law shall ootn.e into e:t'feot on the day 1t has had the third reading su.lljeet tothe appr()Val thereof by The ontaric> MLU11oi~)f:il Board. READ A lt'l:Ji!ST ,,AllJD SEG.O;t\ID TIME THIS 3 ° DtoY OF JANUARY. 19.56.· .At;.·.' \ .clerk: HEAD A TIURD TIME AND PASSED THIS Sa DAY OF Jif,ut'/.<-7 19])6. I, George Wilkinson, Blerk of the Aurora do hereby .. l),ertifj that the By~law Number 1257, passed by the on the 30th day of January 1956 • Jan.3lst 1956 Corporation o:t' the Town o:t'. foregoing is a true oopy ~f/ .. Council of the abov.e Corporat"ion · .e;r:kV~