BYLAW - Amend Building By law 1063 - 19560507 - 126856I BY..;LAW NW4BEB. . f.:'<. b l{ of the ll!iunici:pal corporation of the Town of .B.urora A BY-LAW TO AMKND BUILDING BY-LAW NU1®3Jm. 1063, AS iiME®ED BY BY-LAW NUMBER 1199. WHlllli&S THE ,OOUHCIL of the Corporation is desirous of amending the ·BUilding By-Law to :provide for revised scale of building :permit fees. NOW THE.t!EIDRE THE COUNCIL OF Tim OORPOll.ATION OF THE TOWN OF .e.UB>RA EXACTS AS FOLLOWS: lo That Cha:pt er 28, .Sect ion l of By-Law l'lilmber 1063 be and the same is hereby repealed and the following szbstituted.therefore; '.Che Sl!Ue of fees to be :paid to the Corporation fCX" permits shall be as follows: New building, cost of same ~1,000. On each additiona.l iji:l,ooo.oo or :part thereof u:p to fl,oo,ooo. :!Ul above ;jploo,ooo. -per $J.,ooo, 1U terations and add it ions llDt exceeding i)>5CO .oo For each additional 'iji500o or part thereof Removal or demolition of any building tlf h te99wOD (J!!l iP eaah all~ itl.eaal $e99o , e iP J?aA 'lillB! auf tAdvertlsing device up to ~500.00 Pbr each additional $500. or part thereof Indemnity Garage for one oar For double garage Sheds larger than eig!l.t)\ feet by ten feet DAY OF lVJAY, 1956. !mAD A TmRD :riME .AND BaSSED THIS 7 DAY U]' l1dA Y, l956e ll> s.oo 1.50 .75 2.00 1.00 2.00 -he& 2.00 1.oo 1.00 2.00 s.oo 2.00"