BYLAW - Provide for 1955 Expenditures on Roads or Streets - 19550221 - 121755f \_. f:'l\ii!'!." "''l.~_:w· T.V-6 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 1955 ~HE TOWN OF ~ . -----------AURORA BY-LAW NO. 1211 , EXPENDITURE ON ROADS "k;..,. OR STREETS IN YORK IN THE COUNTY OF ~ ----------- ' g, WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister .of Highways for approval. 'i: I . ',.. ,~ 4 ~J.~~REAS the expend~ ture fo:: the said purp.5'.15' last ye~r was . ;;u>.~·'•••••:•.•·-···-·•••••••• wh~ch requJ.red a levy of ......... m1lls on the .. ,.---~ as$essment """6f · $-.2.t.5.0.8.,~4-.3 .. 8 •••••••••.•• o •• . ·. . ·"it: . AND WHEREAS the Council. of the Corpo:at±on of;4\l).~tf.~'Town/Village des,J.re~ t~ expend for the ~al.d purp?se thl.s lf.e;tr $"'., ••• •.: •• ,., •• , ••• for ... which l.t l.S prepared to levy an estJ.mate of ••••••••••• ml.lls on the ~ asS·essment of $ ~--.).-.2~7.8.,.2.~9. " . -. • .. . . . . • · , THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Town~Uilill~e erfacts as follow$:-. ( 1) The sum of $24,150..00 is hereby appro'triated from moneys ·'*" raised by levy, debentures and governJiien t subsidy for total expenditul;i'e on construction and maintenance of the roads or streets under its jurisdiction during the year 19 ___ as follows: · CONSTRUCTION ••••••••••••••••• ROADS & STREETS $ 2 •. poo..oo MAINTENANCE ••••• , ••• , , , •• , , , , $ 20:~1$<M>O ·•If T 0 T A L S £23fO,SO,.oO $ $ ~ BRIDGES & CULVERTS TOTAL 1 000 00 -· -, .. , 900 00 • . -'! •. 1.00 00 l ,_ • f0,2.SIJ!~OO 1,101}..~()0 f41 l.SO.OO f;t·_ "" .,_ f.] ·~· ( 2)·.·~· .. •.· .. The said moneys shall be expe~ded on work performed in accordance wit~ ~ The Highway Improvement Act, The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the distrift office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways. ( 3) I -•• Passed at Aur'()ra S E A L Clerk . this 21st A.D. -$ APPROVeD (Po: ____ , Clerk of the Corporation of the Town f Au~ra ~ o , do hereby certify that the foregoing i~a Grue c_o_p_y--of __ B_y ___ l_a_w __ N_o_._l_2_1_7 __ passed by the Council of the said Corpora~on on the _2_lB-'·._t __ day of F:e_,.a107 1955 • a ~ ,:;:;( U"-L~... - Clerk .j ~ THEREFORE the Council of ~acts as follows:-. (;!.) The sum of $ -2'4',15o~ 0·@ is hereby appropria£d from moneys fJ ~; raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure on construction and maintenance~~f the roads or streets under its ' -~- jurisdiction d~ring the year 19_·_as follows: ,I • ROADS & BRibGES & STREETS CULVERTS if! cfNsTRUCTION ••••••••••• ' ...... $ __ 1 ~"'"~=-;;;.9._'0_. o_.;;...o_o ___ lf $_,_{ ... ~_o_c)_'·a..;.._o_o __ ~ MtNTENANCE •••••• , • , , , , , , , , , ~":'·· $ 2'G.,lj01o 00 I T 0 T A L s $ 2J$~51tJQ'O ~f dl> 1 f'O'o.oo ow ____ _ $ i;12·o'EJ.oo ;~. TOTAL ,~~,, ' ~ ,. (" The said moneys shall be expended on work performed in The Highway Improvement Act. f ,,... The clerk shall t~~nsmit duplicat~ copies of this by-law to th~ distr office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Higtways. ,. <( ~-.,.,";%, Passed at._~A.:;u::..ro::..r::..a::..f!i>."!i,.,... ---.l!'llt-· _this 2ls~day of _F_e_b_r_~·i!il·a,.t-r..._y ____ A.D. ( S E A 1 ) Clerk ~~T.. ~' Geor~:r~~kinson ____ , Clerk,§f the Corporation of the .. ·V: ~of -------·-----·do hereby certi{Y that the foregoing is a t.rue CCJ!P&' o II th$ __;z""l::::s'""~-­ ~ of By-law No •• J217passed by the Coun~\ll of the said Corpo day of~· February 1955 • f ~ . ~· ~~ ~ 1 t~n i ~I