BYLAW - Amend By law 1136 - 19560326 - 126156·~ .. ~·· rc, L_.; A B ~W~·%N-a:----...,..= ................. ;,,;; ........ .. BY-LAW NUMBER /;2..(, I REPEALED, SEE BY-LAW NO •. _f.!~.~ of the Municipal corporation of the 'Eo1illll of 11 uror a / A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUJJ!!BER 113 6, AS AMENDED BY BY-LAW 1\TUIVIBER 1219 WHEHE.AS by By-law Numou· I~ ! ,/ 11.36, George ---Wilkinson,was appointed . I of the T!il'll!l of .Aurora.~ Clerk and Treasurer of the corporation a salary set forth in the said by-law, which sa ary was incre.ased I ' as set forth in By-law Number 1219;;/ ----AND WHEREAS it is nbw deemed exped}en t salary of the'said George Wilkinson; THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAl COUNCIL OF OF .AURORA ENACTS: AS FOLLOWS: to 'urthl' '"'''''' tho CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 1. the said By-law Jumber 1136, as be and the same 1s hereby repealed That Paragraph .5 in amended by By-law Number 1219, and the following paragraph be substituted ther for.: ".5· That the said Clerk and Treasurer shall e paid 1'or the performance and carrying out of his duties thl yearly sum of Four Thousand, two hundred Dollars ( $4,200.00 l , payable weekly." 2. That all by-laws or part or parts of any by-law or "'!111 \j\]'<\Y-··by-laws inconsistent with this by-law are hereby repealed. SECOND TIME THIS £20 day of March, 19.56. May0~ Clerk READ A THIHD TIME AND PASSED THIS .:2{, daJ[ of March, 19.56. Mayor Clerk