BYLAW - Approve and Quthorize Execution of Agreement - 19550906 - 123655' ' .;··~~~------~-·;----~~~-----=.:<.:.--'""'""''-~~==·~=-...-~=--===>=<·=~-~~.,,.,;,...'"'=-·~----·----------··'"""'·'"'-·--~--~-------· .. -----·-··---·---··--····-- BY-LAW NO. /)..S ~ of the corporation of the TO\m of Aurora 225 A BY-LAW TO APPROVE and to AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION O:B' AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN .TOP~'J ARTHUR RUNDLE AND THE O:ORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA. WHEREAS.Tohn Arthur Rundle is the oYmer of Lots Numbers one to ten, inclusive, according to Plan registered as Number 439 for the Town of Aurora and will require each house to be constructed on each lot serviced with sewer~ .... AND WHEREAS the corporation has agreed with the said .John Arthur Rundle to allow such sewer connections upon the terms and con- ditions incorporated in an Agreement dated the 22nd day of .July, 195.5, and made between the said .John Arthur Rundle and _the corporation of the Town of Aurora. THEHEFORE the Council of the Municipal corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: ~· 1. THAT the said agreement before this council be and the same is hereby approved. 2. TllflT the Mayor and the Clerk of the corporation be and /r',IJ they are hereby authorized and directed to attach the corporate Seal of the Corporation to the said agreement and to sign same on behalf of the corporation. READ A FI R_$T AND SECOND TIIvffi THIS G day of september, 195.5. Clerk Tnm AND PASSED THIS G day of september, 195.5. Mayor Clerk