BYLAW - Authorize Entering into Agreement - 19550926 - 124155i~""1 u BY-Ll>W NO. jf}..Lf I of the corpN· ati on of the Town of .Aurora .l1 BY-L .. ~'/'1 ~CO AU1"1:10RIZE jN )~G~i.EEl/LEN·r TO P:E ElJ'I'J~RED IID'O BET'.7EEN 'l.1II~ CORPOIL\1'ION OF :_-~:pJ~ ~:OVll\! orr .AURO.Hi1 ~:~lJD ~EE COlLIS LANJ.1IIER COMP.;NY LIT:II-:r:m illi!DER WHICH n'HE COtiiPJ\NY XiREES TO PJ;Y \N 215 .ANI'/lt\L CH,\RGE FOR ""' DEFDfL'E PY£RI OD OF YEiiRS FOR THE USE OF INCREASED SEW"ERi~·iE DI:SPOSi~J_J :B_,i1CIJCITIES HESULTING :.PROI1.1I CER 1T.t~IN AI,·~:;:;~1'iTIONS .AND I~~Cl1 hlTSIONS BEING 1-.li~DE ~-!~10 THE E __ -=rsr.;;ING l,TinJICIPAL SE'1YEHA0E SYS~~EM. 'l'IIEilEFO~iE '::'HE COUNCIL OF ']-J:L CORPC"l.NIION OJ!' rn~-:·1 ·-· J..,[l.J..!.> EN;\C'J:'S AS FOLLOWS: l. That, subject to the approval of The ontcrio Municipal Board to the pro:Josod Debenture Dy-law to raise ~ $250,000.00 fol' alterations and additions to the existing Jclunicipal sewage System, the },g2?eement dated the ~z;<,day of .t,urore and the Collis Lesthar Compcmy Limited, now before this council, be snd the sc:;rne is he'"'eby apprcovc:d and accepted and that the Mayor and the Clerk be snd "chev are he:~Eby author- ized and directed to sit;n the sc:id 1\greer:tent on behalf Df the Town of Aurpra and to attach the corporate seal thereto. llEhD i\ND SLCOND J'E:::t TIII8 ;(b day of ~1955. Mayor Clerk -~F.!E !iFD Pf.SSZD :'I:I~.(:, duy of~l9)'). Clerk